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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, I'm really inspired by the many talented individuals of this community. I'm going to start sharing my work. Just drawings I've done for fun, or maybe local contests...actually only one contest. Hopefully I can figure out how to upload the files. I was afraid of this. I don't know how to upload attachments. Anyone who can help? http://fav.me/dbx9f0z So, I have a link to a drawing I uploaded to my newly created deviant art page. This drawing was for a submissio to the Graphic novel contest for san jose public library in California. I used it for the cover, with some lettering for title. I used a pencil, just a yellow number 2, and then a few gray tone Copic markers to provide contour and tone. No color allowed. I think I used a Copic liner pen for the inking. A bit of white paint for highlights in eye. You can probably see my mistake, whereI misplaced/forgot to place my mole on correct side of face. Using my face was the easiestway to get a cover illustration done, because the interior pages were so time consuming, and it was a last minute project. I'm very much into procrastinating. Hi. I wanted to say that I will be scanning some more of my drawings and what not pretty soon. I just wanted you all to know that my ugly face isn't the only thing I have to show off. ...heh heh heh. I will get the short story I did for the 2012 SJPL graphic novel contest up on this post. I actually placed 3rd for that one, and that was literally done the night before. I worked on that thing until about 5 in the morning, then had to get to work the same morning at my crappy job at Safeway. Ugh. But, honestly, the endorphins or whatever that were released from the creative process kept me going all day! So, I think by Saturday January 30, I should have quite a few more pages up. Please, feel free to leave comments. Even if you want to just troll. I don't mind. I know my own personal worth, I'm on my own journey. Thanks. Hi. I found a drawing of Klay Thompson I did about a year ago. Photo was online, and I was feeling like "i need to force myself to draw" at that point in time. Kinda like how I feel now. This was just pencil on some sketch pad, maybe regular copy paper? Just something quick, for exercise. I would really appreciate if anyone that views this post would let me know if these links and images are actually viewable to you. Thanks
  2. Welcome to Shreddage 2 SRP, the newest KONTAKT PLAYER-powered virtual guitar from Impact Soundworks! Building on our legacy of rock & metal focused 7-string guitars, we've sampled a new American guitar performed by rising star Jules Conroy - better known as FamilyJules7x on YouTube. Together, we collaborated to create an incredibly versatile sample library that excels for hi-gain styles, but is just as well suited for a wide range of genres. Using the same great engine as our other Shreddage guitars, SRP offers total control over mapping, performance, and engine settings, allowing you to customize the instrument to your liking - OR just load and play, using any of the built-in FX presets! AUDIO DEMOS LIBRARY WALKTHROUGH (intro song is me!) SHREDDAGE 2 vs. IBZ vs. SRP COMPARISON KEY FEATURES * Over 15,000 new 24-bit samples * 7 strings with a low note of drop G * Clean (DI) recordings for custom tone crafting * Classic American sound: well-rounded and versatile * Ultra-realistic performance engine * Customizable articulation mapping & engine settings * Easy compatibility with Shreddage 2 & IBZ * Built-in FX rack with amp/cab presets * Compatible with KONTAKT PLAYER ARTICULATIONS * Single note & powerchord sustains * Single note & powerchord palm mutes UP TO 11 LAYERS * Single note & powerchord staccatos * Tremolo picking * Pinch squeal & regular harmonics * Portamento slides * Hammer-on and pull-off legato * Unpitched & pitched release noises * Over 100 FX sounds AVAILABILITY * Available NOW for Kontakt Player 5.3.1 * Intro price: $119 for new customers, $99 for Shreddage 2 license owners, $79 for Shreddage 2 IBZ owners Click for more information and to purchase!
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