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Everything posted by Mr.Roboto

  1. k But heres a sentence since theres 10 characters required for an actual post.
  2. And everything about this game is so awesome.Oh so awesome.
  3. i meak post from mahogany wii!!1!but seriously this is cool .net Jesus Wii`s spell checker owned me .
  4. R-Type,Super Castlevania Iv and Street Fighter II? I gotta go pick me up a Wii points card and Classic Controller.
  5. Ganon took them. This is what the story is about: to get the triforce earrings back. Next zelda, he'll probably steal the dress... oh em gee Zelda panties. Anyway.I always get chills whenever I watch LoZTP videos.Ever if I watched them 5 times..I get the same nostalgic feeling. I can't wait.
  6. Clearly the baby is the child of parents who had to sell their first born child on the blackmarket to get the funds to purchase the PS3.Which is also symbolized how the PS3 is held in a "higher" regard. ... Yeah.
  7. So the PS3 boxart just came out..Boy.They fucked up again.Fugly. Jesus.The black border and the blue plastic are such fucking eyesores.
  8. Big whoop-dee-fuck. It's not like with all this tons of additional space were going to see longer movies and games.
  9. I do believe this is how alot of Sony fans are acting right now.
  10. 400k Consoles for the US,100k for Japan. So..in other words: Europe is getting the shaft, Sony's trying to go head on with the Xbox360's earlier release and the excitement for the Nintendo Wii. And Sony basicly handed Nintendo Japans Market. Yep,They're fucked.
  11. Unless you've already heard SA made an alliance the "Goon Alliance" . *sigh*I foresee stormy waters ahead.
  12. Whats scary is the fact that the global radiation is currently at 3.00.Which is the max..it increases by 0.02% every time a nuclear warhead is fired.Heres the scary part:It only counts for a week,then it resets itself. 150 nukes were fired and were only in the middle of the week.
  13. Lets go make Myspace accounts. Seriously.
  14. We should all get uranium,nuclear warheads, and play some global lawn darts.Oh the hilarity.
  15. So..I decided to try this game out..man..im such a noob. Anyway.. Sygtyr N:Vallius C:Veldt resources are Iron and Marble. Gah.I'm such a noob.
  16. [Common] bur [Retard] durrr
  17. wowsux loloololol
  18. In terms of snakes ability's, we know he has to card board box. I'd say we'll see something along the lines of the tranquilizer.
  19. Hardest Boss Ever: Those god damn bosses in games like Blazeon(Side Scrolling spaceship games)that use attacks that are almost immpossible to dodge.
  20. Gigas of Earthbound..only for the first time though. you would never think you had to Pray to kill gigas's last form.which was a massive pain in the ass to finally discover it.
  21. PSO episode 1: on Extreme:The Ice Dragon. The horror.
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