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Clipping is gone, hooray!

But the problem chords still sound the same. And you've changed the best part! Something sounds off about the new 0:53-1:11 section; at first I thought it was because of incongruent notes, but it could just be a result of having no background string chords to tie everything together. I don't know. Try adding some in there; it should help fill in the background and make it sound a little nicer. Maybe. Several points in the track would benefit from more background.

As for the ending, this style calls for some more climactic closure. It should probably go out with more of a bang.

The main thing you need to focus on is the notes that don't fit together. You might try muting all but two instruments at a time to hear the problems more clearly. It might help, if you're having trouble singling them out. Fix those and you'd have a pretty good arrangement.


Well I can definitely add more background instruments to this, it would probably be better off anyway; plus I'm not sure what you thought was the "best part"... the melody was just repeated during that section. As for notes not fitting, I can guarantee you that they are all right. Lynna just has some weird accidentals in it's scale, you check you the midi if you want.

And I think I can do a big finish... I hope :<


All right, Chickenwarlord and I finally finished our latest collab:

[link removed]

Sources: House, Maku Road, harp songs

The track is separated into three parts, representing different time periods. In the beginning, Link walks through the ruins of a city. He travels back in time into a rural village and helps out a citizen who turns out to be important to the village's future history. Upon traveling back to the future, Link arrives in a peaceful city. Yay!

The title has multiple meanings: Link's physical leap through time and the village's ties between past and present. It also references a line from the Maku Tree, when she claims that Link's heart and hers are "bound across time."

Let us know specifically what you think about the use of the portal sounds in between time periods. And, of course, anything about the track in general.

  • 2 weeks later...

Very, very nice. I'd say put it up for completion once some clipping is gone. That's the only real negative thing I was hearing not getting nit-picky, so make sure you're adding soft clippers to EVERY instrument in the channel mixer.


Alright, sorry for the double post, but I touched up Ballad of Ages and wanted to get it posted with a thread bump. I didn't change a whole lot, but I made sure all the notes were in key and fixed up some chords / counter-melodies. I added a vibraphone on the left so make you listen for that. I was thinking about doing a "big-bang" ending, although I decided I would take a more restrained approach. I really don't see Lynna as something incredibly amazing; something more like a quiet ending suits it better, I think. So, I decided to leave the ending. I am kind of hoping this will be my last edit because I really don't want make a few minor edits only for it to take four hours to render again.

And there you have it. Let me know if there's some brilliant suggestion or something that would greatly improve this piece. One thing I've been wondering is if possibly the Lynna (past) version should perhaps flow with the present one, or if they are going to be separated tracks in the list along with the others. I'm not sure what the take on this is, so let me know.



I'm doing the Lynna Village theme. To tell you the truth, it has nothing to do with this song at all. Sorry. I didn't even think of the flow of the two.

But getting to your song. I don't have a "brilliant suggestion" about your piece; however, I might have enough minor suggestions to make it worth re-rendering.

0:00 - 0:18 The vibraphone is a bit loud to me. It draws my ear from the melody and makes me want to listen just to that. Also around 0:10, I think you have some either wrong notes, or some quick subdominant chords that really don't work when played in a scale fashion.

0:37-0:39 Something is off. I'm thinking the vibes or violin are playing a wrong note?

around 2:21 I think the vibes are not playing a "wrong note" but a passing tone that is dissonant with the chord. It struck my ear.

same thing at 2:38 with the violin

and 2:48 with the violin. It's sustaining notes that the melody moves on. You can hear the dissonance when the flute moves on the upbeats.

However, I enjoy several aspects of the song.

0:53-1:11 was pretty fun. Loved your take on the melody with the chords.

2:05 - 2:10 I enjoyed your pseudo-end with the triangle and then coming back with the drums

And I like your ending. It suits the song for me. Just my little nit pick on it. I think the last note should be louder. Everything else (the tambourine) can fade out. I just want to hear that last note clearly.

Good song. You really don't have to fix my thoughts. Just thought I'd throw in my two cents.


