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k u n g f u c h i c k e n

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Everything posted by k u n g f u c h i c k e n

  1. Because we feel we need more progress first. And I will not let people use school as a scapegoat. I'm going through the same thing as everyone else and I find time. Come on people, we have to make this AWESOME.
  2. Ok, a serious issue is on hand. And it's pathetic. You people just don't help each other like you should. This is a fucking team. But yet some of you don't even check the fucking thread. We all need feedback. Do you know we had a drop out because of this. You people need to shape up. Being busy is no fucking excuse. A few minutes of your time is nothing. I can't accept anymore of this shit. You people are acting as if you are in your own corner. SHAPE UP PEOPLE.
  3. You can't post in this thread you asshole!!#@$#@!%%#, GTFO! (Commented on your remix Nuts)
  4. Another Announcement - LordMaestro (my buddy ) And Red Tailed Fox have decided to depart from this project for similar reasons. They feel satisfied with their remixes and don't feel like making things better or changing things to meet the quality standards. Both will be missed.
  5. Big up to my man Snap for real. It was some stuff that could be improved, and with his help, it will make things alot better. I was not doing the job that I COULD have been doing, but thanks to him, I'm going to be doing WAY better. Go Snapple! Funny I'd start being friends with him lol.
  6. There are two things that surprised me about that last post. A.Eon made it and it wasn't negative and B. The cover was cool.
  7. NO. What program do you use, I might can help
  9. KFC, and he is cool, I talked to him.
  10. How many other deadlines are there gonna be before the final one? As many as are needed until the project's done. More or less.
  11. It's just the second deadline, not the final.
  12. AHAHAHAHHA ^^^ Anyway, I, KFC , updated the front page. Overhauled it.
  13. Nope, there always have to be stupid disscusions about something. And it always involves people not involved with the project AT all. sigh. I'm about to make a big update, plus the project name will be announced (It's semitemporary though)
  14. Patiently waiting for this project. I need something dark and gritty to listen to.
  15. No wait, actually... I will do that. Expect WIP links soon. It would help if all the remixers involved post their WIP links again. Not including analoq, since he wants to directly send me his remix. (If I'm not mistaken) But once the song is done, the link will be taken down. I am thinking of having people who think their songs are done send the link directly to me for it to be approved.
  16. I'd really like to know where that quote comes from. That's pretty inexplicable, not wanting people to listen to how the project is progressing. If you are going to make your project public, then you can't expect to keep remixes "low profile" by making people wade through 60+ pages to find them. Again, if you are going to run a public project, you can't expect to hide WIP's. And I still do not understand why you would even want to do that in the first place... In other words, like Darke's project, I'm not just going to make a WIP list.
  17. Rexy, I can't even get in touch with you out side of the forums. And KFC isn't dropping out of anything. I put the quality section in the front to give people an idea about what could be worked on. I will also take the time to keep heavy contact with all the mixers to insure they create the worst they are capable of.
  18. Also, I have to say one thing. I have no intention of seeing this project go down. I am going to see this to the end, and the commitment I show to this project will be plentiful. I putting my all into making this project rise to the top. So let me assure that to all you nano talkers who seem content on breaking me down.
  19. Instant messaging has been the driving force of this project.
  20. That other forum isn't what I'm talking about. Look, fuck all the bullshit, it's time to get to work.
  21. Thanks for the good luck. Just don't think I'm not doing anything. Don't think that every single detail of the project is taking place in this thread. Cause you'd be VERY VERY VERY wrong.
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