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Amayirot Akago

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Everything posted by Amayirot Akago

  1. Respect for making a remix of this game. It definitely deserves more love. A very nice upbeat rocking rendition of a pretty understated tune, and I can certainly dig it.
  2. Main menu theme from Soul Reaver 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDdh3vRD89k
  3. Better choice: And if you don't know what that is, I seriously pity you.
  4. Health - Future Max Payne 3 soundtrack. Lovely stuff.
  5. Very nice Thanks for making me aware of DoD as well. I see they did some interesting stuff in the past.
  6. Came across this the other day. Quite an odd little piece for its time, and I was hoping someone would see fit to maybe make an extended version/reworking of it.
  7. Came up with it myself, originally as the name of a character in an FLCL fanfic I was once writing. When that went nowhere, I figured I'd use it as my new nickname. Amayirot = Toriyama spelled backwards, as in Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball, my first real anime. Akago = Rough Japanese for "Red Five", Luke Skywalker's pilot callsign in Star Wars.
  8. http://www.gamemusicbundle.com/ Retro Game Music Bundle. A shitload of great retro video game music albums for a minimal amount of cash.
  9. George Baker - Una Paloma Blanca
  10. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/03/03/day-38-39-thief-the-dark-project/ Day 38 & 39: Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.
  11. "Never Die" by DJ Dain from the Cave Story Remix Project.
  12. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/03/01/day-36-37-thief-the-dark-project/ Day 36 & 37: Being an altar boy for the Hammers sucks.
  13. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/02/26/day-35-thief-the-dark-project/ Day 35: Raiders Of The Temple Of The Crusader's Skull.
  14. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/02/24/day-34-thief-the-dark-project/ Day 34: How you turn my world, you precious thing...
  15. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/02/23/day-33-thief-the-dark-project/ Day 33: More undead abominations and pesky guards than you can swing a sword at.
  16. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/02/21/day-32-thief-the-dark-project/ Day 32: I feel right at home in the shadowy world of Thief.
  17. Already upvoted this when I came across it on Greenlight the other day.
  18. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/02/18/day-31-codename-iceman-punishment-game/ Day 31: "An eternity passed, and my torment receded, bringing me back from the precipice of madness..."
  19. Thanks :) I appreciate it.

  20. https://soundcloud.com/amayirot-akago/ween-intro Only thing I ever used it for was to post the intro theme to an old adventure game called Ween: The Prophecy and request a remix of it here. As you can guess, nothing came of it.
  21. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/02/14/day-30-codename-iceman-punishment-game/ Day 30: My punishment begins.
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