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Posts posted by RoeTaKa

  1. I like this arrangement, though I feel I'm about to sing karaoke :P , it carries nice. The mastering is soft and slightly bland to me aswell, cause of reverbs and EQ. Big lack of Higher EQ's, the rhythm of this song would be warmer with them, since you're going for this slow dance feel. Drums sound like they have hardly any reverb, sounds like in this they should be much more bouncy from a good amount of reverb in the background. No hats? Im sure a simple light 4/4 beat on them would work simple wonders at times.

    Your saxophone sounds do my head in, only cause I know what they are :wink:. They'd come off much nicer if they were brighter, and had more fluency in their velocities.

    The arrangement is good, mostly. about 2/3rds into the song I wanted a new feel, new rhythm...got tired of those old drum fills. What this needs is better dynamics, places where it lifts more, places where it drops more. For example, halfway'ish through the song, the EP goes into this great part where suddenly it's played alot harder with more ideas, great part, but the backing just doesnt compliment it dynamically...see my point?

    Props to you either way though, great slow ballad feel. Im sure it'll fit in just right into the DJ set, just work on the mastering and it'll be great.

  2. Sorry I couldn't review any quicker :P.

    This has been one of my most played shnab tunes, ever. Ever since shnab sent it to me about...what, 3 months ago or something? I've listened to it alot every now and then, f*^&%^£ beautiful mix sam, the ideas are genius, and your work with time signatures never ceases to amaze me.

    Can't wait to hear what you're doing now when I get back man :wink:.

  3. Dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!!

    Sorry I've been away and the shizzle, times are complicated, the world needs to turn! I'm just using a college computer at the mo, thought I'd drop a message.

    The Orishitpants! Haha, I'll work on my song soon, but I'm not gonna have an internet connection setup for another 2 to 3 weeks maybe.

    By the way, I watched Doom the movie and thought it was awesome!

    What's the matter Gary, speak to me! Mingy, I think I'm gonna be sick! Ar no, now im gonna be sick too!

  4. Strumming patterns is easy with practise. I just make a chord up, change the start times of the notes a little to get a single strum, if I want it more bouncy, Id place one of the middle notes just a tad before the start time and move into a single strum, which is fun :P. You gotta feel the rhythm, it gets tiring getting it right sometimes and getting a good rhythm, but worth it!

    I usually do it for acoustic guitars, so the velocity is very loose feeling. A nice high EQ to bring the sound of the note more, and whatever bass EQ you feel comfortable with. Guitars sound better with certain reverbs, experiment with different reverbs. Delay is really nice with guitar, but make sure the intervals are in sync with the rhythm of the pattern. If you want the guitar to sound fatter and stronger, just compress it with a tight release.

    Can't think of much else to say, just experiment though, different patterns have done lots of cool things for me before.

  5. ... How exactly did you... stumble on to this site, Alex? I mean, you likey the yaoi? Cause if you do, that's cool... ya perv! :P

    Haha totally forgot that might make me look weird, I just typed my name into google and see what came up, it's fun to do now and then!

    And after playing every single one of the games I've always had a yearning for something more. A sequel? A prequel? Who knows! All I know is that after Chrono Cross, I've wanted a little something else. I've waited and waited, hoping that maybe a new game will come out.

    Visit http://www.chronocompendium.com my friend, all the news you'd want on fan sequels or mods for chrono trigger is right there.

  6. Hey Pixie, I stumbled onto this xanga site and the girl has yours and Rue's orchestral version of the ending song for her page music, frggin' hilarious! She even used my Chrono Cross mix once on her page before, but you knocked me off! Haha, that's great Thought I'd share :wink:.

    edit - ooohhh forgot the link haha http://www.xanga.com/Yaoi_dracones

    Oh, congrats guys on a great project, some awesome stuff :D.

  7. I heard this last week, the version with the vocals and lofi breakdown. I have to to say I prefer that version, since it gave it a more unique edge for me. But a great remix with great production, love some of the arrangement and dynamic effects, the arpegiations on the piano that grow louder, easily noticed near the end, are awesome. I find this a keeper, diggi, cheers for a wicked song.

  8. I had a weird dream last night that the two of them were together in Canada and I was talking to them via Skype from some roadside stop in the middle of nowhere. We were playing a game of virtual hide-and-seek, and they hid under a blanket. There was tickling involved... :dstrbd:

    I'm just plain worried, I really am :?.

  9. You all must have some serious money (which I don't have). Collossus is 900bucks at least!

    I think it's down to a (relatively reasonable) $700 now.. not too bad.

    I've just been searching sites with the best price, I've found Colossus for £350, which is pretty much $700, which I thought was good.

    My money is just mine I saved up working part time over the last year, occasionally dipping in to it now and then. So quit ya whining and save your money haha.

  10. I didn't get anything music related for christmas, eh, if I did that would just be a day of work :P but now is the time I'm planning to buy new gear, a christmas treat for myself :D

    I'm thinking of picking up East West's Colossus library, and perhaps something like Stylus RMX or Garritan Stradivari since I love violin. New/Another Ram card, just can't hack it with 512mb, so harsh! I might upgrade to FL6 but since I never really used the additional features of the sequencer, I'm quite contempt with what I have. Plus new sound system and headphone, a must!

    Yeah that's how I'm gonna treat myself :roll: spend lots of money on sounds...woo. This year shall be interesting in deed!

  11. I agree with Last Crusader, Zircon, and TheWanderer. Just get it out there; so many of us don't care if the website is sparkling. The point is the music, and we've been waiting for the music. Why not just release the finished music when it's done and then put the website in with the "special, highly slicked-up with new content"-edition package? Then, people who want all the extras will have a site o' awesomeness to boot, but people will still get the music. It's not like we won't go back to see the special edition, anyway. I will, at least, for sure. For the sake of having it out in 2005, which would be such a cool New Years gift...why not?

    Cause sometimes, the production, finishing the final package, ends up with a more enjoyable and complete looking project. It's like if you have cheese on toast and go "fuck it, im just gonna have dry toast cause I don't have time to go to the shops to buy myself some cheese, and maybe some worcester sauce to liven it up" YOU SEE WHAT I DID THERE?!?! If I made time to go to the shop, I could get WORCESTER SAUCE with my cheese to go on the toast. The theory is - You wait a little longer, and your penis gets bigger. Same with the cheese and worcester and toast, and same with CHRONO SYMPHONIC. Wait a little longer and man, might get some ham with it too.

  12. Somebody add another 10 days to the project release, just to annoy people! Haha.

    Seriously people, waiting is for people at the back of the line, do something else with your time and wait!

    The baby is a little overdue but I'm sure with some drugs the whole thing will speed up a little quicker.

    You will go deaf if I hear another peep out of you mister!


    Time to go partaaaay!

  13. There are 19 tracks and they're all filled.

    I thought Larsec had sent out PM invites to all the DSoP mixers? If not, I apologise. If anyone drops their track over the next few weeks, feel free to pick it up.

    I wasn't PM'd either, lucky I happened to spot this and join up (lucky? You'll destroy the project!! Rar rar) exactly.



    Seriously, when you finish a post in this thread, put "<3 Compy" at the bottom, he needs the love, the dirty german! Haha, just kidding. But, nice work man and kudos on your part.

    Release is soon ay? Can't wait to hear it. I hope I'm on par with the others work, don't want to be a sore bum. Orchestral isn't my main dig, but I enjoy it.

    Woop, yep, that's it.

    <3 Compy

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