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k u n g f u c h i c k e n

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Everything posted by k u n g f u c h i c k e n

  1. For god sakes... this is a masterpeice. Everything is spot on; the drum work, the INCREDIBLE guitar work, Dan's voice, and zyko ripping the track. Classic. This is now my favorite remix on this site. A keeper.
  2. "sretoohs fo gnik si mood" That should be the name. ROCK!
  3. This is a nice take on one of my favorite themes on the game. Sound Quality is top notch, and orchestration is spot on. Good work from who is becoming the one to watch.
  4. My god Rellik, why the choir? The song is so awesome till that kicks in. But then again, this is an opinion.
  5. I demand last Saturday's show!!!!!!!!
  6. This is my favorite work from you easy. It is flawless in my opinion and the style is so smooth. This takes the title music to another level. Love the piano work. A++++
  7. Wow. Amazing. This is the best Zeal remix ever, and I dare someone to argue. It's so emotional..... like it has been said. OMG. Great work dude.
  8. Vig, you are freakin crazy man. This is WOW. The most killer parts of this remix comes from the last 2:00, the guitar harmonics are just flawless, and the only complaint I had struggle to find was the abrupt start, but this is a matter of opinion. Nice work, I think it's your best yet man. This sounds professional, and the original composers would be proud.
  9. Well, judging by the show, I'm Andre 3000. Hey Ya.
  10. Hehe, very creative, but for the most part, it didn't really capture me enough to playlist it.
  11. This is my favorite remix on the site. So smooth baby.
  12. I have to admit this show was in fire.
  13. Will this suck? HELL NO. That was my first question, and reaction. I waited and waited and waited, it it's here. A Kingdom Hearts remix. And it is good. Really good. Great work, and awesome mastering. You know.. I have no complaints with this song at all.
  14. You did it man. You got the remix up. Good work, and BTW LOOK FOR OUR COLLAB SOON.... yeah.
  15. It's a fucking sound that someone made using an outside medium. You curse, I curse, we ALL curse.
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