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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. So EVE is $5 on Steam today. I bought it because, why the hell not?

    You actually bought the game itself? The client itself is free dude, just has a monthly fee. I didn't even know they were charging money for it on Steam. Do you get any free shit at least?

  2. I burned out of eve hard.

    It was getting kinda ridiculous and I needed to work on real, tangible things. Like my music!

    I unsubscribed but maybe if I find myself with waaay more free time I can go back.

  3. Well, hopefully I wasn't just perceived as nothing but an ass since I do remember having some good conversations and making e-friends with people like OverCoat.

    Soundtempest brethren 4 lyfe

    How'd it all start... well, when I was a kid, I was pretty much raised on 70s/80s rock, my dad is a huge prog rock/singer-songwriter/classic rock fan, and was in a local prog band of his own in that era, so I grew up listening to his ELP, Yes, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, etc. collection. My mom listened to [and still listens to] brand new stuff, so at the time it was all about grunge and alt rock, especially growing up in the early 90s in Seattle. As far as myself, well.. I was the kind of kid who stuck a cartridge into my genesis just to listen to the sound test :) and later when I got a computer I would listen to redbook audio CD-ROM games on my cd player.

    I never really knew what I wanted to do with myself, but then in high school I discovered the magic of Napster. I had also been emulating a shitton of Genesis/SNES games at the time, so I was downloading videogame music mp3s off there. One day I saw a Shadow's Theme remix by "OC Remix." Turns out it was actually by K. Praslowicz :D Anyway, I followed the link here and became active in the community. After discovering the IRC channel and basically spending every waking hour on it, I decided to try this making music thing out [p.s. if you actually decide to listen to this song, make sure your speakers are turned way down]. I got FruityLoops 2.7 off Morpheus and played around with it, but 3.0 came out soon after and that's when I finally made that awful song I just linked :D. I was so happy to have created something, and it was so simple to me, that I kept at it. At the time I was hugely influenced by CotMM, Starla, Daknit, and Beatdrop, since they were the ones I was talking to the most at the time, and if it wasn't for their help I wouldn't have gotten to this point.

    I guess I'm kind of a late bloomer with starting to make a career out of my music, and there's still a lot for me to work on [promotions!], but I'm extremely proud of this last decade that I have spent pursuing music, writing over 1,000 songs, sharing it with people who enjoy it.

  4. Just echoing a lot of the recommendations in this thread. My favourites are as follows:

    Cave Dwellers

    Space Mutiny

    The Final Sacrifice


    Warrior of the Lost World


    Prince of Space

    Star Force


    Santa Claus [aka Santa Claus vs the devil, it is a christmastime tradition of mine to watch this]

    Blood Waters of Dr. Z

    Um I guess that's a lot, but all worth seeing :)

    Zerothemaster: I like both Mike and Joel. Joel always seemed kinda gloomy but his humor was great, Mike's more cheery but still just as funny.

  5. OC's whole post gives off a feeling, less of harsh reality, but more of "silly noobs thinking they can make music". I'm sure that's not what you intended to say (right...?) but it did have that quality about it.

    Yeah, didn't mean to come off as condescending or anything, the thoughts I had when giving you feedback was more like I want to help this guy improve - and I'm super relieved you're considering my advice and not just dismissing it completely as a hate mail - which it totally isn't! You're gonna get a lot of shit from peers about your music, I still remember people telling me they'd rather "stick their head in a meat grinder" rather than listen again to the song I just made. Anyway, understand that my criticisms were purely from a standpoint of trying to help you, rather than crush your dreams :P

    Also, what's this about UNATCO lacking a melody? It's got one of the most memorable melodies of any PC game ever!

  6. OCR seems to have a thing against meandering ambience, which imo is a tad on the pretentious side, but whatever...

    HoboKa, have you heard my Seiken Densetsu 3 remix? It's nothing but meandering ambience :P

    I noticed this thread since I just stopped playing the new Deus Ex [for now!] and I am a huge fan of the first game.

    Well, I can tell you're quite new, there are a few glaring problems right off the bat. This song is sonically quite vacant, there is almost nothing going on, in a bad way. The "chiptune" bit of it is nothing more than a naked monophonic square wave, missing half the notes of the original synth riff, making it terribly uninteresting. If you want to make it sound like famicom, you are literally only using 1/5 of the potential polyphony of that particular sound chip. Also, when the drums come in, a listener will suddenly notice that both the drums and the square lead have no timing or synchronization whatsoever, they are not on beat with each other. The choir pad is just... there... and All 3 things you are using do not mesh well, and while they can, with a LOT of work, there is simply not enough going on to make this song worth listening to.

    You almost add something interesting around the 2 minute mark with the new harmonies, but then you kill it with a jarring reintroduction of the dreadful dubstep wobble. Even with only 3 other things going on [drums, square, choir] I probably would've preferred you leave that thing out. Some people like dubstep though, so that part is kind of subjective to me, I just don't feel like everything all of a sudden needs wobble bass, and it DEFINITELY doesn't just automatically make everything sound better.

    You mentioned polishing this up for OCR, but you have a lot of basics to cover before even coming close. It sounds a lot like the music I was making right as I started out, so you're probably still in the "wow cool I am making music" phase, but take people's feedback and improve on your next works, and keep making stuff, and eventually you'll make music people can enjoy.

    Some ideas for you to improve would be to first understand tempo and timing, the offbeat drums were, sadly, comical to me. Second, don't be afraid to add more instruments, eventually you'll learn a kind of "comfort zone" in regards to how you set up your ensembles :) but right now it's REALLY bare. Third, listen to some popular dubstep and chiptunes and analyze why they are good and why you like them. Your transitions were terrible, and you could learn a thing or two from the pros about where to drop the bass and the beats, and how to properly build up a new section of the song. Also, listen to the UNATCO source material, and ask yourself - did I improve upon the original at all?

    This is probably more information than you needed, but your song made me feel like I had to say something, and I haven't given feedback in this forum in a LONG time. Hopefully you learn something from my criticisms. Also, the other people in this thread are for some reason giving you undue praise. I dunno if we all heard the same song or what, but using words like "awesome" or all those kiddie words disgusts me, what you need is real improvement and the honest truth, not this fakey vague language. If anything, you should be praised for at least putting this out there for feedback.

  7. Well, PAX is pretty much "over" unless you're going to afterparties and such, I'm back home in South Seattle. I spent most of my week with the wonderful TrueStar, and I'm having a hard time typing and using my mouse back at home because I was getting used to her tiny netbook. Hung out with lots of cool people - ran into Dale North out of nowhere and it was really cool to talk with him for a bit. Also went out for dinner with Norg and his family earlier in the week, Kyra is so cute! She's already talking and is quite the chatterbox. Enjoyed getting to know the Metroid Metal guys better [Danimal <33333] and having TrueStar on my radio show IN PERSON last Wednesday! I hope you all listened to that, by the way!

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