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k u n g f u c h i c k e n

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Everything posted by k u n g f u c h i c k e n

  1. Eon, only 3 people have complained to me so far out of who knows how many. Everyone on the project is cool. You are one of the only people beefing. And you aren't on the project. Just wait and see what happens. I just can't sit and let someone bad mouth the project that isn't finished yet. I hope you can understand that. Also, I have said some things that may have made me out as a jerk. But this is the internet, some of the stuff may not be as serious as you think. Everyone who talks to me and knows me knows I don't have an attitue problem.
  2. Big Load? You have no idea. And I think that Eon doesn't really get that/
  3. Me and Snapple talked, and he made some nice points that I will consider exercising. Yeah, we do have some people that should bring some high quality stuff to the table. I think with a little more pressure, we can get this project rolling, and the quality will increase.
  4. Getting around to everything may take about another day or so.
  5. Updated first post with Quality Control section
  6. I talked to him today. He is fine, and getting back on track and what not methinks.
  7. I love you to. You have no idea what is going on behind the scenes, so I suggest not to judge stuff by it's cover. And the purpose of the second deadline was to make sure that quality comes in, where as the first deadline was to see who is ACTUALLY in this. Don't think I have been just sitting here is what I'm trying to say. So calm down, sit back, and wait to see what happens.
  8. This is one of the weirdest remixes I have ever heard....and I like it.
  9. Blah blah blah. Say what you want. It hurts to know when you are ignorant huh? You can continue to be stupid if you want too. Just stop thinking that your opinions are law. You will hurt your own brain.
  10. Already been done? Are you kidding me? You have no idea what you are talking about.
  11. Oh be quiet. Then again, everyone has there opinion. And you are a negative person anyway. You can say all you want to me about what I just said. Consider it ignored. Hah, that's good. Practice your ignoring skills. You'll need to ignore A LOT of people when you release this ball of turd. INCREDBLE that you try to fucking review an album that isn't even finished. That's stupid and ignorant. I expected more from you.
  12. Oh be quiet. Then again, everyone has there opinion. And you are a negative person anyway. You can say all you want to me about what I just said. Consider it ignored.
  13. I don't want to make links avalible like that. I want the remixes to be low profile.
  14. RoeTaka...? What the fuck is wrong with you all of a sudden? I never said that PRC thing would happen. So what you are saying really means nothing.
  15. Just I case you may have missed it, I'm going to say it again. That was not directed at Rexy.
  16. Nice, but this doesn't appear in S3&K, like I said before. For all those who don't know, Sonic & Knuckles featured a add-in slot that allowed you to play past games with knuckles. Sonic 3 & Knuckles was designed as one game, but produced with two cartridges. Thats why there is so much continuity between the two games. OK, EVERYONE PLEASE SHUT UP The track that will be used is the track that Rayza and Sora are doing right now. Which is the Sonic 3 credits. NO the sonic and knuckles ending will NOT be included. There should be NO MORE disscusion about it.
  17. Anyway, updated the main page with Kanji and Nuts.
  18. Uh, you realize that English is not his first language, right? He's actually pretty good for a 14 year old posting on foreign language boards. Actually, I didn't know that. Thanks for the heads up and sorry to Txai. Nuts, I'll update the first page with your name when I get back from my classes.
  19. I just had to say something about this track since I'm remixing it now. It's SMOOTH. I love the distortion and what not. And that porta synth is infectious. I don't like the sudden mutes, but that is nitpicking. GREAT REMIX to one of my favorite tracks of all time.
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