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k u n g f u c h i c k e n

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Everything posted by k u n g f u c h i c k e n

  1. Kanji, disregaurd Terial, the song is cool to me
  2. I posted mine already once, I might post the update tommorow.
  3. Did you use the same beat from your hedgehog heaven remix DCT? Itool, but needs mastering. Better mastering. Don't you use FL?
  4. Hetcenus, if the quality wasn't so fucking bad, you'd have my heart. I love it.
  5. Yet another impressive work! Damn man, this project is turning out great.
  6. Try here http://paletteswap.com/ Easy, simple, just sign up and upload.
  7. Isn't Siren the game you can't use weapons on?
  8. Sounding Great. Question, what program do you use?
  9. I'm assuming he is still working on his other remix.
  10. Nope, and for the record, I said something to him
  11. Your remix impressed me so much REd Tailed, I'm FORCING you to be in the project. GGs.
  12. Hello people. I'm not dead, i have just been very busy. I'll be back though after my Spring break is over(Monday). RoeTaka,Kanjika, and Sadorf.. all VERY goo remix. I like uhuhuh. Well, goodjob everyone who is still in this. Later.
  13. Kanjika, your link isn't working for me.
  14. Can you at least have SOMETHING? I can be 20 seconds, I don't care, just something to show you are here to stay.
  15. No offesnse, but I need a little more from you.
  16. Keep your head up Azar! Just keep working hard! Sky Sanctuary is a sweet song anyways. I'm excited to hear what you come up with. Thanks a lot for the encouagement dude, I appreciate that. I really just hope this hard rocking version fits the song well, and I really hope the .mus file is good enough for sith to convert. All in all though, I will have an arrangement ready next week. I just hope it's good. mus... cough
  17. The first deadline is to weed the people who are actually serious about the project.
  18. The drums on your track GB are painful. Also, if you aren't going to record live guitar, I'd be interested in doing it. It's shaping up good. minus the drums. Oh, and don't drop Mushroom Hill, your remix of it is one of my favorite WIPs so far.
  19. Yeah, what Rayza said And yes USF, you can email the song to me. I'd RATHER you message me though.
  20. I've made comments about the left off tracks, and I'm not going to restate them again.
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