the only boss that game you a run for your money? are you saying that you found mother brain easier than that? oh, those horrible little cheerio beams..
......Uhhhh...kay. Either you didn't find the Freeze ray, or it never came to your mind that you can "freeze" them...?
Heh! Horrible little cheerio beams? Samus eats them
for breakfast! Hah!
Oh, Mother Brain? HAH!
For the person who thought Ridley's first encounter was something...brace your self for DEJA VU !!! But I won't tell ya' unless someone asks me to?
sorry, i just finished the original metroid and i was thinking of that. even though u can still freeze those little cheerio things, when theres other metroids yer trying to destroy, and mother brain, they become a hassle. Yes, i know i have wierd comparisons.