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Linkjing Donuts

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Everything posted by Linkjing Donuts

  1. hey, get your own avatar :rolleyes with a slight smile that makes him look as if he was happy about the sarcasm he is applying:
  2. Are you kidding? The Great Spin was kick ass.
  3. near fags
  4. Some of the early grey carts had the red blood, too. Mine also had the chanting in the Fire Temple. Wasn't it the Spirit Temple? If someone has the music to the chanting, pm me. I hear others talking about it and I want to hear it myself.
  5. snape kills ganondorf
  6. Wait, what? What do the holes on the back of the classic shell connect to?
  7. granted that my birthday is on Christmas day, explaining why I got a good haul
  8. FINALLY Super Mario Bros. comes in.
  9. How do you get those (I have 1 of the latter, but the others)? That seems incredibly useless since it takes less than a heart to beat the final dungeon, and the hardest point in the game gives you something that would only seem necessary in there AFTER you beat it.
  10. It's my favorite weapon out of all of them. It doesn't need you to use bombs on some rocks sometimes.
  11. Who would have the patience to troll letter by letter on the Wii?
  12. What do you get if you collect all the bugs?
  13. he's slowly poisoning you I hope you know this
  14. Geez, how the hell was I supposed to know that? Thanks.
  15. They ran out of the bonus crap.
  16. K, I've never played this game, but I always wanted to. I might enter this one, but that is pretty doubtful as I don't know if I have time. Just saying.
  17. I am i cali too, but what does this have to do with anything also take that crap out of your sig apparently we are more japanese than we think, arek
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