Connecting the two tracks is an interesting idea, but like Zorlaxseven said, it's a little too late to just link the two together. Anyway, I'd be wary of having two different tracks that flow into each other, because then you end up with two songs that aren't quite complete without each other (if I'm understanding you right). If anyone wants to do that sort of thing on this project, I won't stop them, but I'd prefer each track to stand on its own.

That said, I don't have much to add besides what Zorlaxseven already mentioned (though I'm not exactly sure what he means about 2:48 ). The background of the track sounds more fleshed-out now, so that's good. Just be careful about hitting bad notes (like Zorlaxseven pointed out in the intro).

If you don't want to bother making a few adjustments and then exporting for hours, I'd suggest letting the track sit for a while. That's what I tend to do; sometimes someone will bring up more ideas or you'll start to notice problems on your own during that time. When you're ready, you can go back with a larger collection of problems to solve, and then you feel like you've done more.


Alright well I'll keep these things in mind. I kinda want to open a WIP for something else I've been working on, on the side, so maybe finishing that up will bring some motivation to my head. If you care at all it's a WIP of "Gaia Rock" from Golden Sun: The Lost Age :<

Edit: I think that some unfavorables with note issues is simply mentality. I have a bad ear for key, I will admit, but I think if you have listened to the song as much as I have, it will sound a bit better. Try to focus on all the instruments at once, not one or a few at a time. I know it can be hard, although it's easier when you listen to it while doing something else. That's all :/


I know what you're saying about the more you listen to a song the more you... Are open to everything it has. It happens to me a lot. What I do to prevent that is to modulate it up or down a half step. It makes it "fresh" to my ear. I personally don't like to have too much of the "listen to it a few times for it to make sense" mentality because most people judge a song on their first listen. Still, you're your own person. Your song; your call.

(And that thing at 2:48 is very subtle. Don't even worry about it if even Hylian Lemon can't hear it. It must be that minor.)

EDIT: Forgot to mention. It's not that the notes are "wrong" sometimes. It's that you're "modulating" or changing one note from your key to get to another chord. The notes aren't wrong per se. It's just... Sudden. There are certain ways to approach subdominant chords. Like, if in one measure you have a chord, and the last note of that measure is an F-nat., then (like in the third bar of the song) the chord changes into something with an F#, it's going to sound bad. You need a way to get around that sequence of F-nat.to F#

(Note: I'm not saying that's what's happening in your song. I can't be certain unless I saw a score or something. Just saying there are ways to flow better between chords that are "out of key".)


Lately I've been practically up to my neck in WIPs and collabs (and not only for this project). That means either we'll be having several updates in the near future or I will go insane and poke out my eyes.

But for now, I have a new track (solo this time). The style is along the lines of Endless Eclipse, but a bit more brassy. It's...

[link removed]

Sources: Maze on the Sea of No Return, Ancient Tomb

I definitely didn't want to have to deal with Ancient Tomb by itself, so I tried to figure out how to combine it with another track. Luckily, the track for the area above ground seemed like it could work.

Anyway, criticize away!


I think this is a pretty darn good piece you have hear. I definitely enjoy the "spy-like" theme you have going on, it's pretty classy. May I suggest that you try an electric drumset though? I don't have a good sample / vst myself, but perhaps someone else from OCR could help with that. I believe it needs a little bit a EQ tuning too along with some effects just to give it a bit more "spice". Subtle background percussion is also never a bad thing :)


This song is a little above my level. I do think I can manage a few things to point out. Your brass in the very beginning sound a little fake and cheesy. Maybe it's a lame ear I have (i've been told my ear is really bad in this effect). I love your very... Movie-score-esque section. You have a very unique take on your music.

On a side note: I really can't... hear the sources in your song. I must be crazy or something.

This song is a little above my level. I do think I can manage a few things to point out. Your brass in the very beginning sound a little fake and cheesy. Maybe it's a lame ear I have (i've been told my ear is really bad in this effect). I love your very... Movie-score-esque section. You have a very unique take on your music.

On a side note: I really can't... hear the sources in your song. I must be crazy or something.

