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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. It turns out that, from state to state, you can tell the officers that you do not consent to any search of your vehicle. If they do search it, anything they find (even if they planted it themselves) is immediately dismissible in court.

    Also, look up the law on providing ID and your home address. Some cases of police authority abuse have included cops "checking up" people after an encounter, just to see if they can catch them on something else.

    That is very true I have the right to say no, but I might be a little scared to do that, cause I'm a giant pansy. >.>

    I didn't know about that whole ID thing though, I'll have to keep that in mind if I ever do get in trouble whether it is legitimately or otherwise.

    I'd rather cubone/marowak get a third form than be linked to a Kangskhan through wild ridiculous fan speculation.

  2. Man I hate when cops profile innocent nerds trying to get free pokemon from wifi.

    See the cops here wouldn't see that, they'd see a delinquent sitting in a parking lot with ones vehicle running for no easily discernible reason. Than they'd probably come over, force/bully me to let them search the car and plant something illegal in it so they could arrest me.

    Anyway I got two funky pichu things, one of them is going to my guy since I have no idea if the same pichu can be used to open the event in multiple games or not.

  3. I got mines. Though I have a confession to make, I parked in front of the gamestop and downloaded them from my car. I didn't have the gall to go into the store solely for the download.

    I did this.

    I felt a little nervous about it though because I was parked right next to a pair of crime scene investigation vans. @_@

    They were probably just eating at the souper salad, but the cops here are corrupt and this city is horrible so I got done and left as quick as possible. XD

  4. Or maybe it will suck balls and begin the ending to the video game series of Pokemon, much as I love the series, the games, and even the card game once upon a time...Pokemon is on a steady decline. The Card Game sales died first, then the series went downhill, and the games are probably on a steady course...although convincing Nintendo and GameFREAK that they are dying is like talking to a wall, especially since the card game, the series, and the games continue to this day.

    And yet D/P had the best launch of any of the games in the series, and any DS game, Platinum apparently did even better when it was released.

    So whether it's going downhill or not, it's making money so Nintendo will keep publishing games for it.

  5. I'll PM you some info, entries are still allowed for another week so it's not really done.

    Some people ask me why I go through the trouble.

    It's because I have for several years now wondered if there is any gen that is more popular than others. The only thing missing from being able to get this information is what gen each entrant played first. Which I think I already know a way of getting that info.

  6. Yeah but that's just it, when they say new mechanics, I worry that may include how stats and stuff are done, which is where I worry that they may not be tradeable. Of course maybe they will who knows, I don't know what these mechanic changes will effect or not.

    Also random useless information. I got finally an opportunity to sort of see what generation of pokemon people tend to prefer. And it would seem (with a sample of 1800+ pokemon and growing) that all the gens are fairly even. (gen 1 is 10% more popular than the other 3 though).

  7. Yeah I really wanted HG/SS before, but now that a new game is announced it is starting to rank low on my "do want" list. I wasn't particularly interested in FR/LG when they came out, HG/SS just looked like an excellent opportunity to play the new games with my newly converted guy, since all he's ever played is the original Gold Version last year.

    Right now the one thing making it likely that we'll still buy HG/SS is downloadable content since Nintendo seems to like the whole "get it now or never" idea. (Also good point about that 6 months thing).

    I don't really like to spec all that much, but I do wonder if there are truely significant change in game mechanics if that will make it possible to trade from gen 3/4 to 5 or not.

  8. You shouldn't do that. It makes it all the more terrifying when you actually encounter one...

    ... like the one standing RIGHT BEHIND YOU!

    Lalalala I can't hear you! *sticks fingers in her ears and hums*

    Anyway I'll undoubtedly buy this new pokemon game, gen 4 didn't crush my enjoyment of the franchise yet (it and gen 3 has actually been growing on me the past year or so oddly enough).

    I am slightly saddened by the timing, but I'll sort that out later. (wanted to get HG/SS to play with my guy, now we aren't sure whether to wait for the new gen or get HG/SS, or try to get both).

  9. If you accept calling Dr. Robotnik as "Eggman" because it was his original Japanese name, then you must also accept that Ozzie, Flea, and Slash in Chrono Trigger are called Vinegar, Soysau, and Mayonnai.

    I actually don't mind either name myself and have been known to use them interchangeably. I was just prodding to see if anyone would get their panties in a twist over the whole Robotnik vs Eggman thing. Fortunately or unfortunately noone did :-P

    For the time being I'm not really following this new game very closely though, maybe later when more info comes out. The retro badnik designs are pretty neat though.

  10. I checked out the site again, and I realized something.

    Sonic's model is old school. As in "no green eyes or shoe buckles." They're rolling back EVERYTHING except for "Eggman," apparently.

    Considering he was originally Dr. Eggman in Japan, why would leaving it as Eggman somehow be a failure to roll it back?

  11. fuck difficulty and cost

    I just want HD 2D

    why would HD 2D have to be sprites anyway

    I suspect going to have to change my definition of what a sprite is to understand how something that isn't the background or stage whether it's 2D or 3D can not be a sprite.

  12. Just to put it in perspective, look at a sprite sheet from a 2d sonic game on the GBA. Look at all the sprites on it just for the characters to walk-run.

    Now imagine how many more drawings it will take to do that in HD, it would take many many many many more drawings.

  13. When you're going fast, you have almost no time to react to anything.

    I never found myself having problems with this myself, I have with games like rush, but the older ones? Not really.

    I think I more often died on obstacles that require me to stop and wait, cause stopping more than a moment always throws me off in platformers.

  14. Here's (apparently) a translation of the press release on the Japanese website.

    Pocket Monsters series all new production under development for release by the end of 2010

    2010, January 29th

    The latest news from Pokémon Company Managing Director Ishihara Tsunekazum the developers of the Pokémon series Game Freak, and Distributors Nintendo, is that the new work in the series is under development for release on the Nintendo DS by the end of 2010.

    Since the first games in the series, Pokémon Red and Green in 1996, the distinctive characteristics of the games around the world has changed, with trading and battling between different versions. Customers around the world have rated the games highly, and around the world over 130,000,000 Pokémon games have been sold.

    Pokémon games for Nintendo DS have made use of the two screens, touch screen and Wi-Fi features in their play. The new games, the first completely new work to be released since the release of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl 4 years ago, games which have sold 17,150,000 copies (5,800,000 games in Japan), are planned as an inventive rebirth, featuring completely new ways to play and new Pokémon.

    Please look forward to game details and news from now until release.

    Game Outline:

    Title: Pending

    Sales Agency: Pokémon Company

    Distribution: Nintendo

    Development: Game Freak

    Date of Release: Planned before the end of 2010

    Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price: Pending

    Genre: RPG

    System: Nintendo DS

  15. You are absolutely right that it's not

    There is something that's Nintendo's fault, though. No one would disagree that games like New Super Mario Bros. Wii is a fun, solid experience. It simply could have been better, and I think that's the general consensus of the various reviewers and fans.

    What would you have done to make NSMB Wii "better" just out of curiosity?

    Other than 'better graphics and more characters'

    I'll just say now I think the bouncing/pushing is an aspect I like about the multiplayer game. So I'll just pre-emptively agree to disagree with you on that bit. (I mean I got used to the bouncing and learned to control and use it to my advantage). Maybe I'm just weird and enjoy that there actually is some interaction during multiplayer beyond 2-4 people being on the screen at once.

  16. Some people actually enjoy picking apart movies though.

    Although yeah I guess it is silly to say you don't like a movie because of some tiny obscure details, but people have different tolerances for suspension of belief there's nothing wrong with that.

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