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This is the first attempt at a remix I've done in awhile now, not sure if it's going anywhere. I was actually trying to come up with a minimalist/glitch type thing but ended up with this Moonlight Sonata sort of piano piece.

LMFAO radiowar i was JUST getting into remixing this song...wanna collab on it :D:D?

BTW in my opinion I think that having a light industrial drum beat with hi/low pass FX would be awesome for this piece. And some light vins and violas setting the chord "progression" of this song would be sexy too, especially if you could add in some of your own chord progressions.

Also this song struck me as eerie and border-line sad. Why not tip the borderline-ish feeling (if you feel the same way as me) and make it more eerie and sad sounding ;-)


Background noise, metronome...The actual music is pretty, but you should record it somewhere else (and with the metronome in your ears only), or in MIDI. If you have access to an electric piano, use that. If not, put the mic somewhere good and don't use a metronome.

I know I've heard a remix with a metronome, but it could be on vgmix. A take on Kraid's theme, Metroid, on violin. Anyway, the metronome doesn't really work here since you don't seem to follow it. It might be I'm making a big deal out of some old clock that's near your mic. Regardless, it's annoying. Try finding a quieter place to record it, or use MIDI.

You've got some effect on this, it sounds. A flanger or something. I don't like it. Also, aside from being noisy, the audio is a bit short of the higher frequencies, which really hurt the piano.

It's also a bit short.

The music sounds good to me. The rest doesn't.


RADIOWAR! Oh, the day has finally come, the day in which you return! I've been hearing the awesomeness of Leafcutter countless times waiting for another remix of yours, and delightfully it is another of Super Mario RPG! Please consider me a very passionate fan.

oh yeah thanks for outright ignoring me Alex :( u big hobo. Oh wait that's me, but still :P

haha well...your idea is different from the direction I was planning on taking this...

Anyways, I think I've settled on an arrangement. I recorded a quick take in case anybody wants to hear it (the quality is even worse this time because I did it in Audacity without any effects, and I think there are a few skips in the recording as well). I'll be doing this on my electric piano next week hopefully and submit it then, unless somebody finds that there is a huge problem with the arrangement or something.


RADIOWAR! Oh, the day has finally come, the day in which you return! I've been hearing the awesomeness of Leafcutter countless times waiting for another remix of yours, and delightfully it is another of Super Mario RPG! Please consider me a very passionate fan.

aww I wished I had fans like that T_T....

sorry had to double post lol


I like what you've got here. But in my humble opinion it's crying out for some foreground action. It sounds like the piano part from a duet with another instrument. It's pleasant as it is, but a bit bgm:ish. If you want to keep it solo, you'll need more variation/soloing style stuff (precise musical therms here..). I might change my mind with a better recorded version (although this one has it's own charms).

Heh, I really dig your Leafcutter mix too!


I like what you've got here. But in my humble opinion it's crying out for some foreground action. It sounds like the piano part from a duet with another instrument. It's pleasant as it is, but a bit bgm:ish. If you want to keep it solo, you'll need more variation/soloing style stuff (precise musical therms here..). I might change my mind with a better recorded version (although this one has it's own charms).

Heh, I really dig your Leafcutter mix too!


I agree with you there evktalo lol. It IS a wip though and it IS Radiowar, so I bet it'll turn out decently in the end. I just wish Alex wouldn't make it a solo, because those put me to sleep, unless they are uber amazing. And no offence, but this source is more background music than an actual full blown melodious transitioning song, etc.


Well...sorry you guys feel that way, but I still think this works fine as a solo piece. There isn't a lot to work with in the original, but I wouldn't say it's without melody. Listen to the left hand (maybe it's a bit hard to hear with the recording quality).


With left hand, you mean the melody (first just the same note) you start at 01:35? That's a wonderful bit, indeed. (Also, the second part, where it moves to those minor chords?)

I have to admit, this has started to grow on me as it is. And I usually do like this sort of stuff, it has the kind of mood I like, good bass/chord changes, good texture on the piano, so I should like it. Now I've started thinking it ends where it should really take off.. but when a piece is "too short", I usually think you should just listen to it again. I don't know, maybe I'm just getting overcritical.. :P

I'm eager for that finished version.


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