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Posts posted by RoeTaKa

  1. Really interesting take on the ambient electronica style. The different rhythm styles and phrasing really make for interesting parts of this song. I'm a very big fan of ambient electronica music, this does the stuff and does it at a high quality. Pading effects, electronic sounds and use of classical instruments have been made to good effect that really isn't quite easy. Parts of this song reminded me of Shadow hearts soundtrack, which is very neglected I would have thought djpretzel would have mentioned about that in the review. Good song I'll be listening for a while. On another note, repetition is used very well in this, hard to pull off. Good stuff, MegaMan is definately good source material for ambient electronica.

  2. Myth what about the other unconfirmed tracks, it would be nice to know what's going on for time and such. I'll get you my bio soon I need to get a picture/s and whatever. For confirmed tracks would it be best to start getting some ideas of improvement and such now? Would save alot of time for the projects release.

  3. The Chemical Imps - http://www.angelfire.com/zine2/roetaka/index.html

    Just go on my site and download the song. So it's only been a couple of days but I got my song done, really like the outcome, I think I balanced the distortion and mastering in a really good way so I'm very happy with the overall turnout. Any thing you'd like to say about it would be great.

    Quick question - What's the rule on OC/VGMix submission, can/when? Or whenever under discretion or something?

  4. edit: tell me if you notice any clipping problem areas. Thanks :)

    Hah very minimalistic approach in percussion and style, although I thought the snare was too hmm "happy"? Maybe just my bad taste or something. But as for clipping I didn't notice a thing untill those strings came in, they're unusally blended into the song, some kind of resinence that doesn't quite mix into the song very well. Giving it some chorus and a tad higher frequency, with the reverbs high cutoffs adjusted it would be alot better since when the violin/cello's hit the lower notes it tended to make a really clip like tremolo. But very good stuff indeed.

  5. I remember hearing the wip of this back a while ago, and it's come off really well since then. Some of the chord changes in this really are soothing, great to listen too. As electronic and mad beats this is, it's a great comfortable listen. I love the injection of funk and disco into this, comes of really nice.

    Nothing much else to say really, my fingers are beat, I'm off to sleep! Goodnight you two crazy music doers.

  6. Haha Reading these reviews to the section at 3 minutes in your song, it's like you're coming home and everyones clapping!

    *clap clap clap* great mood.

    Great song Bliz wouldn't doubt it would get on. Orchestral definetly was your thing and let me say DJBlizihizake would have sounded...gay haha (no offense y'all).

    This never gets boring, sounds amazing and never lets up.

    I still have a gripe or two, but that never needs to come up as high as here. Haha congratulations.

  7. My god only two reviews for this post?

    Well I gotta say this is something I take a liking too expressively. It's nice to see a song that doesn't throw in new instruments all over the place and do many interesting things to keep the listener at it's best.

    There were times (my jsut be my headphones) where yeah some of the woodwinds would shrill and screech my ears, but that okay because i love woodwind and if you love it you dont care if it hurts you (haha man, im bad with this).

    The end was rather sudden, but then again it was probably appropriate.

    But the rest of the song was just great, the use of strings was nice. Not much else to say really but good job.

  8. I know you said you'd give me untill tonight Claado but in fact I wouldn't want to be one of the "lackers" of the project so in that respect I won't be trying any more. Yet for those interested I will complete my song and the time I could have been in this project will be used to make myself get better at music over all and gathering more powerful samples and such for greater sound.

  9. WAIT it's not too late is it? I got time today to start something!!

    http://www.angelfire.com/zine2/roetaka/index.html - wip is on there.

    I got time to do something today, like an hour and got a 2 minute darkish piece that I'm hoping can prove some of my ability. Please note this isn'y the best of my ability and that I can get better samples soon I hope. Sorry for any little annoying parts in this song such as volume drops or tempo as i havent had time to work on those in such short time.

    I did something original for the intro and transitioned that into a moodyish ct theme, i think it worked well. I will get this finished I just have no idea if I can today or not.

    edit - worked more on this

  10. Sir and Emperor, I really don't get the extracting of the SAM brass files. I could really do with those cause even if it's like only 3 days away I reckon I could come up with a decent 3 minute theme remix. It would be great if you could send over AIM, but I don't wanna bother you because I'm probably being way over the line.

  11. I heard this a while back and yes I still have it saved to my computer which for me is a rare thing to have a song so long, usually I delete songs quickly, even if they're good ones for some strange reason.

    But this has got great areas of arrangement, two completely different genres that side for what most people listen to on OC so it's a no lose situation really.

    I'm a sucker for orchestral (and piano for that matter) and the orchestral side is really well handled, superb.

    I think the techno excelled the piece, but it wasn't really something that could stand on its own, which is why im glad this was a colab.

    With the techno, for instance one of my favourite bits was at 1:51, that build up is just a classic build up and really pumps everything.

    Oh well, this eally puts me into wanting to learn more technical sides of music now, cause I just cant stand using soundfonts all the time etc.

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