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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. A lot of people give the touhou community a bad rep, and for good reason, but it's hard to ignore how much FUCKING AMAZING MUSIC comes out of comiket and reitaisai. Seriously groups like FELT and <echo>project and Shibayan etc are almost too good to be spending time arranging vg tunes, but they do it anyway. Though I heard that newly released *original* Shibayan track, and I wasn't as impressed as I was with his Touhou stuff, like the original melody really seems to help, as different as he makes it.
  2. You take that back 3L is a goddess among mortals <3
  3. OH GOD OH MAN Shibby :D:D
  4. oh right, japanese remixes well gee, guess what abyss I have fallen into i definitely would be interested in seeing if any of these touhou doujin groups that have such high quality output cover other videogames as well.
  5. That's the one song I didn't do for the soundtrack. That guy went MIA and I filled in for him. I did everything else. Thanks for the response!
  6. Hey guys So this is what I've been up to lately: At another forum I post on, this guy said he was looking for music for his "Touhou Mecha" kinetic novel - a kind of visual novel without any branching storylines, and that it was almost done and his first musician went MIA. I saw some screencaps and since the project was almost done I signed on without hesitation. After all, it's about goddam big robots. The guy in charge, Graph, did most of the artwork/programming himself, and it's quite an impressive little story. I did 99% of the music save for one of the battle songs that was already completed. It's kind of a rare style for me, I don't normally do orchestral stuff, but it was very fun to write and pretend I was writing for some big mecha anime like Gundam. Can't really compare myself to the guys working @ Sunrise but I think I did ok. You guys should check it out, I'm proud to put another notch on my belt for soundtrack work and I'm pretty proud to be a part of this awesome thing. You can read about it/preview/download here: http://dsd.faceroll.net/
  7. i killed so many infiltrators today
  8. Aside from the super heavy perk, my main class is Juggernaut with the default loadout. Things you have right away. Getting the xp to upgrade those is also not very difficult, especially if you go for the EXP medals right away. I typically do pretty well [as far as kills go, I get mid to top place each round]. Also, the people you start out playing with are absolute retards, because the matches put you with people your rank. Starting out for me it was a bit unfair 'cause I've been playing a heavy class since Tribes 1 came out, so I already knew how the game was supposed to work. I'm almost rank 19 now. Haven't been able to play as much as I'd have liked, otherwise I think I'd have a gold badge by now. I'm really liking what the game's turned into so far, really all I need is a few new maps [and a map editor!!!!] and I would love to have the bomber and heavy transport back from Tribes 2. This is still the most fun I've had playing a game for the last year or so.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/user/Pardessus it's almost the same thing.
  10. you shouldn't write music that you can't play yourself not saying you can't, but how can you expect to create a believable piano performance without knowing how to play the piano? without playing anything live you'll spend needless hours finetuning and doing velocity changes & such as a composer I would stress that at least a basic knowledge of how to play the piano is important
  11. Hi it's me again! I couldn't help myself so I made another radio show, this time with a specific goal, to play new and good touhou arrangements, goof off with TrueStar, and share news and information about Touhou and its batshit insane culture. As with most of the DJs that post here, my show is hosted by the awesome http://areciboradio.com/ internet radio station. Keep up to date with it through the KNGI radio network: http://kngi.org/ You can also follow us on twitter @TouhouTuesday and email touhoutuesday at gmail.com if you'd like to send in a request for us to play, or show us something cool
  12. No, thank you for actually being the first one in a while with any balls to give me negative feedback [or any feedback at all!]. I'm gonna revisit this when the whole album's done and do some finishing touches on the levels and mixing so it sounds consistent w/ everything else.
  13. this is pretty incredible keep up the good work
  14. I made a new remix for my upcoming touhou album there are a couple more finished but this I think I can use as a sort of preview wahaha http://youtu.be/_0wYtzGdyYk
  15. ! <3 happy birthday
  16. http://hi-rez.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/297 new patch today! I hope they give me back the gold I paid for juggernaut and pathfinder :V Also! If anyone's interested, I have 4 beta keys to give away right now. PM me if interested.
  17. Does your radio station archive the shows for online streaming?
  18. You had me at "XOC" Liontamer's show was called "(Insert Name Here)" for at least a year before calling it "VG Frequency" Sounds cool and I wish you luck, I want to hear it one of these days but I work until 10 PM on fridays
  19. it's over! http://midr2.under.jp/compo/vol8/index.html Check it out here hours and hours and hours of NSF files and I actually entered a song into the cover category this year!
  20. Already ahead of you there! I made this remix of "Ah Eh I Oh You" back in 2005! http://soundtempest.net/soc/compotune/oc-cst66-Ah-Eh-I-Oh-You.mid
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