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Everything posted by SLyGeN

  1. you talking about me again? this is what happens when i just got Vexx and Eternal Darkness! hey Shen_Long, how many thread topics have i warped since i've joined OCR? there was this one boss in return to castle wolfenstein, he kept releasing these curse spirits and they would take off around 50 health points each.
  2. KRAID from NES metroid when you go about it normally and fight him first (before ridley). I fought ridley first and he was easier than kraid so after beating ridley i found tons of expansions and gave kraid a full frontal assault. it worked
  3. i dont have any corn pops....maybe we have some cheerios... this seems to have become more of a food topic between the two of us rather than a boss topic, hasnt it?
  4. wouldnt be any worse than dodging all of those damn war wasps in MP. Ive never played castlevania, so no cereal nonsense there yet. more cereal nonsense! samus' power beam can be corn pops.
  5. lol you know, they should have some of those in 3D for MP2:Echoes
  6. i got into the metroid series kinda late..i think i went from NES metroid..to prime...to Super Metroid...then i forget the order form then on. are there more cheerio beams in metroid 2?
  7. Metroid 2 is the only metroid game that i have not beaten, and the only metroid game where i can get lost in five minutes!
  8. lol i need a milk beam... --and i need to WANT them to be soggy, can't forget that.
  9. Who said we're bitching? We're not bitching when we comment on something someone made a topic about. Actually, you're the one who's bitching. So sit down and shut the fuck up. I second that. hey-- maybe i should stop wanting those horrible cheerio beams to be hard
  10. pretty much any boss on an NES is hard for me due to poor controls, movement, and such. Luckily after a while you find little tricks here and there to help you win.
  11. of course theres no point in telling me any more, but its still interesting. i wonder how frozen cheerios would taste... and i dont care about how fast i beat it, getting the least clothed photo without any cheats or emulated save states is damn near impossible. i just want to find everything. though Super Metroid is like the original, it doesnt have photos yet... oh well i still couldnt care less about my time
  12. I've already beaten Super Metroid, but i wouldnt mind hearing more ways to beat it that I never thought of.
  13. the only boss that game you a run for your money? are you saying that you found mother brain easier than that? oh, those horrible little cheerio beams.. ......Uhhhh...kay. Either you didn't find the Freeze ray, or it never came to your mind that you can "freeze" them...? Heh! Horrible little cheerio beams? Samus eats them for breakfast! Hah! Oh, Mother Brain? HAH! For the person who thought Ridley's first encounter was something...brace your self for DEJA VU !!! But I won't tell ya' unless someone asks me to? sorry, i just finished the original metroid and i was thinking of that. even though u can still freeze those little cheerio things, when theres other metroids yer trying to destroy, and mother brain, they become a hassle. Yes, i know i have wierd comparisons.
  14. the only boss that game you a run for your money? are you saying that you found mother brain easier than that? oh, those horrible little cheerio beams..
  15. heheh, that arachnid was pretty easy for me as i recall, were just good in different areas. i was talking about the first ridley encounter, theres no way you couldve beaten that one first try, or any try. but as Shen Long pointed out, we can throttle him in Norfair.
  16. theres 96 pages here, so forgive me if this has already been said. There is one boss that is indeed impossible. Super Metroid. First time you fight ridley? he cannot be beaten! he just attacks you until your health warning starts beeping. then he throttles the space station. If you want a boss that doesnt do something like that, bongo bongo from Ocrania of Time gave me a good whupping. again, forgive me if that has been said before.
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