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Posts posted by supremespleen

  1. Sounds like alot of fun but one can't help but feel alittle intimidated seeing most of you have been here much longer and most likely know eachother much much better.

    T'is tough getting in a group of tight friends :) But I wouldn't mind some practice against real gamers once I get my Wii in 2 Wiiks.

    Dude, you are welcome solely based on your sig.
  2. Gamespot makes me laugh.

    Apparently "its the same old Zelda"

    Objectively speaking, it's still a little disappointing that the series hasn't evolved much at all with this latest installment.
    It's the same damn game we've all been playing for the last 15-odd years. Hey, guess what? You get to go into dungeons...and find items...and put together pieces of heart to make new heart containers.

    I find Matt's comment extreamly odd. Dungeons, heart pieces, items... what do you expect?

    But wait... I thought they didnt like Majora's Mask because it was "Too different"

    Majora's Mask is a great game, but it isn't for everybody. Even though it uses the same engine that drove Ocarina of Time, and the gameplay is the same on the surface, the adventure is extremely different. Some will appreciate the game's differences, while others will find it slightly out of place.

    And remember the GTA series? What was that they said about it being the same game over and over?

    The Good: Tons of variety; well-written dialogue; terrific casting; great surprises; same strong gameplay

    I also have some legit concerns that Jeffs large size and his self described laziness may have played a factor in him not liking the idea of having to swing his arms around to use the Wiimote.

    But I expected this from the same site that gave Mario Kart 64 a rating of, you guessed it, a 6.4


    Personally I don't care for voice acting but if other games have it, Zelda really needs to have it as well
    Man dude, in the unmod I just thought you were being a blind fanboy asswipe, but that review is pretty lol.
  3. After playing some Elite Beat Agents, I can safely say I was right about the music totally sucking and dampening the game experience...but, it's still the same old gameplay and it's pretty addictive nonetheless.
    I'm getting it. I love wacky American tuneage.
  4. What the hell is wrong with Nook? He's not letting me order anything from my catalog, saying that he's full on orders and can't accept any more. I've gotten this message before, but I've been able to access my catalog later on. After several days (without jumping forward in time, mind you), he keeps giving me the same message. Maybe the game has gotten wise to my time-traveling ways and it's punishing me for it. Am I fuxxored?
    He says that when you have wifi guests.
  5. http://s15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nations/index.php?showtopic=9759

    Shouldn't you guys be listed here?

    And CE, how do you only have 25 nation strength? :?

    Edit: What happened to the nations list in the first post? I don't even know where any of you guys are on CN.

    Our alliance is not an open one, so we have not actively sought publicity yet. We are still in the process of producing insignia to self-identify.

    This is the most accurate way to identify the current members of OCA at this time: http://www.cybernations.net/stats_ranking_alliances.asp?Alliance=OCA

    Again, our headquarters is located here: http://z6.invisionfree.com/OCA_Headquarters

    supremespleen: Get on the ball with the first post! We need links to our HQ, our charter, our in-game roster, and instructions on how to join the OCA, stat! :wink:

    Sorry. I've been busy with real life stuff. Actually, you're good with this, I'm gonna give you admin powers on the board.
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