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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. At my store we sell them for 99 cents apiece, which is what most of them are actually worth. A few are worth slightly more but collectors will want sleeves in good condition, and little to no scratches on the disc surface [remember, handle by the edges!]. A plastic sleeve around the cardboard one helps. Also, if you found them in your basement, make sure they don't smell like mold, because goddamn, some of the ones we get...

  2. I seem to be the only one still playing, except for a character named "Russell Cox" that never answers my EVEmails >:(

    I've been fucking busy in EVE though - in the time since this thread has even been bumped [5-17-2010], I've become an FC and a carrier pilot, have led fleets around low sec as we prepared to invade Querious, invaded Querious, kicked the failcascading IT Alliance and its pets out, lived in relative peace for 2 or 3 months, made billions, got backstabbed by Atlas and Cascade Imminent, lost our hard-earned space fairly quickly [we did most sovereignty ops in sub-caps], fail-cascaded ourselves, and reformed under a new alliance name in Syndicate, where we are currently kicking out some Raven Federation idiots.

    So yeah, I'm still playing EVE :)

  3. If the belt and the cartridge are alright, and he's willing to sell you the amp too, $100 isn't bad. Typically at my store if we get a turntable in we'll put it out for $15-25, depending on how nice it is. The amp is essential to actually hear the audio :P but you don't need the preamp, the amp can power it just fine. I have a technics QL12 from the 80s and it's scifi as fuck, amped by my dad's old Sony amplifier, really nice. I hope you got some speakers already!

    Also, if you're starting a record collection, go troll some thrift stores, you'll be surprised what you can pick up for a dollar.

  4. e-mu's windows 7 drivers are hacked together pieces of shit, they haven't had actual humans making anything since Creative took over.

    My e-mu 1212m pci-e barely works [to be fair, it worked amazingly in win xp], and it was giving me some sort of loopback problem where I couldn't record the soundcard's output for my radio show, so I had to get a second card [an external echo audiofire 4, which is GREAT, by the way, and the drivers are actually 100% legit under win7]. Now I'm running a super complicated computer>E-mu>mixer>audiofire4>computer setup that actually works, somehow, but I wouldn't recommend this setup to anyone. You're better off getting something from Echo, and just using one device :) even though their software mixer is a little spartan, it's great hardware.

  5. What a wonderful time of year ~ when y'all have to come to MY town ~ and I don't have to fly anywhere ~~~~!

    So who's going to this wondrous event? As of me making this thread it's in less than 2 months! Out of 75,000 nerds there must be some OCR people besides me that are going, yeah? I'll try to make this like "the pax thread" and jot down who's coming and who might be coming.

    Confirmed for going:



    danimal cannon



    Big Giant Circles

    Danny Baranowsky

    Level 99


    Mega Ran


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