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Everything posted by SLyGeN

  1. Seeing as I'm frequenting these forums a little more often again, and I've lost the other two sigs made for me (A Sonic one by CapnHulk, and an especially nice Eternal Darkness one from Lizz), if someone would like to make me a sig incorporating elements from symphonic black metal or Eternal Darkness, or both, I would be grateful. I'd be more than happy to find pictures to work with if anybody shows interest.
  2. Right now I'm using Nero, and it does mp3, but I'm not sure about the rest of them.. OGG, FLAC, etc. The audiophile in me is wanting to switch to FLAC, so I'm going to need a piece of software that'll burn and rip it. I'd prefer to just use one piece of software that'll do it all. Also, they make CD/DVD home theater players that'll read mp3 CDs. Is there anything to suggest that home theater systems will be able to read FLAC CDs in the near future?
  3. I'm always interested in speakers, but I think shipping would end up doubling the price. I generally go no more than thirty dollars for a pair of good used speakers. Unfortunately, though, I don't have a lot of money right now. But if you still have speakers in the future, keep me in mind, unless you agree that shipping would be absurd.
  4. I watched the last MM7 vid, and I'm going to have to side with those who say they're pretty tedious and not very entertaining. Can Wiley at the end of MM7 be hit only once per appearance? There were multiple instances where it seems like you could have gotten him twice, but you simply aired on the side of extreme caution in order to specifically lose no damage. So although the goal was accomplished and there's more skill than I have, it's still about as fun as just watching your friend play games on the couch.
  5. It seems to be working thus far. Thank you very much, Falchion.
  6. Does it actually *move* your wave slider up? Or does it just blast you regardless of where the wave slider's position is? I've never had any music file adjust my sliders, so I'll just assume the latter for the rest of my post.. I am only speculating, but perhaps the WMA format isn't considered "waveform" by your PC, and your other music files are. So why not just leave the wave slider at max, and use the master volume to control the output level? Edit: If it actually is moving the wave slider on it's own, I have no idea what the issue is.
  7. I have a bunch of firefox bookmarks on my slave drive at the moment. The system data on the drive is corrupt, I'm not even sure if I can boot in safe mode. I can, however, access the files from my master hard drive via windows explorer. I'd like to somehow just copy/paste my old bookmarks (and search engines) directories into the firefox folder on my master hard drive. Is there a way to do that?
  8. You know what's funny is that listening to Sex Pistols won't make you any less sheltered in this regard.
  9. Your virgin ears need to hear Nothingface's Murder is Masturbation, or any Carpathian Forest.
  10. Has Noir's "Violent Ivory in Lower Norfair" been requested, yet? If not, consider it requested. Edit: I see it's actually not a part of this website. I'd still be interested in seeing the sheet music, though.
  11. Guitar Hero 1 and maybe even 2 have the same sort of title screen: button entry deal. Guitar Hero 3 has the same sort of thing, just under a specific menu.
  12. Nobody knows, eh? This'll be my only bump.
  13. Thanks, looks like something I will subscribe to once I get some coin in my pockets. Thanks for trying, Overcoat.
  14. I've never really browsed any of them because over here on the West Coast, Metal gets little to no love at all. I even thought I didn't like music as a kid because all I was ever exposed to was shit like Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys and Sum41. But I digress. Anybody know of any good ones? I'm personally interested in something that's a mix between a Men's magazine and a European Metal magazine. Also semi off-topic, I had the misfortune of reading King the other day. It was a painful read.
  15. When using Guitar Pro 5, I use the sheet music layout. Sometimes it will not allow me to add really low or really high notes, and sometimes it will not allow me to add just a typical note in a chord with another. Sometimes when I tie notes, it will even make the note jump an octave lower. I think what is happening is that Guitar Pro is adjusting for the limitations of the guitar. My two hands can play any two notes I want, but one could not play a chord comprising of two notes on the same string, or two frets that are too far away. Is there any way to have it not make these adjustments?
  16. Hum. I always thought Goth was more of a halloween feel like Cradle of Filth. Fair enough. I'm interested to know more about where the term really stems from.
  17. Genres. They're really just to give the listener an idea of what it will sound like. Operatic would have been better than "black", I suppose. But I could ask you the same thing: whatever gave you the idea that they were remotely goth?
