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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. A show that barely managed to get renewed.

    It's apparently good, but very different which might be why it had trouble pulling ratings. (And it will continue too struggle since it's in the Friday night deathslot)

    I cannot tell you a thing about it though as I don't watch it, but a few people I know do.

    Wiki link for you to stare at I guess


    I honestly don't want to start watching it since it might end up canceled at the drop of a hat. And if there's one thing I hate, it's investing my time in something that is never finished. (otherwise I would watch it, maybe I will when it's hopefully finished some day).

  2. Eh to each his own.

    Eva isn't among my favorites (I don't really like it that much) but I think it's good at what it's aim is, and the Rebuild 1.0 did a much better job at it.

    Actually you might like rebuild more than you liked the original, cause apparently it's more action oriented, and you want to see giant "Robots" fighting it out with giant "aliens" right. :P

  3. It really depends, I've found playing single player games with friends is...less than optimal, I get bored, and start to go crazy when I spot something I'd want to check out or see the solution to a puzzle and my friend isn't. I feel bad telling them to try stuff and things. :(

    So I guess I prefer to play alone...unless it's a game with multiplayer built into it then it's really fun to talk to one another to work together.

  4. I can read quite well, thank you very much, I would know, I've been reading books bigger than your head since I was 9 years old...


    Chobits could be considered slice-of-life, but it's also a lesson in abstinence...XD

    Be a boastful little prat isn't really going to impress many people, you're just going to make them pick on you more.

  5. You might like Card Captor Sakura >.>

    Or XXXHolic

    They're both by CLAMP, CCS is a bit more Shoujou, but since CLAMP really likes genere/audience mixing I'm not sure if you'll notice much. You might be safer with Holic, it's Seinen or whatever (I sort of don't like CLAMPS shift to creepy noodle people though).

    I'm also not sure if they'd be slice of life enough for you, but I guess you can give them a shot.

    Maybe try Fruitsbasket?

    Sorry I'm picking out girly things, but I'm a girl so yeah, that'll happen :P

  6. No I'm not 5 years old, I just edited the post because I was throwing knives at a certain pretentious, full of himself ass *cough*DarkeSword*cough* and I changed it because it was kind of harsh...I can't stand people that judge other people, and I especially can't stand people with their nose in the air...which, from what I hear alot on the forums is that pretentious, full of himself ass definitely thinks he's too good to even join a discussion without throwing an insult at someone.

    You shouldn't throw rocks in glass houses.

    It looks like Darkesword is just calling it how it is heh.

  7. I think the whole hardcore/kiddy/casual divide can just go jump off a bridge and never come back really.

    I liked when people could play whatever game they wanted that was within their taste/goals for a game and not have to be so insecure about how "hardcore" or "mature" they appeared to others. Really it just makes us all look bad.

  8. Most anime does not have realistic looking people by any stretch of the imagination.

    And if you think it does, I have a few figure drawing classes full of nudes you should attend so you can learn the concept of correct human proportion among other things.

  9. Hmm I was pretty satisfied to just catch all the unown maybe I'm just easily satisfied though. Maybe the ruins of alpha just creeped me out enough that I was glad I no longer had the need to catch every one of them. o__O

    Anyway, I'm actually very excited to get this, I like what I've seen in terms of all the little things they've added and stuff. And playing this game with my guy, we have a good chance of getting all the non-even Pokemon between the two of us, and there seems to be a lot of neat mini games.

    Maybe it's just that easily satisfied part of me that didn't mind just catching all the unowns and nothing else back then. Or maybe I'm just excited to have someone I can physically play the game with for the first time ever, sure I can play on wireless but it's just not the same, and such a pain in the butt.

  10. I'm mostly concerned about it being a good game, it seems more like a heartless sequel than anything else, I'll reserve judgment though till I hear about more. If it is good and on the DS then awesome, cause I don't own a ps3 nor will I ever be able to afford one, so I'm happy with this.

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