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Note: this is an example of a mix that I would usually use the rejection letter for instead of forwarding to you. If you could, in addition to voting on the mix itself, please also indicate whether I would have been correct & within reason to use the letter instead of sending this your way. I need the feedback to judge whether I'm on the mark most of the time. Thanks. -djp


My name is Nazaki Tsuniko. I'll try to keep this short as you must be busy.

I below is the url where you can find my song. It is a remix of Sonic the

Hedgehog 2: Skychase Zone. My DJ name shall be Jiyasa. My website url is

I hope that you post up my remix. I have a few more to send to you later.

I have a question. How do you exactly set up ID Tags? Because, when I do

mine and send them to people it just doesn't work for them. I'm sure if you

are really concerned about them you'd do them for me please.


Name: Nazaki Tsuniko

DJ Name: Jiyasa

Song: Sonic The Hedgehog 2: Sky Chase Zone

Remix Name: Aerial Zone


URL of Remix:


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I'm 50 seconds in and the song hasn't started yet...

OH there it is! at 0:58, we get something more than the buzz, the beatdrop and drums... wait. WHAT THE FUCK?!


Oh my...

you hear nothing but a boring drumline coupled with an oversimple beatrop and lame buzz effect for the first 58 seconds. The next 30 seconds adds an ambient-type instrument that only goes back and forth between two notes. As for what happens at 1:30, I'll leave that as totally a surprise. Does it get any better? No. You still have another 3 minutes of ONLY this to go. Nothing else is added. Only layer changes and rearrangements. No new ideas.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Yes, djp. You are still on the mark. This goes straight to the form rejection letter. You are STILL on the ball and focused. My goodness, this the second worse submittion I've ever heard. I'm not even sure this is worse than Bad Tuna. This'd be an excellent BEER mix, though!


. . . :whatevaa:

So djp wasn't kidding about waking up in the middle of night in cold sweat and tears. I'm going to give a shot at creating a dramatization of the sequence of steps that led to this marvel.

- Download midi of Sky Chase Zone

- Open FruityLoops

- Load midi

- Copy and paste notes into default samples and 3xOsc

- Turn channels on and off to create an illusion of originality

- Export to mp3

Well golly gee, I came darn close to the same thing!

If I wanted to give any credit at all to the perpetrator of this sorry travesty, I'd say that a "minimalist hip-hop feel" was intended, but I won't, because this is ripped garbage that's worse than the original itself.


By all means, feel completely free to make liberal use of the rejection form for submissions in this camp. This includes stuff that's been on the panel in the past and that's there now. If you know something's going to get thrown out right away, don't send it our way. We need to get rolling with these floods of mixes; let's not waste time deliberating obscene material on which not an iota of visible effort has been exerted.

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