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Your ReMixer name – Navij11

Your real name – Jacob Naviasky

Your email address – jnav@nycap.rr.com

Your website – http://navij11.com/

Your userid - 20089

Name of game(s) arranged - Wii Play

Name of individual song(s) arranged - Pose Mii: Ready?

Additional information about game including composer – Shinobu Tanaka & Ryo Nagamatsu

System – Wii

Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site) – http://vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/wii/Ready.mid

Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. – Name of remix: “Wii Love 2 Play“. I made this remix because I thought that OCR didn’t have enough Wii remixes. I also did it because it was simple, and I love simple Midis so I have more room for creativity! Originally, this was supposed to be “80s Styled” but I sort of gave that up eventually, because people didn’t get it. I should probably have used 808s instead of breakbeats if that was the case, but I preferred it this way. Note that Skrypnyk helped out a lot, but didn’t do a significant enough portion to get credit. He didn’t want to be coauthored anyways, so I think its ok. This was created in FL7 Producer, and mastered there too. I hope you guys enjoy it! J


I give permission to leave the following link in the mix, if rejected: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/123119



Wii Play: Pose Mii - Ready?

Interesting source tune choice, thanks for the link. If you look up Pose Mii on YouTube, you can see the theme in action, albeit briefly.

The source kicked in at :23. Right off the bat, the mixing seemed off, IMO. The treble should have been toned down, and the soundscape was otherwise murky. The separation of parts needed to be more distinct with some further EQ work, but things were serviceable.

The breakdown at 1:44 was a bit spotty, but wasn't terrible, and quickly started clicking more once other elements combined with it at 2:07. The ending cut off abruptly at 4:08; gotta fix that up.

Compositionally, I'm loving it. As far as the arrangement value goes, there were lots of sections loosely based on the style of the original (e.g. :00-:22) that were a natural fit with the arranged melody. When that stuff supported the arranged source, it was great. But overall, there wasn't enough direct usage of the source tune itself. Let's pull out the stopwatch with the breakdown:

I heard the source used from :23-:52, 1:08-1:09, 1:20-1:43 & 3:25-3:48. Anything else that may have been derived from the source was too liberal and not an overt connection, IMO. :58-1:19's section (also used without the overt source melody from 2:31-2:43) could be the melody expanded with extra notes, retaining the core progression, but I wasn't sure. One of the theory majors can break it down, but either way I'm feeling pretty set on this vote.

So we've got 75 seconds' worth of overt usage of "Ready?" in a 4:13-long arrangement, or about 29.64%. Even adding in the other potential sections I mentioned would bring this up to 108 seconds or 42.68% of the track. If there's some other Pose Mii source tune not mentioned, or I'm missing connections on other areas, let me know. But having heard this simple source tune, I've got a good bead on where I could hear it and where it wasn't recognizable.

The source tune may be simple, but that means it's easier to go off the rails with it in terms of the interpretations. You need to overtly incorporate that Pose Mii theme into more of the arrangement. Use the melody with some different rhythms, that kind of thing; you were already doing that well for parts of the track. Besides that, the production needs to be tightened up if you revise this. If you like the track as is and don't want to change it, more power to you, Jacob, I definitely enjoyed it. But if you want this up on here, something's gotta give.

NO (resubmit)

  • 2 weeks later...

I thought this was really sweet, Jacob. The smoothness of the pads paired with the grinding D&B beat made for a very nice listen. This has some excellent processing and a great flow, and I think it's a lot more complex and well-realized than your Kirby remix. Unfortunately, I'm totally with Larry in not hearing enough of the source. I felt the chord connection at 0:58-1:19, but even counting that, it's still well under 50%. It's weird though, because I feel like I recognize the melody of the e-piano-like synth that opens the song, and I've never played the game. Is it from the Wii browser, or used in a different game? Maybe it's just a similar instrument as the Wii's start-up sound. In any case, if that melody is from something, this would be a pass. It gets used a lot.

Mixing is a little high-heavy but I thought for a light, airy tune it worked. The subbass was a nice counterpart to the trebly drums. I've got no clue why Larry's not thinking the parts weren't distinct. I actually thought you separated things quite well! Whatever. We both agree that this needs more of the source tune before it can pass. Maybe you could even incorporate another song, since the original is so simple. I hope you decide to give it another look.

NO (resubmit)

  • 2 months later...

Nice beats, man! I disagree with Larry that the production was really off. The high bell/synth could be toned down, and the sub-bass was somewhat too loud (drove the limiter too hard), but I didn't think anything was truly grating or muddy. Those two issues should be quick tweaks. Texturally, I thought this might have been a bit on the sparse side, with the drums being at the forefront of the mix. The drums were certainly interesting, but the same kit/samples were used the entire way through. Since there were no new harmonic or melodic elements for most of the mix, I would have liked to hear some change in the drum timbre, at least.

With regards to the source, there is definitely not enough of it. There's barely any source to begin with so if you're going to arrange it you need to be very careful to stick closely to what's there and not stray into completely original material for most of the time - Larry's breakdown covered it well. Looking forward to a resub.

NO, resub


Yeah. This is a great piece of music, but it's just not enough in terms of the kind of arrangement we're looking for. You've taken what is a pretty tiny source to begin with and distilled it further into just the two chords and then you've got your own melodies over top of it. I'm sorry, but at that point, it's not much of an arrangement of the original song anymore.

Great ideas, but ultimately it strays too far.


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