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Found 7 results

  1. I'm an amateur music maker and long time fan of OCR. After a few months of learning to use a free software for songs, I wanted to try and contribute to the prestigious world of game songs. This number comes from Freedom Planet, a great retro-style game with an inspiring soundtrack. This was made on Soundtrap.com starting with a MIDI file. The first half is pretty faithful to the original, then I improvised more for the second half. I hope one day to create something worthy of OCR's high quality archives. While still preparing to invest in higher-quality equipment, I definitely can learn from any feedback. Thank you for listening. This is the original song:
  2. Hello I’m really new here. I just make my account and I don’t know where to share the music. I need some help. Me and my boyfriend start a Music Project about games and our firts work is the final song from Portal. We make this cover singing for the two of us. I’d love to share it or something but I need some help. It’s finished but I’m not sure if this is the correct forum topic and I don’t know where to uploaded to share
  3. Comment deleted. Mix posted
  4. Hello all, I have been working on organizing an Ys album to commemorate the series' 30th anniversary. I've been looking for people interested in participating, so I thought I'd ask around here. Here are the details: 1) The submission deadline will be December 5. It is not necessarily a hard deadline, but definitely do try to meet it. After this, tracks will be mastered and the album should be released about two weeks later. 2) We use a first-come, first-serve track claiming system. Just tell me what track you're interested in and I'll add it to a spreadsheet. 3) The finished album will be uploaded to my channel and made available for download upon release, and I will actively promote it in communities I think would be interested, such as ones centered around game music, Ys, and RPGs in general. 4) You may release or upload your track(s) wherever else you wish after the release of the album. 5) I would like for the album to include at least two tracks from each distinct soundtrack in the series. To be specific, that's at least two tracks from each of: I II III/Oath in Felghana IV: Dawn of Ys V VI Origin Seven Memories of Celceta/Foliage Ocean in Celceta VIII (includes all tracks from the original release and PS4 added tracks, as well as the unused tracks) You can see the current state of the claiming spreadsheet here. 6) Medleys are allowed. Tracks are not required to be from the same game. 7) While you're completely welcome to select any track in the series that's not already claimed, at the moment we are especially hoping to find people who will do new tracks from Celceta and any tracks from V to ensure there'll be at least two tracks per game. Finished tracks should be submitted to me in 24-bit, 48 kHz, -6 dB WAV for mastering. 9) You are more than welcome to do multiple tracks if you feel you are able, but don't attempt more than you know you are capable of finishing to your highest standard of quality. 11) The album name will be determined in the near future, and the art created soon after that. I've made a Discord server for the project to help coordinate things. Here's a link if you think it would be useful. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask me, here or in PM!
  5. Hey all, We at Plucky Duck Productions are working towards making our hobby game (Duck Jam) a reality. Towards that goal we are setting up a Kickstarter so that we can hire artists to create original music for the entire game (currently we're using music from a variety of OCRemix artists) and promoting our game. As part of that promotion we want to make a couple trailers to help highlight our game. The first trailer we want to create is a 30-60 second show off of the gameplay and story. We're looking for a composer who would be willing to make a sound track for that trailer. We don't have much money (hence the Kickstarter) but are willing to pay for this piece, unless you're willing to throw us a bone and do one for free which is always helpful. You can message me here or find us on Discord if you're interested in the project. https://discord.gg/966j8s
  6. Yes.... The title says it all, although it isn't video game related... It will be fun to make... I am a producer, and I'm looking for people to remix LP tracks for this volume... I have about 4 tracks done.. Points of Authority Victimized The Catalyst and Blackout... I have all the stems, multi tracks, and acapellas... Email me at. If anyone is interested in creating an original mix for the 50 track volume... here is the list of songs to choose from... Bleed It Out Burn It Down Burning In The Skies Crawling Given Up In The End Iridescent Leave Out All The Rest Lost In The Echo No More Sorrow Numb One Step Closer Pushing Me Away Somewhere I Belong The Messenger Waiting For The End What I've Done Wretches and Kings Castle of Glass Forgotten High Voltage I'll Be Gone In My Remains Lies Greed Misery Lying From You New Divide Numb/Encore A Place For My Head Powerless Roads Untraveled Skin To Bone Until It Breaks We Made It When They Come For Me X-Ecutioner Style
  7. ...............................
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