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Found 6 results

  1. Trying to get this done in time to sub for Halloween! Not too spooky, but rather chill, ghostly and ethereal. 'Spectral Lover' WIP 2 Spectral Lover.mp3 I found the source in a video on YouTube featuring the various ports of a visual novel game called Dead of the Brain. Not really my cup of tea generally, but the artwork and atmosphere is stunning. The OST however, particularly for the FM Towns port, is magnificent; classic 90s redbook audio if ever I heard it. This particular song caught my attention and I knew I wanted to do a ReMix of it instantly. Very basic, but with gorgeous chords and a simple but beautiful melody. I've elaborated on the source a lot. It was basically 4 tracks of instrumentation, so there was ample space to build on its very solid bones. Here it is: Source: Dead of the Brain ~Shiryou no Sakebi~ FM Towns - Track 02 02.mp3 I've still got a ways to go with it. I need to add some breaks into the transitions.. you'll hear where it's lacking. I also need to work on the percussion more. I'll vary it up a bit more soon, and add some cymbals, because I haven't found the right one yet I also need to work on the bass line in the major sections a LOT! It's next on my to-do list, for sure. I've also got some sub melodies and harmonies to add too, with some other effects, filter work & mixing. I've put this together in two days so far, and I have a day and a half of being able to work on it before time runs out for me to submit in time for Halloween. Let me know what you think, and push me to the finish line!
  2. Not really meant to be a full song, just sharing for fun. Feedback welcome though, as I don't have any practice with hip hop yet.
  3. Hoo-boy. Here we go. So this is my first post to OCR. I'm very, VERY new to remixing and I'd like some general feedback on this track I've been working on. I'd eventually like this to be something akin to what you'd hear on GameChops or Radio Cutman which is to say, a downtempo, lo-fi, hip-hoppy remix a la @FUSION42's Mabe Chillage (which I absolutely adore). I only have maybe half of the track hammered out so far (about up to the chorus), but I'd like some feedback on it before I go any further. Soundcloud link
  4. Source: Been playing Mario for as long as I can remember. Wanted to pay homage to the series and share in my joy of the success of the newest Mario game. Much love PS Underwater themes are always my fave
  5. Hey all, As I hone my skills and work towards getting arrangements together that will meet the criteria of you fabulous contributors, I'd like to share a very small sampling of some of the work I've done so far, as well as offer my assistance in any collaborative effort you may find yourself needing help with As a disclaimer, I should state now that the following tracks being linked may contain language that is NSFW. Listen at your own discretion. Growing up, I was really into hip hop (I'd rather not talk about the state of the genre today), so I experimented early with sequencing and drum machines. My other passion, naturally, was video games, which you'll see have a strong presence in almost everything I've done thus far. It'll be quite clear to the good people at OC Remix that these works are not fit for submission as unique arrangements - most of the instrumentals featured are meant to have lyrics placed on top and, as such, don't change up terribly often. At any rate, I did want to share them with you all so you can A) get a good idea of what I'm about as a lyricist and see how I've used a video-game-centric childhood to drive my personal flavor of hip hop. Without further Ado: The Empire Strikes Back - A Musical Emergency *LOW QUALITY WARNING* In a very NSFW track, I play Han Solo, frustrated by his love scene being interrupted by C-3P0 Sound Cloud - Buster's Word: https://soundcloud.com/busters-word Tetris - Instrumental Hip Hop beat using Music C from NES Tetris Chrono Trigger - Instrumental, up-beat hip hop instrumental using Gato's Theme from Chrono Trigger Mercury [NSFW] - Full Hip Hop Track (Beat + Lyrics) utilizing a sample from the second Pirates of the Caribbean movie Of the Giants [NSFW] - Full Hip Hop Track (Beat + Lyrics) utilizing a sample from Kingdom Hearts (Destati) (can you point out all of the videogame references??) Ship Hold [NSFW] - Full Hip Hop Track (Beat + Lyrics) utilizing sample from the "Ship Hold" from the DKC2 OST (David Wise is my hero). Let me know what your thoughts are, and if I could be of help on any upcoming projects! And, stay tuned for more OC-Remix-centric work coming in the future. Can't wait to work with some of you! Cheers, -Taylor
  6. I just want to spread the love a little bit. This project I recently finished has roots in OCR and it's time to close the loop. I first heard about this site over 10 years ago and have been following it loosely since. In the last year I completed my first "Nerdcore" instrumental album. I wrote it up on my blog if you want my thoughts in text : http://sotgdc.blogspot.com/ but if you just want to get to know me through the sounds , check out the following link : http://angrycrow.bandcamp.com/album/gametheorytothesecondpower I've also made music for an indie game in the past ( more to come ) so.. if you're looking for completely original material : https://angrycrow.bandcamp.com/album/spark-of-life-ost otherwise, come see what's new on my SoundCloud profile! https://soundcloud.com/angrycrow I know it's a lot of links. But I , like many of you, make a lot of music. Thank you for taking the time to listen! See you soon OCR!
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