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Linkjing Donuts

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Everything posted by Linkjing Donuts

  1. tomorrow's update - new item: stop watch
  2. hah! hour-early updates from now on edit: jacked. but that cutscene looked amazing
  3. a couple friends of mine told me they tried it. took them hours, but they went through all 99 lives
  4. also, he says the fish is familiar. looks like the fish from balloon fight. new character?
  5. halloween is nothing to sakurai
  6. a stage where there is practically no way to recover without wall jumping
  7. a stage of ladders, where you'll have to fight with only flying attacks
  8. anyone not get their jackets yet? I ordered mine about a month ago, and my friend received his before I did (two days ago)
  9. coins probably do exactly what they did in melee: let you continue or bet on for trophies in the lottery.
  10. where are the action-specific points, like Fighter Stance or Coward or Stale Moves or stuff?
  11. what the hell is wrong with you
  12. dunno if this was posted already, but slight spoilers http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/120556.html
  13. aww what. i was under the impression that everyone had their own 5 stages. target isn't as fun when you can do a certain map faster with a certain character.
  14. was that a ped suit samus at 0:53?
  15. that's what it's looking like so far
  16. awesome impressions. thats worth like, a whole month of updates also, what was the fourth pokemon stage transformation?
  17. hey look they've managed to make dk and diddy look badass http://www.gametrailers.com/player/26643.html
  18. too lazy to find a thread about this, but i found shaymin and darkrai in the american pokemon dp unfortunately, you need a hack to walk through walls good news is they aren't hacked themselves
  19. maybe you're not that much of a boxing fan? little mac would work great as a character if they applied stuff from black and bruised to his attacks
  20. did the blue-to-white fade background on every post get removed?
  21. underrated game: cookie and cream (both only when you have two or maybe more people playing co-op)
  22. so anyone go to the japanese site and translate yet
  23. thats wild
  24. just beat it. Linebeck is so freaking awesome. whoever said they like him better than even Midna, i didn't see it before i beat the game, but now i understand.
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