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Found 2 results

  1. Trials of Mana, also known as Seiken Densetsu 3, is the 1995 successor to the famous SNES "Secret of Mana" JRPG and, back then, was published only in Japan. About two years ago, in April 2020, fans were gifted with a full state-of-the-art remake after a quarter of a century, during which fan-translated ROM versions toured all around the planet. Being one of these fans, I recently finished multiple runs of that game and found the opening scene — and, most notably, the orchestrated soundtrack — to be one of the major highlights of the remake. Needless to say that this called for an "organic" extension. For those who own a 7.1 surround system, an 8-channel FLAC file can be picked up here to get an impression of what it will sound like in my living room: URL: http://via.woody-mc.de/to/AhilFIYNgjiwMgZq Player: Current versions of Media Player Classic are able to properly play multi-channel FLAC files. Production side note: The audio you can hear in the ContreBombarde upload at https://www.contrebombarde.com/concerthall/music/52536 consists of four individual 7.1 live recordings. I recorded these inone go while playing to the looped OST; later I cut the whole recording into pieces of the respective OST length and synced them up to the OST recording. All volume/intensity/registration changes are solely originating from the organ; absolutely no subsequent volume changes/fades have been applied in the audio workstation during post-processing. Also, all registrations were made manually using the stepper, where it was a challenge especially for the final chord to keep a precise timing. I know comments are extremely rare on my pieces, however I'd be eager to know whether one can distinguish the separate recordings in the final VIDEO cut, as it would give me a hint on my next project(s) in terms of fine-tuning multiple recording layers. Thanks in advance!
  2. https://youtu.be/idzdVGPMlBs It's not too often I decide to make a remix/cover of songs from video games I never played. Trials of Mana is one of them, however I have been playing it like 10 minutes on a SNES emulator which I really don't count as legit playing. What I have been doing though, is listening to the soundtrack of it, which is truly amazing! Powell is a song that has a lot of potential for a great synthwave track, I used some of it, but to make it justice I probably would have to do 5 more versions. And man, does it make me wanna play the remake of Trials of Mana! Before I started the work with Powell I watched a lot of gameplay from both the old Seiken Densetsu 3 as well as the remake Trials of Mana. It's easier to create music if you've got some initial story or a moment to focus your mind on. What I'm looking for is to get feelings, emotions, vibes and link those to an existing memory, or in this case rediscover long gone memories. This song actually took me back to a completely different game when I had the long summer breaks as a kid. We had this attic dedicated to storage for seasonal clothing (winter clothes, summer clothes, you name it), but we also had an old CRT TV, large, and really old (1980-85 ish), but color screen and perfect for connecting your SNES console to it. I think it was the summer break between 5th and 6th grade when I played the RPG Terranigma a lot. And I remembered just how I felt sitting up there solo, trying to pave way further into the fantastic story of that game. That feeling of freedom, just diving into the story of your game, no worries of taking too much time playing, your friends just a phone call away. The exact same feelings bubbles up while listening to Powell, it's really amazing actually, how music can drag long gone memories and feelings of specific moments to the surface once again no matter how far away in time they was made. This is remix is dedicated to all those memories, just waiting to be dragged out of your brain beam making you feel good and rediscover memories you maybe didn't know you had in storage. /Neon X
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