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Darth Lime

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Posts posted by Darth Lime

  1. Am I the only one who saw the title and freaked out...I thought it had to do with the writer's strike and season 3... :lol:

    On topic, I really want to pick this game up, seems like one of those gems. Maybe I'll swing by after work and pick it up - I love quirky games.

    I thought the same thing.

    Hope to pick this up soon. I need more weird games.

  2. I'd like to know if and when their will be any Orange Box remixes. TF2 has some good tunes, as does Portal and Half-Life 2 (both episodes included). Just a thought.... If I could make the music, I would. But seeing as I don't/can't, it isn't in the cards for me.

  3. As sad as it is, you guys who say 'nobody watches Fox News' is wrong. Because their network pulls in some monstrous ratings at times.

    The truth is, we have a culture of ignorance with a lot of Republicans. Now, I hate hardcore Democrats too, but Republicans simply scare me. Absolutely scares me with how they use ignorance as a literal weapon.


    No well educated person watches Fox News. Ignorant, biased, conservative hypocrites watch Fox News.

  4. Wow, that Cooper lady really needs to learn to how to have a proper conversation on live television. I wanted to break my monitor while watching that. There is worse stuff on television and the internet. Why blame videogames? Because they are an easy target. Most children play videogames. I could rant and rant, but I can't put it down more simpler as parents need to control what their children play and watch on television. Show your responsible by checking the rating and/or doing research prior to purchase.

  5. I feel old, although I am 18. I get bored easily of the newer games because its the same concept, only with better graphics and sound. Same controls: move, jump, kill baddies, solve puzzles. Nothing new.

    When something innovative comes along, I feel young again, like when I first played Sonic or my first fighting game. But then some big-wig company buys them out and the sequel sucks and the innovation dies.

    I also feel like some games could have been longer, like God of War or Kingdom Hearts. Yes the action was repetitive and some puzzles you wish to never do again. But they were great games, and I was disappointed when it ended so suddenly. Some games should be shorter (Oblivion, Morrowind, WoW) because when theres so much to do, you feel overwhelmed and you give up because you think "I will never get all this done".

    To sum it up, really, I wish kids these days weren't sucked in to buying cheap games with horrible story lines and even worse characters. The original Sonic, Mario, Spyro, and others were great characters. Nowadays, Sonic is some punk rocker, Spyro is out to save the rainforest with his forest friends, and my 6 year old cousin didn't even know about SMB64. That both saddens me and makes me feel like an old man.

  6. CD's: Suicide Silence - Suicide Silence, Suicide Silence - The Cleansing

    DVD's: 300

    Games: The Orange Box



    Cocoa pitcher

    White board

    Various notebooks and writing pads w/ pens (I go on vows of silence from time to time)

    2GB SD Memory card for my SD card MP3 player I got for my birthday

    2 Beanies


    Natural light desk lamp

    Money from my great-aunt ($5, but its better than nothing)

    Some fruit from my great-aunt (Good breakfast tomorrow! WOOT!)

    The Orange Box, 300, and my cds are the only thing I am flipping out over. As an added bonus, 2GB of space to fill with DEATH METAL.

  7. Parents don't have anyone to blame accept themselves. They exposed their children to so-called "violent" video games and they have to pay the cost of their actions.

    It's a dog-eat-dog world out there, you can't rely only on the government to solve all your problems. Take some responsibility for your irrational choices in entertainment for your children.

  8. I remember going to Newgrounds at age 14 because I felt it was cool. But I would never steal music and claim it as my own. My moral compass doesn't point in the wrong direction most of the time.

    As for those youngins on the internet, learn not to steal other peoples work and don't act stupid. Stupidity doesn't make you look cool, it makes you look immature.

  9. As the title may show, I am having numerous issues with Bethesda's latest release, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Main issue is crashing randomly. Not only has it made the game a pest to play, its not all that fun that it keeps crashing.

    I read somewhere that there was an unofficial patch that fixed around 300 different bugs. Maybe its a bug, maybe it isn't.

    A friend of mine lent it to me and I have since then put a no-cd patch on it. That might be the cause.

    Any ideas?

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