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Posts posted by supremespleen

  1. It's pretty lame. I did the offer in which you link to CN, stuck it on the site in my sig, sent the correct e-mail.

    I still haven't recieved the reward. Think I could mention this thread? I suppose I will, as I'd really like this cash.

    (edit: sent another, complained of e-mail glitch)

    Anyway, we have an alliance as far as I am concerned. I haven't had the opportunity to post about it in the CN forums yet, but I will. I don't think there is any huge rush, especially as we are all peaceful nations right now.

    Tomorrow, I am leaving for a two-three day vacation out of state where I won't have net access. After that, I will do everything to make us official, i.e., reg us a forum, IRC channel, and post about us.

  2. Yes, my people are 'very happy'! Thanks to changing to their desired religion and government, they've very happy Jewish Scandinavians under a totalitarian government in Cuba.

    Heh, I'm going to be leaving for a three day vacation tomorrow, after that I'm going to switch to a war nation.

    Smedricks, contact me on aim, I have a favor to ask of you before I leave.

  3. I think it would be keen if we could take all of Cuba eventually.

    Except there's the problems of "location doesn't matter" and "you can only attack within your own rank."

    He just wants a cigar monopoly. :D
    The location doesn't matter, sure, but it would look cool if Cuba was all orange.

    Even so, you have a point. I want to get into the PvP aspect. Is the sole purpose of war to piss people off and gain a bit of land?

  4. You might wanna color-code them.
    Based on team? That sounds good, though I think most of us are orange. I'll do that later tonight.

    Well if you color-code them then it'll make it even more clear which team to join, not to mention tricking a bunch of people into trying to click on the links. :P

    Roger. I'm going to assume those that didn't mention a specific team just joined orange when I do this tonight.

    edit: We should add in our nation info: Proud member of the OCR Alliance to stave off would be attackers. Also, if we're going to have the OCR Alliance, we won't be able to join IRON.

  5. Just threw together a list of nations that were mentioned in this thread, see the first post.

    I can run an IF board, or get us an IRC channel. We should also work on ways we can all trade with each other, that way, we don't have to worry about people bailing out on us, etc.

    For any new members, start around Cuba, South America, Dominican Republic. It would be keen if we could take one area for ourselves.

    And Falchion, be our representative.

  6. Nation: Iron Directorate

    Location: Mexican Peninsula (19.31114335506464, -89.296875)

    Don't expect much action from me, I'm deep into Oblivion right now, so... I agree with BM, I want my own flag!

    Looks like a nice game though. Nice find, spleen.

    EDIT: Spleen, I have t3h sugar (And uranium. What else do you need, really.), but all your trade slots are full. Do you still need it, or what?

    I'd rather trade with you than someone I don't know.

    Hmm, just looked at my trade list. The way I have my trading set up, I can't easily switch out. Plus, I'm getting diamonds and sugar from one guy.

    Damn sweet deal.

    Sorry, can't deal right now.

    Hit me up on aim next time you're on though.

  7. http://www.cybernations.net/

    Similar to Civ or NationStates, this MMO Browser game puts you in the seat of government leader. However, being Google Maps based, it has a bit of a cool twist.

    The community is huge, the trade system is very cool, and the alliances and wars seem awesome.

    I play as supremespleen, ruler of Woznia on the orange team. I'm located right on Cuba, while a mate of mine is in the Dominican Republic.

    If you join, join the orange team and place yourself somewhere around Cuba/Dominican Republic so we're close together for trade, wars and other things.

    If you're interested in joining, post here, and join here.

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