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Posts posted by RoeTaKa

  1. Im looking for some heavy, clean hitting drums, sort of Industrial like, anyone know where I dig some up? :wink:

    Can't you just add a distortion effect (like FL's blood overdrive) and EQ it correctly whilst putting in notes at probably half their velocity? Not sure if it works but it sounds right in my head.

    I'm sure there are some good thick sounding drumkits on hammersound or somewhere that could work with this effects trick.

  2. That is very tasty cd artwork. I would love to have that CD proudly in my room, house, stapled to a woman.

    Just thought Id say Ive remastered my chemical imps track, infiltration has been updated and sent to evilhorde as a collaboration so he can put some cool guitar in it but that's to be confirmed. So TO you might have to put Evil's name next to mine on your art work. Thanks.

  3. If you people actually want a SERIOUS respone from me, I'll give you one.

    The main reason I'm such a prick to this project, is because most of the people on it don't seem to be giving it as much effort as they should.

    Until the artists themselves want to do their very best and make the project shine, it'll be doomed to fail.

    Honestly I can't help but agree.

  4. The doom project back in september started off pretty shit, with not much going to it. Now its near completion with some amazing songs and that's all I'm allowed to say. It's only been like a few weeks you can't judge how anything is going to turn out till it's all wrapped up.

    Alot of songs are floating around at the moment in a sort of vote, so nothings confident. To be honest it's not very encouraging to see about half of the songs on the wip thread, kinda shows a lack of confidence. But that's how the doom project started off aswell (lol the amount of doom songs in the thread was pretty funny). I wasn't fond of The sonic 2 project, too much electronica and boring arrangements for my liking. I'm sure that can be avoided again.

    At the moment, I wouldn't say spectacular things could happen to this project for a few good months when people start shaping up and practising with their music. Seriously you guys keep practising it gets better. I can't say much myself for I don't like remixing that much for I can't find enough arrangement creativity or inspiration from them but it could happen soon. I could join the project in the next few months if people drop and if I am all settled in my personal life.

    So yeah, Snapple, shut your mouth it's that simple. Although you might be encouraging some of the mixers out there to shape up a bit, I can still label you "dickhead" since Sith is a good friend.

    Note to "n00b" mixers, if you're fresh to music and mixing, take a stance to work hard on music and whether you could be in a project yet or not. You could work months on a song but like in classic RPG's, you can only build up one weapon to a certain level, start getting better weapons to build up to greater levels.

  5. Whichever happens, I hope his contributions come around; if not, we may need to throw that to the PRC dogs, like he said :?

    Don't know if I said it before but, screw you lot to try and throw a song in PRC direction, it's a good competition dont take fucking advantage of it.

    You should calm down.

    We not taking advantage of it, we are just suggesting a song for the competition (actually a very GOOD song) and an oportunity for the winner of this good competition to put the song in the project. I don't see anything wrong with it...

    For one it'd most likely have been mixed on OC anyways, then there is no suprise in the competition but to find "This week our royal asses have been hijacked by the S3+K project to do a song for them, looks like this week you won't be having any fun then, your work is already claimed" its dumb.

  6. I'm sorry I haven't been a part of this project as much as I would have liked to. I'm working on alot of things and have to get my personal business out of the way. I can't promise an April 9th wip, I can only promise a finished song between near April 9th or some time after that. You won't be disapointed at all I guarantee.

  7. Oh man I failed life...

    And you only had one shot at it. Damn.

    Don't you hate when that happens?

    Heh, e2m1 mixing going on over at PRC. Hopefully that will turn out ok. We are almost thur folks.

    Also, if I don't have a mixing bio/pic from mixers by FRIDAY, I will write your bio and choose a picture of my liking.

    My mix for PRC is already finished, im hoping it'll be my second mix for this project. Kept it dark, mysterious in a sort of mgs caution infiltration kind of way. Yep, thats it. Maybe I didnt fail life :D.

    Sorry about the bio, I will get to work on it asap.

  8. WIP is just for a rough ground of what you're doing with the song, where it's going, what it sounds like etc. Just so we know you aren't gonna fuck it up. I won't be posting a WIP, I'd rather just finish my song. I won't encourage the same if you aren't sure about your mix.

    Analoq and I are switching mixes, he will be doing Marble Garden now and I will be doing *sigh* Ice Cap. Which, actually, I'm excited about, I'd like to see if I can do anything with it other people really haven't.

    Alright, haven't listened to wip's yet but I will be on hand to help with your mix's.

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