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  1. Finally finished that remix of Sweet (by Johannes Bjerregaard). Have gotten great feedback on RKO so far! I put it on youtube (it's even in HD!)
  2. Something quick, delicate, and somber I threw together in about 5 hours. Mastering could use some work, the song could vary itself a bit more, but it's nice and concise, and I love it.
  3. I wrote this mix a while ago with the intention of submitting it OLReMiX, but since it has very little of its source material, I decided not to. This piece samples heavily from the film Fight Club as well as the video game, which is where the power chord-backed "FIGHT" comes from. Enjoy! http://tindeck.com/listen/nlrt
  4. GET YOUR TICKETS READY! ALL ABOARD THE CRAZY BUS GWAHAAHAHAAAH! LINK But seriously, this is a piece of art and I'd like you to treat it as so. If you're nasty I'll come to your thread and say slanderous things about your future children. Mm tasteh source.
  5. Hi there -- I've been a bit of a regular on the OCReMix TF2 server for a while, and eventually I started wondering (read: Googling) what OCReMix actually was. As luck would have it, I'm an amateur musician, and thought it would be fun to contribute something. If first remix + the thread title hasn't already scared you away, upfront I'll promise that this is a pretty counter-intuitive take on IceCap. I gather from browsing the hosted remixes that the source is a bit... well worn? It's just that it's the first piece of game music I ever messed around with, back when I was just a high schooler with a MIDI sequencer and the default Windows instrument set.Poetic symmetry! Nostalgia value! Don't hate me! Current version (6) Version 5 Version 4 Version 3 Version 2 Version 1
  6. Final version I did the level tweaks Rozovian (edit: and -Dan) suggested and eased up on the limiter a bit. The changes sounded good to me. If you're interested in the Renoise project file, grab it here. old ------------------------------ Final candidate 2: here adjusted EQ to be less overly bright mix the pipe/organ/thing a little lower in places to reduce monotony one additional drum fill Workshop mod review time yo. Source Source breakdown: The vocal melody, used without the drone note and canon/delay: used mainly with the "organ stab note" instrument. Introduced in full 00:07-00:19. Used almost throughout: 00:21-00:47, 01:06-01:08, 01:14-02:08. More sparsely during the last minute: 02:11-02:13, 02:17-02:27, 02:30-02:31, 02:35-02:36, 02:40-02:47, 02:52-02:56. Starts to vary the original melody by following the chord changes from the bass line around 01:57. The lead is also based on the vocal melody line, most clearly 01:02-01:25-ish. Rest of the lead writing is "inspired by" rather than clearly referencing the original. Panned bell from the source used as a panned atmospheric noise, introduced at 00:04, used 00:04-00:48, 01:30-01:44, with about half-speed rhythm during 01:45-02:05, and towards the outro again fading in from 02:48-3:00. ---- oldishish: Final candidate 1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rrh4kknr8itwd92/keskitalo-clockwork_groove-20120820.mp3 Finished! Well, final candidate 1 mixdown. Not quite sure about the overall EQ, seemed quite bright compared to some reference ReMixes, and I tried to tone it down, but these other headphones are quite shitty, either I succeeded or I can't tell the difference. For finalizing the mix, apart from a bit of master EQ to done the bass down just a little bit, I just used Renoise's stock Maximizer that I suppose must act as a limitter as well, got a good boost and can't hear any clipping (myself). (Other changes since the last version: shortened the intro a bit, tweaked levels/eqs of particular sounds, that's it.) Source Source breakdown: The vocal melody, used without the drone note and canon/delay: used mainly with the "organ stab note" instrument. Introduced in full 00:07-00:19. Used almost throughout: 00:21-00:47, 01:06-01:08, 01:14-02:08. More sparsely during the last minute: 02:11-02:13, 02:17-02:27, 02:30-02:31, 02:35-02:36, 02:40-02:47, 02:52-02:56. Starts to vary the original melody by following the chord changes from the bass line around 01:57. The lead is also based on the vocal melody line, most clearly 01:02-01:25-ish. Rest of the lead writing is "inspired by" rather than clearly referencing the original. Panned bell from the source used as a panned atmospheric noise, introduced at 00:04, used 00:04-00:48, 01:30-01:44, with about half-speed rhythm during 01:45-02:05, and towards the outro again fading in from 02:48-3:00. ---- oldish: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wkc8uppxe9do6s1/keskitalo-clockwork_groove-20120725.mp3 Textures added. Just started trying out stuff with the idea of adding little synth loop sort of thing to the background (kind of drawing inspiration from Brian Eno on David Bowie's "Heroes") and it turned out to be lots of fun. To me it seems it changed the piece quite a bit, but it was good to take that leap. The intro, while better, probably needs something to be done with the volume levels/fadeins, maybe. Also the main lead probably needs mixing tweaks, it's kind of overpowering/uneven. Turned down the bass a bit and I think that was good. Comments reaaaally appreciated on: * Production * Sounds/soundfield (too basic sounds? too skeletal/empty?) * Source usage (in the second half) The goal is to get this posted. --Eino ---- old: https://www.dropbox.com/s/15lm1nfpuvddror/keskitalo-clockwork_groove-20120724.mp3 More tweaks to the sound & mixing. I really should do that texture-adding that has been suggested so many times. ---- older: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b2o1p8cquxrqvt8/clockwork%20groove%2020120707.mp3 Comments from last time pretty good, and I actually can and should still apply them. I've tweaked the sound since last time and felt like I'd post this for some more comments. I do have things in mind to work on this, but not sure when I will, so I'll put this here for the time being. I'm happy with the structure - tried to extend it, but it felt forced. ---- oldest: This was a PRC compo piece (#174), which I've since extended. This was a pretty fun source in the competition, since it is so minimal. There's just one melody and the bell. I tried to incorporate the bell by playing this "atmospheric noise" sample in a similar manner the bell is used in the source. Other than that, I have the "stabby" organ in the right playing (a variation of) the melody most of the time. The proper lead also plays and varies it during the first half. There's less source in the second half, although it too is based on a variation of the melody on the organ. This is done with the Renoise tracker, and actually mostly with the demo samples. Hopefully that's not a concern. Sooo onto my concerns: * Production (I don't know what I'm doing or what I should be doing, so any comments and pointers are welcome) * Structure (is the ending ok?) * Sounds/soundfield (too basic sounds? too skeletal/empty?) * Source usage (in the second half) I'm personally happy with the tracker sound, especially the lead, but please tell how that sounds to you. Thanks! edit: I should also state my goal like Altermentality did in their Earthworm Jim mix post; I definitely want to submit this to the panel, eventually, so I need some ears! --Eino
  7. After several critiques, I've been told it is more along the lines of a water stage (above water, possibly with PIRATES). Therefore, I now call it Aqueous Enterprise.
  8. Hello everybody. I put on a concert a couple months ago and I thought I'd get the unbiased opinion of others about it. I don't want to bore anyone with a wall of text, so I'll let the music speak for itself. The playlist for the music can be found here. http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=0BEEA251510400C7 The first video gives an in-depth description of the background of myself and the concert. Like I said, I'm looking for whatever criticism, comments, or whatever the people here might be able to offer. [Note: as far as performance quality of the musicians, please keep in mind that there was, essentially, only one two and half hour rehearsal to pull this whole thing together, so I know there are some clear performance mistakes at some moments.]
  9. help me find a home for my style! What genre would you say this is? http://soundcloud.com/retrotation/something-retro and let me know if you enjoyed listening! :]
  10. Current Remix Version: http://tindeck.com/listen/uqpt Remix (first version) (just listen to it for like 20 seconds, that'll be enough, I promise )Another source Sound effects used By Timbre (http://www.freesound.org/usersViewSingle.php?id=1015240) tc630__psychotic_laugh_stereotypical_madness effect.wav (http://www.freesound.org/samplesViewSingle.php?id=74261) By mich3d (http://www.freesound.org/usersViewSingle.php?id=32482) BigDogBarking_02.wav (http://www.freesound.org/samplesViewSingle.php?id=24965) By Koops (http://www.freesound.org/usersViewSingle.php?id=29508) Apple_Crunch_16.wav (http://www.freesound.org/samplesViewSingle.php?id=20279) By ggctuk (http://www.freesound.org/usersViewSingle.php?id=638065) comic bite 2.wav (http://www.freesound.org/samplesViewSingle.php?id=80551) I decided to remix Tutankoopa's theme because I remember really liking all the desert music from Paper Mario, and I like him as a character- some grumpy Koopa who's (claiming to be?) a pharaoh and hangs out in a pyramid with his dear pets. I was able to recall his theme: "Oh yeah, it goes like this! And then there's... some other parts I can't remember." But when I listened to it again, it turns out I really did remember it all, because it's just the same ten measures repeated over and over again. Seriously. But I think the ridiculous redundancy of the song worked to my advantage by encouraging me to get a little bit of material to sound as good as I can. I tried to vary the soundscape sufficiently here, and at the end I threw in the bassline from Dry Dry Desert proper. The name, of course, comes from Tut's not-so-loyal Chomps that he uses in this battle. I'm still a newbie and would like advice on anything you can give me. Unusual problem: I don't know if you guys hear this, but every time the kick comes in there's a little chirping that goes with it. There is nothing in the arrangement to account for this, and I don't hear it in my MP3 render, only when I upload it to the internet (and I've tried two different places). Is this just an issue of reduced quality? What's going on here? Thanks, everyone!
