djpretzel Posted January 9, 2003 Posted January 9, 2003 Hello, its been a looooong time since I've submitted anything. Anyway, this remix is kinda weird, but kinda cool. Took me a while to make. There's something in this remix that no other remix can have: My sister-in-law sang all the lyrics^_^ Oh, speaking of which, any off-temponess of her singing is completely my fault, not hers:) anyway, this is the boat song from Lunar Silver Star Story Complete and I hope you enjoy^_^ Information that you probably already have: Remixer: Main Finger Website: Email:
DarkCecil13 Posted January 9, 2003 Posted January 9, 2003 I thought that the beginning 30 or so seconds was pretty cool. However, when reverb and a bassline comes in at 0:44, the reverb is way to powerful. I like the synth that comes in at 1:12. At 3:01 is when I really start to appreciate this mix. Before that point, it's the same repetitive stuff over and over. The singing is REALLY beautiful. I really like it. Regardless of the fact that the underlying work isn't as good as it could be, I still appreciate the work put into this (apparently by the author's sister-in-law). YES
Protricity Posted January 10, 2003 Posted January 10, 2003 That beginning .... um..... totally... hit me the wrong way. Listen. In order to make a generic sounding conformist minimalistic common usual uninteresting and typical dance song, you DONT put reverb on the bassline. That kinda messed up the sound. Anyway, this song is extremely unimpressive. The whole thing sound like 1 huge drumloop. Are we gonna get to hear a melody? 3:00 has melody it seems. God its weak. vocals over a singular warm string. Sorry, not nearly good enough. NO
Disco Dan Posted January 10, 2003 Posted January 10, 2003 There's no A for effort here. It's a showcase, not a science fair. That being said, I'm really not digging the unproduced sound of the vocals vs. the pseudo-produced sound of the rest of the song. Plus the voice sounds like every ... well I won't go into that at the risk of getting someone pissed at me who I don't even know. Anyway, it's pretty weak, and the song doesn't really take place, until well over half way through. Everything before that being a large percussion break. Which really isn't a break, since it's not taking a break from anything. If anything, the song, starting at around 3 minutes, is a break from the percussion. But it's not a very redeeming one. I talk to much NO D²
m68030 Posted January 21, 2003 Posted January 21, 2003 damnit. when am I gonna hear the singing? 2:40 now and i'm still listenign to the same drum loop over and over. Ok here's a roll, maybe singing now? ok 3:00. Where was this three minutes ago? Oh my. Interesting effect cutting the vocals up to fit the melody and all, but it just doesn't sound good. This has some potential to be a really nice dance track with floaty female vocals, but as is this just seems like a 'concept' mp3. This could really use a "radio edit" style work over, cut down the length, or at least expand on the interesting bits and come back to us with a more streamlined song. NO
Antonio Pizza Posted January 25, 2003 Posted January 25, 2003 No. Too empty. Your drums are fine, and your instruments for the main tune are fine, but they sound more like background additions than centerpieces. The vocals are a nice touch, however. Add some more insturments, toss in some improv. This mix has potential, so don't send it to the recycle bin just yet. For now, there's just not enough going on here and the minimalist approach (if that's what you were aiming for) wasn't quite carried off effectively.
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