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I've been using Reason for 7 years now (although I still haven't got version 4 yet). I'm a keyboard player at heart so I'm looking for a workstation keyboard. I've always lusted after workstations, and now I've got a real job I'm gonna get myself one! I'm really thinking of the Yamaha Motif XS 8, which is super expensive so it'll take me a whole year of some serious saving up to get. Is there any other synths which you guys think I should also consider?


Ask yourself first if you really need a workstation.

The screen is smaller, it won't run any VST plugins, and you'll need a lot more button pushing to get things done. Sure, you can hook up a mouse. Now you have an older computer with a tiny screen. Yay!

The reason people buy those is because they usually have the best piano sounds.

Consider an S90ES; yes, it's a little bit older, but the keyboard's just as good, and it'll accept PLG plugin boards; also, it's got all the sounds (it's not just a digital piano).


Hey Malcos are looking strictly for hardware solutions?

If so the Roland V-Synth is another to check out. With the V-Synth you can add a $99 card that will allow to play the full Roland D-50 on it. It also has a ton of functionality as well.

Getting IK-Multimeda Sampletank 2.5 or Sonik Synth 2 are other options.

Native Instruments Komplete will give you an ENORMOUS amount of sounds to work with for a much lower price. Although some are CPU hungry like Massive, GuitarRig3 for starters. It would prob be best to demo a lot of NI stuff first before you shell out that huge amount of cash.

If you are looking for something that is just completely kick ass this might float your boat:


Are you looking at a workstation for it's functionality or its vast array of high quality sounds? You looking for sampled or synth sounds?

The screen is smaller, it won't run any VST plugins, and you'll need a lot more button pushing to get things done. Sure, you can hook up a mouse. Now you have an older computer with a tiny screen. Yay!

I've been looking at the Neko64 keyboards, which actually CAN run VST plugins, but I'm kind of regretting ever considering them because now their main selling point is that Timbaland uses their product. They actually have a "Timbaland Edition" Neko64. Yes, I will drop support of a product for stupid reasons like that. Same with the RME "Multiface" because it's a goddamn stupid name.

I've been looking at the Neko64 keyboards, which actually CAN run VST plugins

But they're computers. Pretty high-priced ones at that, and the only advantages are that the control surfaces are right in front of you.

While it's not portable, a good desk goes a long, long way in the way of ergonomics...

Same with the RME "Multiface" because it's a goddamn stupid name.

But RME is actually pretty good :).

Hey Malcos are looking strictly for hardware solutions?

Yeah I'm looking strictly at hardware, I should have mentioned that from the beginning. I'm looking for hardware because there is a good chance that I'll be doing some live gigs in the future and I'll want to be able to carry those sounds with me wherever I go.

Are you looking at a workstation for it's functionality or its vast array of high quality sounds? You looking for sampled or synth sounds?

The only thing that I would say that I wouldn't really need in a workstation would be the sequencer. I'm looking for everything you said there though - vast array of hq sounds, both sampled and synth. I want it all. I also want to be able to import my own wav files ie. drum kits.

Roland stuff that I've heard so far is really lacking in the realism as far as acoustic instruments go. I had considered the S90ES very seriously - it's still in contention if I can be sure that the sounds are as fantastic as the Motif XS, or close enough to it. I'm going to do a lot of research/reading around before I get down to a final 3. Then I'll go and play them all and see which one I like best. This is a huge purchase so I have to make sure I get the right synth.

I know it might sound silly to some to say that I want an all in one solution, but Reason has done it for me thus far. I'll be using Sonar to sequence, record and master, (so I won't be needing that neko) but great sounds and a nice new keyboard is what I'm after. Thanks for your recommendations so far guys.


It's crucial that I do play the keyboards before I make the final decision. I have played around with the Yamaha Motif XS8 and the Roland fantom (only a little bit). But this was long before I though of actually buying a workstation. I'm just looking for any input that might help me with my decision. The s90es really is great, if only it had sampling so I could put my own drum kits in the machine! There should be a new version of it coming out soon (s90xs?) so I may wait till that one comes out.


One option would be to save some serious $$$ and get a plain old Motif 8, or if you don't need the keys, Motif 6.

I bought my Motif 6 back with the introduction of the Motif series, for something like $1600 if I recall, and you can now get them for... $650-700 used, good condition. :cry:

If you're all about loading your own sounds and what not, checking out Alesis HD workstations might not be the worst idea, as they're pretty cheap... now. Can't vouch for 'em at all, just tossing that out there.

Bottom line, if you're gonna take it to a lot of gigs, I wouldn't get the shnazziest, most expensive kit available. I'd get something sturdy that does what you need and no more and that wouldn't set you back a ton if got beer thrown at it by inebriated audience members. Then again, I don't know what type of gigs these are...


The ES has several improvements over the original, though, and because of the XS those prices have been pushed down, too.

It's really stupid. You have a perfectly good model from 2005 or so, and it suddenly turns obsolete when the new kid in town arrives. It didn't stop working and the difference in instrument quality is - let's be fair - not that big. In fact, the XS (as well as the Fantom G) have dropped several useful functions present in the ES and the Fantom X).

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