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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. That E rating just means its suitable for every one that can play the game (like kids and older teens)

    just like a T ratings means it suitable for Teens and up.

    (there is never going to be a K rating, much easier to stick with E)

    And that last interview they did of the pokemon people pretty much said they're trying to cater to everyone not just kids. I don't really care what the rating is or isn't, the target audience is not only children.

    My guy has gone from relatively non-plused and uninterested in pokemon, to obsessed with it. I gave him my old gold cart about 6 months ago. He's decided he's going to catch and train every single pokemon available to him in the game. And he's started calculating their IVs even though he doesn't really need to. I have a feeling he's going to stomp me into the ground when we get the remakes, cause he's probably going to IV/EV pokemon from the start or something insane like that, because he seems to derive a lot of amusement from calculating IV's and stuff by hand. 8-O

    He's also pretty excited about it cause it means he'll be able to get more pokemon including the ones that can only be gotten through trade or event. Maybe some of us should do that, not play for 3 generations, then come back later and have fun with all the minuscule improvements and new additions. :P

  2. This makes me want to play Tetris.

    It also reminds me of playing Petruska in marching band...and how disorienting it is to learn the set changes to such wonky music...then the honor band went and did the firebird suit during the concert season.

    Man I want to play tetris!

    Also the rest of the series is pretty neat and fun to listen to, I love chiptunes.

  3. anyone else hear about the new Evangelion remake? It's been making a theatre run throughout the US and Canada for a few months, but has yet to reach me here in FL.

    Yeah, the original was a mindscrew of epic proportions, but the preview trailer just looks amazing technically, so i'll probably see it if/when it hits the sunshine state.

    I saw the first movie, it was pretty good, basically the same as the first angels up to just before Asuka shows up. I think it does a much better job than the original anime did in terms of expanding the characters and making some of the angels a bit more interesting while not diverging too far from it.

    I've heard the next few movies are going to more wildly move away from the original content, I look forward to seeing it if it's as good as the first one was anyway.

    That said Ponyo doesn't look interesting to me at all, but my cousin is likely going to drag me out to see it.

    I like Miyazaki movies, I agree some of them were kind of meh, but all of them I've been able to at least enjoy the ride. I don't personally find them difficult to follow and understand most of the time, and even if the endings are often sudden, they fit with what's been going on fine enough for me.

    I don't really care if other people don't like them though, that's their opinion after all it doesn't make someones taste better or worse, just different.

    That said Ponyo doesn't look interesting to me at all, but my cousin will undoubtedly drag me to see it eventually.

  4. Something cool they could do (but will never do) is make a game for a platform with graphics like FF. They can have the trainer run around like the FF games and encounter random battle the same way.

    I think I'll stick to having limited control on when I have an encounter thank you very much.

  5. Well that interview pointed out something else pretty nice.

    G4: Legendary Pokemon have been getting more powerful since gamers encountered Articuno, Moltres, and Zapdos in Kanto. Giratina, the cover Pokemon for Platinum, is ridiculously powerful. Arceus is like the god of all Pokemon. Will there be anything more powerful than Arceus in future games?

    Junichi Masuda: In Diamond and Pearl you have Dialga and Palkia. In Platinum you have Giratina. There are three legendary Pokemon and there's a relationship between the three. From there we have a story to move onto with other legendary Pokemon, but at this point that's all I can share.

    So maybe something really interesting and different is in the future, because they make it seem like D/P/P was setting up for the next gen game that come out.

    I'm not very satisfied with the "trading" response, it's mostly just addressing the "why not on a home console pokemon game" bit, they can make a more "proper" rpg or even an MMO and keep it portable.

  6. I really wish they would just do away with HM's entirely, or allow a second set of moves for overworld use only. (Or even have any pokemon that can use x tm be able to use it once the appropriate badge is gotten without having to take up a battle slot). Or at the very least make it so you can forget them at will rather than finding a move deleter.

    They're just such a massive pain, I don't want to use an HM slave, but I also hate having to switch pokemon in and out of boxes to deal with certain obstacles, and they keep adding more and more that you can't passively get away with not having as easily as in the first game.

  7. Code Geass was retarded for many reasons but the biggest one for was because it either vilified or killed off any (and i mean ANY) sympathetic characters. And if ANYONE calls Kallen a sympathetic character I'm going to shoot him in the fricking face.

    I hated Code Geass, something about it in it's entirety was very unlikeable to me, but for some reason I still wanted to watch it and see what happened by then end.

    But, I think it's killing off and/or vilification of just about every character was the whole point of that anime, a giant morally ambiguous mash up of characters that aren't for the most part likable, and aren't really supposed to be.

    That said I am so glad I am done watching that horror of an anime, I guess it must have had a compelling enough of a story (or maybe it was just such a magnificent train wreck) it succeeded at what it set out to do I suspect so it still gets my kudos even if I hate it.

  8. I've been toying with the idea of waiting until the third "special" edition of the 5th gen games comes out. It will happen eventually, and I have never bought any of the third versions before.

    Yeah that's what I've been thinking of doing lately, I wish I had thought of this sooner, but it took me a while to sink in that the third game in a given generation is superior to the original releases and I should just wait.

  9. While I would say older games are hard, I wouldn't say they're that hard in retrospect. Going back to play some of them, they're very very easy, or even if they have a high death rate, I can still beat them in just 2-3 days of casual game play.

    I'm not really that good at games, so I'd assume most of you can also go back and do the same thing, even with "nintendo hard" games you've never played before. After growing up with such unforgiving games, any game today would seem a lot easier than it should be because we have a huge repository of video game conventions. So we can make some really weird leaps in logic to play that people that don't have the experience would never make.

    That's what I've observed anyway probably means very little. I do agree that games now are a bit in the "too easy" side of things, it just seems more then too easy cause we started with very hard.

  10. I think that is what I'm getting at, yeah.

    I guess before we go any further, we have to define what a good game is. Feel free to disagree with me, but I'd call a game good if it's deep OR challenging, and I'd call a game great if it was both. By and large, I'd say that most games aimed at your "casual gamer" aren't all that deep. Yes, they can be very challenging, and some can have certain level of depth or complexity, but by virtue of being designed for the "casual gamer" they won't ever be great. I'd say a lot of casual games are pretty good, but they lack that something that can make a game truly astounding. And since there are more and more casual games being produced and less overall games hitting the market, well, hence my first post.

    So in other words.

    "I don't like this sort of game for whatever reason, so I think it's inherently bad or not as good and resources shouldn't be devoted to it"

    Unfortunately the world doesn't cater to a single persons tastes, and that's isn't a bad thing.

  11. Well, I agree with you insofar as there aren't really casual gamers (I use it for lack of a better term), but my fear is that people trying to appeal to "casual gamers" are drawing resources away from what *COULD* be good games.

    Yeah because all games aimed at "casual gamers" must suck right?

    Really as far as games go either it's not really a game, it's a bad game, it's a game, or it's a game that can be fairly deep and challenging. Whether the game is aimed at your "casual" gamer or not it can fall into any of those groups.

  12. Although it was years ago now, last time I heard about the warcraft movie they said it was going to focus on the humans/alliance or something a long those lines.

    Although there stands to be a really good chance that that is no longer valid either way.

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