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Everything posted by Mr.Roboto

  1. Thats a suplex.
  2. Maybe I'd care if Nintendo would fucking release Mother 3 here.
  3. Needs Moar Captain Falcon.
  4. Master Chief dies.
  5. Where's Captain Falcon..
  6. ...Your true identity is Captain Obvious isn't it?
  7. Awesome.. So..so awesome.
  8. WHOZZAT!? A new Super Mario Galaxy Screenshot. MOAR!
  9. Wow..this was completely unexpected.I mean,you knew Pokemon was going to be in it..but..certainly not this way. Awesome though.Really,Really,Awesome. needs more magikarp though.
  10. Ugh.My brain.. I hate it when people with such great talent do things like this. At least it wasn't rule 34'd.
  11. Wait a Second. Franklin Badge? Is it possible that we'll see the addition of badges from Paper Mario?Or perhaps even characters?
  12. Sounds about right.
  13. Isn't there an SD slot on the front of the console?Inthat area with the cover and Sync button?
  14. Actually..thats kind of cool. Someone uses their Final Smash and knocks everyone off of the stage,you can recover by using other players as temporary stages and to get the kill for yourself.
  15. Advanced Wars:Dual Strike.
  16. I want to see a stage that has completely random platform generation. That would be pretty awesome.
  17. Whats weird,isn't that Meta Knights ship in the background? ...Unless they're going to add a catalog of.."evil?" characters.The ones that break the rules? Word.
  18. Actually.. It might be playable on the Wiimote,if they initiate the ability to do what you did with the SNES Controller,and that was using just the pad and the L button.
  19. Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti Resetti
  20. Even though I actually have the cart,i'll be sure to purchase it. I really want Mother 3. I wonder if thye would release it over WiiWare if they could..
  21. Though..no one will hate you if you skipped FFII and III. They're both pretty terrible.
  22. I don't think you're overreacting,since the general public seems to get a hard on when something negative happens that involves video games.
  23. Why isn't watching TV a disorder then? Chances are there are far more people who stare at a Television for hours on end than that of people who play videogames for hours on end.Yet for some strange reason,were deserving of a mental disorder?Righto.
  24. Real time with AP...? I'll need to see a video of it to determine whether or not it'll be good.
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