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  1. Super Castlevania IV 'Castle Trance' I love the lone percussion at the beginning of this tune. It’s joined quickly by a more thumping kick drum I believe, and a strange sort of whistle sound. Then the full background kicks in. It does a little whistle-y repetition for a while, and at about 1:20 the real melody kicks in. The little harpsichord(?) almost-solo at ~1:35 made me smile. Strings and a sort of wind-chime sound bring the song back to normal shortly after. I like the main lead sample at this point. At ~2:40 the song changes to a very techno-y style for a little bit. Overall I liked this mix, not exactly memorable, but I enjoyed listening to it. 3/5
  2. Mega Man X3 'House Hornet' Imagine this: you and your friends are playing a friendly game of D&D, when the party comes across a nest of giant bees. You, as the DM, set the tone of the encounter by looping the song throughout the entire, veeeerrryyy long encounter. Well, at least that's what I did, and you know what? None of the players ever got tired of the song! That alone should be a testament to it's greatness. And if all of that went over your head, this shouldn't: Very highly recommended. (and folks, in the 130+ reviews I've typed up, that's the first time that "very" has snuck in there.)
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