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Well, he seems pretty upset. I guess vgmix being down ruined his evening. Anyhow, we don't usually allow multiple subs at the same time, but if someone could check his stuff out and see if it's good, maybe suggest we vote on the best, that'd be cool. -djp

Ok I've tried several (and I mean serveral times) to send in a remix here. Never once has it been posted, to the best of my knowledge.

so here is my final attempt and maybe out of all the frustration only because vgmix down. I'm certain it's not because of low quality I am supremely confident that when you listen you'll enjoy my remixes

Here is a site that I have compiled in my spare time with the songs, descriptions, and even screenshots.

It is all mine, take whatever you like and butcher the id3/id2 tags all you want.

Thankyou for you time, I do appreciate your input into this hopefully developing scene.

- Disturbed


music is my life.



I absolutely loved this piano arrangement. I don't usually get really excited about piano arrangements, but this one was just great. I loved the original song, and he pulled it off quite well with seemingly no errors, and managed to capture the creep-factor of the original song, while also capturing the ambience.

This one also stuck out to me above the other songs of his I listened to, as it didn't have any major mistakes (if any at all), and as it went, I enjoyed it more and more. I'm not a piano player, but by listening to this, I'd imagine it's pretty difficult to pull off... Although, there seems to be a fair share of step-wise motion in the melody, but I still think it'd be pretty difficult.

And the part at 1:09 where he's only playing the high pitched melody and no backing was very fitting and added to the dynamics of the sound, as well as helped bring it around to a close. All in all, I thought it kicked ass, despite its short length. All this means is that I'll have to stick it in the playlist a few extra times. ;)

YES (on this particular remix, dunno if anyone else wants to go along with it)


too many wrong notes in the kraid piano piece for me to like it. I mean, don't record it unless you're gonna do it right. That's my motto, but maybe I'm in the minority. Actually, the other piano arrangement is ... dammit. Just get the notes right! But the guy doesn't even give us a top 3 or any sort of recommendation. Just "Here's 20 songs I wrote. Let me know if you like any of them." Well, I'm sorry, Mr. "I'm too lazy to just pick one" but we've already got 20 other songs from 20 OTHER people to judge, so fuck you AND your indecision.




I downloaded 3 of this guy's works and gave them each a couple listens, the one I liked was the Tyrian one. Now, it's been a looong time since I've played that game and I only vaguely remember this tune but this is a very peaceful piano arrangement and it's overdubbed with a simple but soothing string part. There are a couple flubs but it didn't ruin the piece for me like Metroid ones did (ugh!)

yes to Tyrian


I agree with analoq. If we can pick what we want to vote on, we might as well get something from a game that hasn't been touched yet. In any case, I find what Disturbed's done with Tyrian much more interesting than his take on Kraid, due to superior playing, the tranquil mood accentuated by the strings, and the length of the piece.

YES to Tyrian


I do not accede to this kind of submission. It doesnt move my heart either that he is frustrated with either a slow submission process or a failed vgmix. Lastly, I dont think that having a pot full of 'high quality' mixes gives him precedence over any other member of the community. We have rules.

If everyone would like to agree on one song and vote, thats fine by me.


Hmmm... well, I didn't even listen to the Tyrian arrangement at first, because I have no fucking clue what the game was like, or any of the music, and since there were just so many remixes I had to choose from, I decided it'd be best if I stuck to what I was familiar with.

But yeah, the Tyrian one is pretty good, although there were some seemingly very wrong notes. Of course, like I said, I don't know the music from Tyrian, so maybe that bit of dissonance was intended...? It definitely has a lot more meat to it than the Kraid arrangement, and on that, and the dynamics, I will say

YES to Tyrian

But I do share Protricity's grief and disapproval with this method of submission. Just because you're angry that your works are no longer on a community like VGMix or you haven't been posted on OCR at all, or whatever, doesn't mean you should take out your frustration on us poor judges by making us painstakingly listen to as many of your remixes as we must to determine which ones are crap and which ones aren't and then finally cast our votes on the non-crap ones (if there are any). If you want to see your remix posted, making us go on a treasure hunt for the OCR-worthy remix is not the way to get on our good side and make us slightly happier while we review your remix. Okay, I'm done ranting.


Explain to me again why this person is allowed to let us select a remix

from a pot when we've denied people this before in the past?

Also, do we really want to list a remixer with the same name as a popular

mainstream band?


...Some very GOOD questions...

I was unaware that the judges have said NO in the past because of things like this. It certainly does make me wonder why this guy should be any exception. I mean, what are we doing, casting sympathy votes?

And while the name thing is a valid argument and could possibly cause some confusion, I'm not sure if that's reason to reject it alone.

But I think the first question definitely needs answering.

  • 1 month later...

I think we should just delete the thread and pretend it never happened. And to further ensure that no one finds out, we'll have to hack his site, remove his remixes, and we'll have to have him killed. That should tie up all loose ends. But don't forget to delete this thread if you have him killed.


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