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So... I'm planning to add lyrics to this, so in case you think it feels empty, now you know why. The intro sounds really fake but the guitar I used for it sounds much better later on and at 1:30 and on it doesn't sound fake at all. I could use someone to play that part on a real guitar though, especially for the intro.

So, although very unpolished, here it is: http://www.ngst.nu/mm2bkp.mp3

And the original... http://www.ngst.nu/MegaMan2.gbs (track 12)

If you have any comments at all, please post them!


ABBA? Wtf lol :)

The chords are Dm, Dsus, Dadd9, and C, Csus, Cadd9. I don't know if it would help to transpose the whole song one or two notes down to make those chords easier to play. Or you could retune your guitar. :) Tell me if it's unplayable. You should also mute as much as possible, and play softly. The intro guitar I used plays much too hard.

The chord progression is as follows - (in eighths):

Dm-Dm-Dm-Dm-Dm-Dsus-Dsus-Dm Dm-Dm-Dm-Dsus-Dsus-Dm-Dm-Dadd9 (2 measures, repeat once)

This is easiest to play (I would think) like this: Dchords.png

And then the same thing except in C major:

C-C-C-C-C-Csus-Csus-C C-C-C-Csus-Csus-C-C-Cadd9 (2 measures, repeat once)

I don't really know how to play these...

8 measures in total. The underlined eighths are accentuated (if that's what it's called), i.e. they should be played louder than the others, since they make up the rhythm here. The add9 and sus chords should not contain a third, minor or major.

Give it a shot, and if you can't do it, maybe someone else can.


Hey, I listened to it a few times and I'm loving it. I could give it a shot and record the guitars for you. :)

It would probably better if you simplified the chords to D5 and C5 though, it's very rare for a guitar with a good amount of distortion to play more complicated chords due to the amount of harmonic overtones you get from distortion (which would make the chords quite hard to hear, especially with palm muted chugga chugga)


I see what you mean, but I really want that "melody" consisting of the uppermost tone in the sus and add9 chords to be audiable, and the guitar that currently plays them does that (sort of). If all of the chords were reduced to simple 5 chords, the guitar line would become horribly boring. But like I said, I don't want there to be any thirds playing together with the sus and add9, which means that they are reallly D5sus and D5add9... I'm not that good with chord names, haha. I guess the simple minor chords could be reduced to 5 chords too, as long as the sus and add9 stays. Mainly, I want something to conceal the fakeness of the intro guitar with, if I can't replace it entirely. Glad you like it, btw.

Hey, just try recording it your way and I'll see if I like it. How's that? :)

Alternatively, should the above prove too difficult or just not sound good, here's another solution:

4 measures of chugging D5, then 4 measures of chugging C5, both accentuating as described above. Then an additional "lead" chug thingy, just playing the top 2 notes of the chords, like this: http://www.ngst.nu/extraguitar.mp3


What makes this part akward is the fact the palm muting rarely takes on more that 3

note chords, and if you want those low C and D notes they really start to come out louder that you say you want, I will record some examples to show you the effect I mean, oh where do I send them by the way?


I might have an idea to incorporate those chords. Why not have a clean guitar strum them over the distorted power chord chugga chugga? It would be enough to just 'imply' the tonality while the PMuted guitar keeps a steady rhythm.

I think in the context of the intro it would definitely work, and when the beat comes in you can leave it out because the listener will have gotten used to the chords by then and fill them in for himself.

That's odd, it works for me. Did you want to record the whole song?? :?

Anyway, if all you can downloaded was 700kB, you couldn't have listened to it all...

Well yes I wanted to record the whole song, seems kind of odd to have the intro done by a real guitar, only to switch back to a sampled one during the verse and chorus and stuff, but it's your call. I meant that I can listen to it in my browser fully (when I'm lucky that is, it often stops loading at a certain point) but when I download by right click+ save it only downloads a small part.


Agreed, it would be weird, but I was thinking I could just loop one recording. But then at the part near the end where the melody comes through and the chord progression changes, I'd need another loop for that. If you want to the whole song, then I have more material to work from. It'd just be more difficult for you, that's all. Strange that the download won't work. Try clearing your cache and then downloading again.


Whoa, 3 people in one day! Thanks a lot, guys. I've decided to go with SirGareth's recording, since he got it where I wanted it to be so quickly and all. Thanks for trying though! I will post a new WiP soon. There won't be any vocals in that one either, I'm afraid, but I'm working on it...

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