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Everything posted by kitty

  1. By the way...even though peace mode is nice and all...it really jacks up your economy later on. And don't get into any wars at this stage. It just sucks and stunts your growth since you can't steal anything but land. And land is pretty much just there to look pretty.
  2. Oh yeah!??! I have 1,200 soldiers! So take that! Nuclear war is fun. In the Great War, I sent out 4 nuclear missiles and got hit by 2. Joyous world! EDIT: By the way...will the OCA be exclusive to OCR members? (I'm writing a sample charter to compare to supremespleen's when he gets back)
  3. You forgot that the Legion joined the war. At the time of the post, we already had Peace with the Legion, ODN, and CSF. EDIT: And now there's a FULL ceasefire with everyone. And to answer someone's concern about accepting IRON's proposal and being in the OCA: You can't be in both alliances at the same time. I'm sure you would face expulsion from IRON, and probably the same from the OCA once it gets its rules set.
  4. NOTICE TO ALL THOSE THINKING ABOUT DONATING Do NOT donate until later. Later on infrastructure and everything else becomes more expensive, so to get more bang for your buck, donate later. To answer a question about the Great War: I'm being hit hard, but the NPO is lasting against all odds. The only major alliances we need to take out are LUE, GATO, GGA, and maybe the NAAC (but the NAAC sucks so they're not important.) Oh, putting "member of OCA" won't do anything physically, it just identifies you as a member when other people read it. Official memberlists have to be kept by the actual alliance.
  5. I think Supremespleen can get credit for posting the link here at OCR.
  6. Woah. Sorry for double posting, but does this offer mean that EACH link will get the nation $10,000, 10 miles etc. Because if so, I could over $50,000 within a week. One offer per nation is the rule. You can still donate, however, and still get that bonus. I linked once, and never got the bonus. Oh well.
  7. Yeah I have nothing better to do while I wait for the next chess tourny. Jumping on posts in this thread as soon as they come. >_<
  8. If you guys want to start making yourself "part of an alliance" you need to put something in your nation bio that says you're part of it. Of course, other alliances require you to sign up and I suggest the OCA get their forums/irc (I know I keep saying this, but it's very important to become an alliance). So after you guys get more organized, put something like this in your bio: "Member of the OCA" or something.
  9. Don't worry about being "recognized" by the admins and the mods as part of the game. The politics going on are all official in the RP forum so as long as you establish yourself some forums and an irc channel you're as legit as the rest. The most powerful guys are just recognized in game. As I said before, announcing your existence after you guys get started on that stuff will officially make you guys part of the politics in the game.
  10. Hmm I noticed it doesn't work for low stats for some reason. It stopped working when I was in anarchy. When you start earning more income, it works better. Anyway, test around 16%-28%.
  11. Don't bother, use this instead. http://robocracy.net/taxtest/
  12. If you guys go democratic, make sure to have elections every month or so, that timeframe seems to be the best. The NPO is an empire, so our leader is always the same. Our Alliance and War Councils, however, are elected positions. EDIT: No need for the quote.
  13. I'd run for you guys, but I'm too loyal to the NPO to quit and join you guys. >_> After elections or assigning a leader, draft a charter/constitution that sets your alliance policies and present it to the CN world in your introduction thread.
  14. I guess a forum. I almost never ever use IRC for anything. Well, you guys should elect a leader first, then have that person reg the forum, and the irc channel. Even if you hardly use the irc channel, all CN alliances use them, even the small dinky ones.
  15. You guys in the OCR Alliance should make/register an IRC channel on the Espernet servers. Make sure to make a private and public channels. EDIT: Oh, and make sure to announce your official creation on the CN forums. You'll probably have to RP to some extent, since a lot of that is done by every alliance, except for LUE. Make sure to open your own forums before doing so.
  16. Most alliances like to troll for newbies so they can boast about their amount of members. I personally don't like it. The NPO might do it to, but I wouldn't know because I had to go to them to sign up a few months back. Yeah, they offered me $10,000 and I'm skeptical as to whether they'll actually live up to that, particularly since it'd be so expensive to recruit new members. There's also at least two dozen nations out of 265 who don't look like they received such a huge sum also. But eh, I guess you can't control the ethics of individual members. Haha I would take the $10k and run with it. Of course you'd be attacked like no tomorrow. >_>
  17. Most alliances like to troll for newbies so they can boast about their amount of members. I personally don't like it. The NPO might do it to, but I wouldn't know because I had to go to them to sign up a few months back.
  18. Make sure to trade with orange team members (and OCR hopefully!) because you get a +1 happiness bonus for trading with a team member.
  19. Well, unless I'm in the OCR alliance, I can't necessarily be your "representative." It's specific wording that's needed. >_> Basically, I would be the diplomat from the NPO to OCR. So I would "represent" the NPO to OCR. Catch my drift? So hard to explain. T_T BTW: Nation name: Zhiyuan Leader: Silhouette Don't mind my waining strength because I'm at war with 5 nations. Sucks a lot.
  20. You should also create forums offsite of OCR, because you'll need it for diplomacy and you'll need the admin powers to control the board. Most CN alliances use their own website (if they own it) or Invisionfree boards. Alas, I'm devoted to the NPO and I won't be joining the OCR, but if you guys want to open diplomatic relations with us, I'll gladly be the diplomat to the OCR alliance, if it's created.
  21. I suggest OCR makes their own alliance. Even if all of you are all new, it's better this way because you make yourself sovereign, instead of binding yourself to the will of the veteran alliances, who like to twist the minds of new members to their own ways. OCR has the manpower to prosper within itself. Another suggestion, start all OCR members in a bigger team color (NOT pink, black, maroon, or yellow which are all new colors). Looks like orange is the main color. Get some trades going with ALL OCR members, then make a switch to a new team color to try to gain control of that team's senate. In Cybernations news, the Legion (purple alliance, former NPO ally) has declared war on the NPO (red alliance, one I'm in). Oh and to answer the question above me: Yeah, double resources doesn't stack so make sure you have something different. Check out the CN wiki, it's filled with good info on how to play. Everyone should keep pumping money into infra and purchase some land every now and then.
  22. Excuse me but I don't consider myself an elitist asshole because I'm part of the NPO and like to roleplay a little bit. EDIT: I'd also like to add a request to prevent this kind of talk on OCR, especially to that related to specific alliances. The CN forums are already littered with spam, flames, and outright nonsense that it corrupts the minds of almost all who play just a bit seriously. I don't want this to happen here at OCR.
  23. Actually many nations are within 500 miles of you, it's just that the map only shows nations that are within 500 miles of you that are in your range to attack.
  24. Location has no effect on the game. So you don't need to be right next to each other unless you enjoy roleplaying like that. For newbies: Joining alliances is recommended for easy access for trades and protection if attacked. Be aware that there's a world war going on right now.
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