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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. Apparently these games are going to come with a little pedometer thingy that lets you take pokemon out of the game to train/build happyness, although I bet it won't be released in America, they almost never package neat little doodads with stuff in American releases. :(

    Has anyone else seen this?


    Although there's no set release for out side of Japan at the moment.

  2. I just hope that the game has a better control scheme.

    Granted I can't compare to TP directly since I had the gamecube version, but damn were those some clunky controls...

    Maybe the wiggle will be better. :3

  3. I'm actually disappointed by this. I'm not gonna go into gameplay since i can't say anything about it but art wise that kid is pissing me off.

    They have this realistic creature and gorgeous backgrounds but then there's this kid that's like a walking ball of light... Maybe he is a ball of light I don't know but I'm having a really hard time watching and accepting these two characters in the same screen.

    I thought that was just a matter of incompleteness, he seems to be missing some texturing and the like. But I guess we'll see when the game is finished.

  4. I don't think it looks all that horrendous looking, bird feet and all. But I've been known to think reptiles are just as cute as puppies and kitties so I'm just a little crazy.

    I do feel bad for it though, because a lot of it's expressions make me think of a sad lost kitten. Also all those arrows stuck in it's sides don't help much, poor guy looks pretty bedraggled in all. Of course with a 'The Last x' for a title we can all be assured that being the "X" it's going to die or have something more horrible happen to it by the end.

    The game looks like it'll be excellent just like it's predecessors, I must shake a fist at Team Ico though for making such excellent yet gut wrenching games.

  5. Great to finally see another game in the series. Can't say I was wowed by the trailer but the idea of another Golden Sun game is exciting enough. It was never a "graphic" game, anyway.

    When I say the graphics are "meh" I mean that they are a downgrade from the first two games, which had a very nice visual style going for it.

    I can live with it, as I don't often care about graphics unless they impede game play, I'm just disappointed that everything looks like they took the graphics from the original games and resized them awkwardly into the new one, if they're going to make a new game they should do it right, and if they want to use the old graphics use them without making them look like junk.

    Of course the games release is a year away so there's lots of room to improve, and I do indeed look forward to the story and puzzling (and music!).

  6. The graphics look a bit meh to me, but I can live with that.

    I'm wondering how the games pacing and such will be set up, like 1, 2 or a little of both?

    I know there's different camps of people in regards to which game was better, some liked the openness of 2 and other hated it feeling it lacked direction. I'm kind of hoping for a mix (2 overdid it a little for me personally).

  7. I liked it, but I don't keep up with games as much like you guys so it was all new for me! :tomatoface:

    I've fallen so far behind in the game ownership area that I now get to decide if I want to buy mario galaxy or mario galaxy 2 when next I am able to buy a wii game.

  8. Pfft screw night elves (not literally please) if I do anything for this it's going to be a troll, cause trolls are fun. (Oh how I dearly miss my hunter lol).

    WoW is the only Blizzard game I've played with some level of thoroughness (well before the expansions anyway). So I'll probably be drawing what I know, which if not a troll, a Tauren druid heh.

    I might not draw anything at all though, since I've been feeling extremely lazy since the semester ended...

  9. I get the impression something must have snagged, or they decided to wait till E3.

    Cause the last progress update they did on the blog was along the lines of 'we're hoping to get it out late April early May'

    Well it's June now and I still don't see any Cave Story. >(

    They did keep talking about adding extra downloadable content in the future, so you can consider it as more than just an minor upgrade unless the downloadable stuff sucks.

  10. Yeah I've never really considered if I like the older music more than the newer music.

    I'm going to stick with "I have no opinion either way" because I have always approached music by whether I like the way it sounds or not. I guess I mean...there's no "better" or "worse" for me, just "I like this" or "I don't like this" I probably don't have a critical enough ear to distinguish between older music I like and newer music I like.

  11. It's even lamer when we know that the head judge can't even compose

    Uh...one does not have to have technical skill in something to be able to do a good job as judge, teacher, or giver of general feedback. Some of the most helpful and insightful stuff comes from those who enjoy the arts but do not create any themselves for whatever reason be it lack of skill or interest.

  12. I hate when people say Robo's Theme is ripped off of Never Gonna Give You Up. The chords are different and it's only the first few notes that are the same. :\

    I've noticed a lot of the time when people say "this song ripped off this one" that's normally the case, the similarity is so superficial that sometimes it's hard to actually pick it out.

  13. Sleep is for the weak.

    Mountain Dew will make you better at life.

    You will regret it if you listen to this guy, even if you avoid morning classes.

    Every semester I have a roommate that stays up all night and they are always having a melt down over their grades by the time finals roll around I can only imagine because they have enough tardies, absences, and late/missed work to drop their grade automatically, it gets worse because they end up staying up even later towards the end trying to catch up/cram. I've had friends that end up missing finals and such because they sleep through them from extreme sudden burn out brought on by poor sleep hygene.

    Sinewave has good advice, know your limits, learn them quickly and take into account that your classes will probably only get harder as your designation changes. Also, School is not a race, don't screw yourself over treating it like one.

  14. I guess yahtzee just hates anime-ey looking stuff, even if it's relatively tame and not crazy like in most other jrpgs.

    Of course I've only seen one cut scene, so maybe it gets outrageous later on...

    I giggled at this review a bit, I think he's getting tired of making them though (or maybe I'm just getting tired of watching and projecting? This is the first one I've watched in months.)

  15. The primary problem here lies in the fact that they're using characters and story elements from an existing work without permission. Still, I would assume that qualifies as fair use as long as they're not charging money for it.

    Sorry to burst your bubble but fair use only applies to non-profit educational uses, review, private use, and parody. Things like effect on the originals value and degree of the original being used also factors in.

    I don't know anything about the technological aspect of it, but companies tend to get their panties in a bunch over that part too, they especially don't like their stuff being modified or even looked at at all.

    Also, why the hell is this such a big deal whether it's real or not? Either way it's gone so meh.

  16. Can we be best friends long enough for me to read pokemon special. :P J/k that would be creepy.

    The right middle might be exclusives since it has Silver in big bold silvery letters, but I'd be really surprised if the left middle is, since it has sentret, and that thing is the rattata of G/S isn't it? (Also the text down there says Pokemon, than some kanji which I can't read, rather than anything related to the gold version).

    I'm going to go with showing artwork updates, and maybe exclusives on the right/middle page.

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