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Linkjing Donuts

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Everything posted by Linkjing Donuts

  1. I don't see why they had to mirror the Wii version. Every time you use an aiming weapon, the camera moves to a closer third person view, instead of in their heads. It would work perfectly fine if he was left handed. The sword swinging wouldn't tick me off, neither. I'm not saying I don't like the mirror. It just seems unnecessary.
  2. The game is still great. This is the only "glitch" I've heard of.
  3. k, another glitch. So I was in the Goron Mines. Then I reset my game after falling in the lava. I expected to return to the start menu where the title "Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess" would fade in, and "Start A + B" would come in underneath. Link and Epona would be in the background, near the end of the bridge where the jousting took place. Instead, the title screen did not come up, and I was able to play as Link in the same general area there he was standing in the start menu. No items were shown on the screen, but I could move around. Then I pressed A and the game froze. Screenshot: http://img92.imageshack.us/img92/6890/p1010032eh0.jpg
  4. k, so I was fighting the first dungeon boss.
  5. You mean you played a game that was killed? That's what I thought once I got home, but I didn't really pay attention. I was playing some basketball game. Don't really know what it was, but I've played Street before on the PS2, so I was more into playing the game than checking what the game actually was. edit: NBA 2K7
  6. Went to Target today and got to play the PS3. No line to play. Then again, it was NBA 07. The thing has amazing graphics. Slightly better than the 360. The downside is, everything felt like I was playing a PS2. I didn't get to check out the menu screen, so I was missing out on that. But the gameplay was almost too similar to PS2. Although, since there was next to no change in the controller shape or button layout, it was easy to just grab it and play. My Target had 8 PS3's in stock, and there were only about 10 in line. I went there at 9:30, about 10 hours and 30 minutes before the release. My Best Buy and Walmart both had lines of about 40 or 50.
  7. Four Swords and FSA fit well right before Minish Cap, which isn't there. Minish Cap would fit right before PH.
  8. Alternate Hyrule. I never played MM and I wish I could.
  9. What is odd about that? Everyone keeps saying that the song is in OoT, but I don't remember it there.
  10. Holy krap. Much more interesting than the Wind Waker baton.
  11. especially the superpenis surge missed it D:
  12. So WOT, Bigfoot, and I are going to play some Clubhouse right now. Add us all and join. holykrapya 1976 5011 2204
  13. The only thing I was disappointed by from the opening was the scenery they put in it. There were many other beautiful scenes they could've used, but I can see how they wanted the simple field look (reference to OoT).
  14. It'll be even worse if it's on top. That's my combo space with Sheik. Not to mention how many people will be flying everywhere above the platforms. Barely anything happens beneath the stage, so that's where the % damage goes.
  15. I reserved this game over a year ago, and yet I never landed a reservation for the Wii. It's going to suck ass holding the game without being able to play it.
  16. Yea, I've been doing that. But I never roll fast enough. Right when I'm about to enter it, it starts spinning again and the slanted arms swing me off the stage and then my monkey starts crying because I like to use Baby.
  17. how the HELL did you pass that one Jungle level where a pinwheel spins and there are two small slits you have you slip through to get into the goal?
  18. I saw that on TV. I don't get it at all.
  19. pwb get clubhouse games if you haven't already so we can play some card games On another note, I beat Touch Detective. Not fully satisfying and the last episode was a little childish, but I still enjoyed its humor. Still have the Bonus Episode to finish, plus about 5 more things to touch.
  20. I enjoyed it quite a bit. It's a classic-feeling point and click adventure game from the 3rd person. Only knock on it is that it's on the short side (less than 10 hours), but the plot is good. If you end up liking it, check out Touch Detective, too. They're very similar. I beat it in 5 hours but really liked it a lot. You can get it for really cheap now so I would definitely recommend getting it. Also...touch detective is similar? Aww Crap there are too many games that I have to get right now. I finished that around 4 hours, pretty short game. Good though. And yea, Touch Detective is like a mix between Trace Memory and Phoenix Wright. Also throw in some of Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time for cuteness.
  21. Halfway through the fourth episode in Touch Detective. Still loving it.
  22. Picked up Touch Detective. The game is pretty awesome. It's like Phoenix Wright with more detective work than court stuff, and its five times funnier. Not far enough to judge the puzzles, but so far so good.
  23. Who has Clubhouse Games? I feel like playing some poker and bowling with you people.
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