  18. Growling and screeching is something you're just going to have to get used to if you like listening to metal, though there are exceptions. You do not have to get used to old Trivium vocals, because that's just being handed a shit sandwich and being told to get used to it. However, if you can look past the growling in many symphonic black metal bands, then you'll get much listening pleasure from everything else that makes up the music. To name a few: Darzamat, Kovenant (Originally Covenant, not to be confused with the movie or the band that sued them), and Epica. If you absolutely cannot get over the growling or just need something to listen to before learning to tolerate or even enjoy growling, have a look at some power metal like Symphony X, Stratovarius, and (though I do not like them), Iron Maiden. If you live in the U.S. and desire some melodic metal and the American stuff isn't cutting it, then you're exactly where I was. I didn't like growling at first, but I learned to look past it and listen to the instruments. Then I got used to it, and then I felt the growling added to the music. For example, Dimmu Borgir's The Serpentine Offering. Go on Youtube and have a look at some of what I've mentioned, and if you're interested I can help you find other bands you may like with Shoutcast and let you listen to my collection. Lastly, don't be afraid of your music. The creepier, the better. If you can listen to some Dimmu or some Rammstein while everybody else says you're crazy, then you're just on a much more enlightened musical level than they are. Here's some perspective: Have you played Metroid Prime? You know the grating piece that plays as you fight the parasite queen? I blare 500 watts of that in my room for listening pleasure on occasion. I like the looks I get from other people as well.
  19. I'm having a flaky problem with shoutcast. I'll copy the email I sent to my brother regarding this problem here.. Basically it's the NAK error. SHOUTCast cannot see my computer from the internet. I'll also post a little bit of the console here to illustrate how flaky it is. Thank you for reading, and helping. Edit: I just discovered (while shoutcast was working) that while I cannot connect to myself using the router IP, others can. So that method also works for the most part, I guess. What do you guys make of it?
  20. I'm glad to see that Hyrule Castle got some love. I'm still disappointed that I've never found a remake of it that I've been personally satisfied listening to. All of the orchestrated shit isn't powerful enough to capture the feeling of the original tune. I also like Death Mountain from Zelda III, but it was not on the list to my disappointment. That one also gets little to no love as far as remakes go.
  21. In my English class, they're having us read Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer. It's a non-fiction book based off of this kid, Chris McCandless' journals. He came from a wealthy family, finished college with stellar grades, and gave away the remaining $24,000 in his bank account to charity, and went to live as a gypsie and live in Alaska. He ends up starving (not a spoiler, the reader knows this). Stupid kid. I don't like the book. But if you're an outdoorsman, you would enjoy it for the descriptiveness. Or if you're one of those people with the same insane ideal of living alone and getting to your primal instincts. On another note, I finished Harry Potter 7 recently. I don't recall the prose in the first few books, but I can tell you that books 6 and 7 are certainly not childrens books in any fashion. I would highly recommend the series to those who are avoiding them because they don't want to be caught reading a children's novel. For example, Voldemort's character has clearly been influenced by Adolf Hitler, but no 10 year old is going to pick up on that.
  22. I found the GameCube controller to be much more user friendly as far as fighters went, but I only play Soul Calibur. With the cube's A, X, and Y buttons, I can hit two of the three simultaneously, any combination and still have B there for something else. With the PlayStation layout, I can't set three aside and use them that efficiently. Soul Calibur expects me to be able to hit X and Triangle at the same time without my thumb hitting square or Circle. I ended up making square a duplication of triangle just so I could use those three necessary buttons for simultaneous attacks (A,B,K). I think making up for that by setting some other button as a macro is too complicated for muscle memory, at least it is for me.
  23. After seeing the first two Metroid Primes and Resident Evil 4 listed here, I think it's safe to say that any game is fair to list here. It kinda kills the point of the thread for me, personally. On a different note, I enjoyed Devil May Cry, but did not play the second one. Was DMC2 really that bad?
  24. Thanks for the suggestions. The reason I thought the keyboard would work for games was because the topic came up while I was playing FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus on the PS2, and there are actually keyboard options in that game. So does that mean keyboards are fine on the PS2/3, but not on Xboxes? Or only certain games with those settings in the options menu?
  25. So after three years of "shit, I can't deal with these joysticks, where's my WASD?", and many losses at Halo and the like, now one of my mates says "hey, you can plug a keyboard and mouse into those USB ports down there.." *slap to the forehead* So, my question is, are generally all USB keyboards and mice compatible with the Xbox/360 and PS2/3? I don't want to run out and purchase the two peripherals only to find that they don't work. Also on the side, I just purchased a PStwo now that the prices have generally plummeted. Any game recommendations? I generally enjoy horror and puzzle games with more of a mature feel to them. Thanks.
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