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Posts posted by supremespleen

  1. Well, he joined the clan party. We were getting ready to play a custom game of some sorts. We started the count down ,but Xelah kept delaying it demanding that we play clanmatches. So we told him that we would later..but he still kept delaying it....over and over and over and over. Then he said something really rude and left. So meh..he obviously didn't like us anyways.

    Ahahahaha. He does that. Funny how his story was totally different.

  2. Heh...Well, i was considering staff-ifying a member [who, for now, shall remain nameless], so as to have a mighty total of /2/ staff members. Still on the fence about that one though.

    Also, i see Equinox is on right now...did he finally accept the clan invite?

    Also, Lazy, I SEE YOU ONLINE.

    She'd better be on later too :P


    Hahaha. I haven't been on in awhile. I'll be on a lot once I'm done with finals.

    Wes, I like the ones with the ranks, but they're kinda pointless since we've only a couple staff and one overlord. It might be cool if we had usernames there.

    Anyway, I'm ready to put these in my sig.

  3. Don't worry, TheWingless and LazyLeaf bring us down too, and I haven't booted 'em...yet.


    No seriously, we dont care, as long as you're not a dick ^_^

    'Tis a clan more for fun than skill...since...most of us=not very good.

    And XeLa, we kinda need your Gamer Tag to send you an invite.

    I know Xela, I'll send him one today.

  4. Hey, I just got Live, so this sounds sweet. I keep getting invites, but it's from people I've never met, and only played against once, and I see no reason for that.

    My gamer tag is Dr Marius

    I won't be on later tonight, 'cuase Saturday Night Live is on, but send me an invite, and I'll get it 'cuase I just got fired. Been spending a couple days of me time, while finding a new job.

    BTW, would 9:00 CST be 7:00 EDT (Ohio)? (I think Ohio's EDT)

    Yay! Welcome aboard.

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