  11. alright, since I haven't made (or finished, at least) any FF remixes since my besaid mix, I'm gonna jump around and continue to tackle some of the more chill themes in the series. the recent FF5 album gave me a little burst of inspiration so I decided to start there. here's the source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvECfse9yR4 and my remix: http://halc9bit.com/remixes/Final%20Fantasy%20V%20-%20Sinking%20Deeper.mp3 enjoy! i'll be subbing this quite soon but comments are still appreciated.
  12. One of THE best Final Fantasy Compositions out there, and one of my best Game Covers. This one combines the Orchestral Version and the Original Version together: EDIT: Updated. New Cover can be found here:
  13. A little rap I made from the point of view of Cyan, the tragic knight, from FF6. Also considering doing a Shadow one, though rapping in 3/4 time is a bit of a challenge. Anyway...
  14. Hey all, Cooked up something you may like. It's a remix of one of my favorite tracks ever. It comes from StarTropics on the NES. I did a symphonic intro and melted that into something a bit more bumpin'. Have a listen and tell me what you think! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-tpozUpzcs If needed, here is the source:
  15. Me Ceddy Pop of video game musician duo Gravenspine did this alone cause my music partner was absent at the time. ALL METAL, REAL INSTRUMENTS. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6YU0NKNU
  16. Ok so by request of my friends, I decided to make my own dubstep track. While this was fun to make, the production for this started to irk my nerves gettin things balanced out and sounding clear was a pain in the ass. If any of you guys have any tips or things you want to say about it please let me know!! But on the flip side, hope you guys enjoy this. THIS IS WOMP lol Edit:I forgot to mention that this is my first piece with original sounds. My favorite being the synth that's so prominent in the beginning of the track. But yeah all the bass instruments or any other synth you hear in there is mine xD.
  17. I wrote this piece for a music festival at my university, one that I later found out hadn't actually been scheduled to take place this year and I had imagined the email that had informed me of it. Lesson learned: Do not trust myself at all costs. Anyway, the song is about a hero who faces a great evil oppressing the land, defeats it but is mortally wounded in the process. He dies, and finds himself in the afterlife. After first being apprehensive about it, he accepts it and learns that the afterlife is just another adventure. Before long, another great evil threatens the land, and the hero is resurrected in order to destroy it. The hero fights his way to the end-boss and begins his epic fight for the fate of the world. Just as he is about to make the finishing blow, the scene fades to reveal the world: safe once again. http://fusion2004.com/audio/Mark_Oleson_-_Death_of_a_Hero.mp3
  18. Hey guys. I completed another sonic 4 song on bass, and it was mentioned in the SEGA blogs Remix Spotlight. This one is definitely not as exact as the others I did because I wanted to really just jam over the sexy chords. Please let me know your opinions and suggestions for my next efforts! Lost Laby-
  19. While the new album, A Mild Suggestive Moment, is coming out October 1st, the OCR community gets it early! This is my tenth "release" and marks a major transition for me and my work. I'm really excited about what comes next! You can check out the album at Bandcamp A "music video" (hahah noob) of 'brother, brother' can be found at You can find me on Facebook, MySpace and follow me on Twitter And all that (and more in the next few days) can be found at my website! Thanks for supporting me and DIG IT
  20. Title says it all. A rock instrumental among the lines of Guilty Gear music ready to be streamed. enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqhEC3kGj8E
  21. This track is off my new album which is coming out October 1st! Watch sgxmusic.com if you're interested. There's going to be a free version to download, plus a CD or extended download version to buy. It's good! Download track: http://sgxmusic.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/SGX-Right-Back-Up-feat.-Navi.mp3 Or stream it right here: http://www.sgxmusic.com/?p=291 Let me know what you think! Info on the upcoming album: http://www.sgxmusic.com/?p=295 Also, I'm going to be releasing a couple more free tracks via twitter and facebook this week before the album comes out. You can only get them early if you're following me, so follow me! www.twitter.com/sgxmusic and www.facebook.com/sgxmusic
  22. Here's a version I made of mute city for fun back around Nov '09. This was a test piece I did while first learning how to use StormDrum2, Ministry of Rock, and Omnisphere. I'm posting this for fun for your random enjoyment. I know there's a lot more than can be done and improved, but I got bored and moved on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rE_YjY9XFM
  23. Hey guys, I did this remix and I was just wanted to know what you guys think about (eg. things I should improve etc.) So yeah I finished it a while ago with FL Studio 9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kPLZXgUYPY Its on youtube, but if you want it on a .mp3 hosting website I can do that. Original: Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/u775jbml05zwan5/FrostyDiscoNoCutOff.mp3 (First post so sorry if I missed anything out)
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