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Amayirot Akago

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Everything posted by Amayirot Akago

  1. Absolutely magnificent. The vocals are excellent, and I love the way how the various songs blend together. One of my favorite mixes in a long time.
  2. http://www.indiegogo.com/Deepsea Same deal here, friend of mine is working on an underwater first-person horror game and needs a bit of extra cash for the Unity Pro package.
  3. I'm assuming you mean Crusader? You should probably add that to the thread title so people know what you're talking about. In any case, here's the actual song since you forgot to supply it.
  4. Damn, that's pretty awesome for such an obscure little GBC game. I'd love to hear this remixed.
  5. "In The House - In A Heartbeat". Awesome track.And that goes for this remix as well. Great to see some more PC mixes pop up.
  6. Seconding this request. Having watched Game Grumps play this game, the music has stuck with me ever since. Definitely good remix material.
  7. Elemental Gearbolt soundtrack, after watching Happy Video Game Nerd's review of it. God dang amazing.
  8. Enemy Zero. Exceptionally underrated soundtrack from a decent Saturn game.
  9. Dreaming away with some lovely, lovely tunes courtesy of Kitaro.
  10. I liked Jules and all, but my major problem with him is that when you've heard one of his covers, you've basically heard them all. He doesn't really deviate that much from the main source material, nor does he switch up his style either. Still, pretty rocking to listen to every once in a while. And the Isaac soundtrack is awesome in any form.
  11. YES. YES. It looks a little bit bland to be honest, but it seems like they're at least trying to keep the spirit of the original with the inclusion of all the wacky stuff that made it so much fun. And yes, that remix of the original music ROCKS MY FREAKING SOCKS.
  12. Kitaro & Los Angeles Symphonic Orchestra - Jiyu He No Kakehaashi So peaceful and soothing. I fucking love synth.
  13. I saw a playthrough of this game a little while ago on Twitch.tv, and I was pleasantly surprised by how quirky this obscure little game turned out to be. More to the point, however, it has some pretty badass Adlib tunes which would make for a pretty sweet remix. The intro theme is divided into several parts, which start and end a bit spontaneously, so it probably would be best to try and transition between them a bit more when making a remix. Either way, anyone who wants to try, you can find a recording I made over at my Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/amayirot-akago/ween-intro
  14. Simple, they asked for people to audition, so I did. Ended up getting a small part as the Blacksmith in episode 3.
  15. Sweet Lincoln's mullet! An LBA remix?! I like what I'm hearing so far, but it definitely needs work. I'll leave the specifics to the other guys, though; I'm no expert.
  16. Long as it's better than The Silver Lining. Biased as I was because of my (small) voice acting part in it, that game turned out to be a major disappointment.
  17. This was a fantastic start to the series and I'm already eagerly awaiting the next episode. Love the new characters, especially Tenzin and his kids. Meelo never stops being hilarious Kinda hope we'll get to see some of Tenzin's early years with his dad and mom as well. Also, I've had a flash of inspiration and started a blog over at Wordpress, dedicated to recaps of Legend Of Korra episodes (and eventually the original series as well) with some of my own comments and thoughts. First episode of Korra is done, second one is coming soon! http://amayirotakago.wordpress.com/
  18. Played and finished it on my stream two days ago, it is absolutely gorgeous from start to finish. Very relaxing and liberating. Can't wait for the soundtrack.
  19. The Mega Man X series remix album. Current track: Zero And The Plight Of Iris. Awesome bit of voice acting at the start.
  20. Just thought I'd tell you guys, I support this idea wholeheartedly. All my years at OCRemix I've noticed a stunning lack of PC remixes, hopefully this'll bring some freshness to the table. Godspeed to everyone involved. Oh, and if anyone were to do a Space Quest album or any other Sierra-related thing, they'd be in my good graces for life
  21. Jonathan Coulton - Re: Your Brains
  22. Steve Henifin - Black Rose Can't go wrong with the Eternal Darkness OST.
  23. Well, it seems the problem can be narrowed down to one conclusion: Internet Explorer sucks. Chrome doesn't give me any problems at all.
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