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Posts posted by supremespleen

  1. Sounds good. What's the rationale behind term limits of 3 consecutive elections? That equates to six months. I don't really know if term limits are even necessary. Thoughts?
    We don't really need term limits. It isn't like one of us would go crazy with power or anything. Although, it would allow others the chance to be president.
  2. Should the chief officer be called "president," "prime minister," "premier," "chancellor," or something else? Right now it says "premier."

    I propose we go wacky with the titles. The head of the government, for example, could be "Head Chef," and the different councils could be Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, or meals or something. That way, we could totally talk in code!

    That's pretty hilarious.
  3. Sent Mi. a foreign aid offer. Just a bit of cash, as I'm going to build up my military. I've also moved to DEFCON 4.

    I believe we should standardize ourselves by calling us the OCA, as opposed to the OCRA.

    We also need to elect a president.

    I've also reg'd as an IF message board. I'll be working on it during the day today. Perhaps once we determine who wants to run for president (I'd like to), we can hold our elections there.

  4. Abridged OCRA Code

    Article 1: Trade

    • If possible, I will trade with members of the OCRA.
      If someone in the OCRA is in need of food or other items due to starvation or I will sacrifice my nations happiness for a short time to assist them. I am not required to do this if it will severely hurt my nation.

    Article 2: War

    • I will not declare war without discussing it with my alliance members.
      If one of the OCRA members is under attack, I agree to assist them.

    Uhh, what else do we need?

  5. Pretty lame, I had just started getting into WiFi play again, and now my adapter is all screwed up.

    Edit: Great Deku, I would use enamel paint, probably. Best check to make sure that that won't hurt the DS, but most enamels are glossy. A flat green DS might look odd.

  6. You have been banned for not following the terms and conditions and rules of Cyber Nations.

    I don't even know what the hell I did. :?

    Edit: Actually, I think it might be because there's boobs on my LJ. If so, then I'd say that's pretty lulz.

    I'm pretty sure that is.

    There was something in the fine print about using the link thing and that. Too bad.

  7. I have basic rules written, but not typed. Essentially, it's common sense things like, don't go to war without talking to all of us, protect alliance members if necessary, try to trade with alliance members, if an alliance member is starving drop your stuff and help them.

    It's all nicely written, but it's not typed up and I'm leaving now.

    See you all in three days. Don't do anything drastic without me.

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