I've been told that before several times, sometimes on songs I thought were completely obvious. I'm not really surprised here; both songs have been altered more than usual (I squished them both into 4/4 and changed the chordage a lot to make them go together better). This might help a little:

0:00-0:07 - Maze

0:20-0:48 - Ancient Tomb

0:55-1:08 - Maze

1:35-1:49 - Maze

1:49-2:17 - Ancient Tomb

2:17-2:31 - Ancient Tomb and Maze TOGETHER (oooooh)

2:45-3:12 - Ancient Tomb and Maze back and forth (low vs. high, respectively)

3:12-3:33 - Ancient Tomb and Maze together again

3:33-3:40 - Ancient Tomb

As for the brass at the beginning, I see what you mean, so it's not your "lame ear." I can try to fix that up.

And I'll work on electronifying the drums a bit, TheKrow.

Also, thanks for the unwarranted compliments, both of you. :<


Time for a new track. TheKrow and I finished the first draft of our collab:

[link removed]

Source: Pirate's Gigue

Remixers: Hylian Lemon, TheKrow

As the title suggests, it is a jazzy remix of the pirate theme. Thoughts?

P.S. To those of you who listen to this stuff and then run off somewhere, we ask that you take the time to comment on any of the tracks, no matter what you have to say about them. If you don't have any criticism, you'll make our day. If you don't have any praise, you'll make us better. While we'd like something in between, we'd prefer the extremes to nothing at all.


I have quickly heard all the musics because I just wanted to hear what this album looks like. All of the album looks like good.

I heard the last musics on the first post. I like the Endless Eclipse, I enjoy it.

I should hear the others musics one more time, I think tomorrow because I'm tired now.


Hopefully when some more critquing gets put into "Jazz is Undead" then I will go ahead and start with some edits because there are some things I still want to add / fix about it. Then will begin the long process of rendering yet again :sleepzzz:

Please take the time to say stuff, people :/


Sounds like a Zack and Wiki track, heh. I'm not the biggest fan of jazz remixes, so take what I say lightly. The bothersome thing about this mix is that it's filled with synths that seem to do their jobs just fine, but then you've got very synthy-sounding "instruments" (like the sax) that clash with your more realistic percussion and piano. It's hard to tell which direction you're wanting the mix to go.

Other than that, it's pretty fun and lighthearted. The ocean sound effects are really nice, but they kind of beat you over the head when they come in rather than being part of the ambiance.

Good luck!


Yay, outsiders! You get imaginary stickers for posting.

So, prog, what you're saying is that the synths sound fine, but some instruments that should be realistic (like the sax) sound too fake in comparison to the other realistic instruments? I don't disagree with that. We can look for some better sax samples or make it sound more synthy or something. And we'll bring the ocean volume down a little when music is playing on top of it (I assume that's what you mean).

One of these days I'm going to have to go back to all these tracks I haven't updated yet, haha. Once I'm not so busy with collabs and the SD3 project, I guess.


With my headache I had nothing to do this morning, so I heard the entire album.

Most of the musics of this album are quiet. Looks like my headache will diseappear :-D

So, I have heard all of the musics. I have enjoyed each of them. My favourite are Essence of Lime, Dead Or Alive and Endless Eclipse.




Okay here is another version of "Jazz is Undead". I went with a more electronic theme, taking what progressive said into account, so I just made everything synthy. I also just changed a couple other small bits and took the time to make the EQ relatively decent, plus I toned down the waves and wood creaks.

Let us know which version you think is better.

Version 2: http://hylianlemon.googlepages.com/JazzisUndeadV2.mp3

Version 1: http://hylianlemon.googlepages.com/JazzisUndead.mp3


Lemony, I think what you're doing is great. The Legend of Zelda Oracle games are some of the most quintessential 2D Zelda games there are.

I wish there was a way I could contribute to this project.

Lemony, I think what you're doing is great. The Legend of Zelda Oracle games are some of the most quintessential 2D Zelda games there are.

I wish there was a way I could contribute to this project.

But there is! The only requirement for involvement is that you post your track here and accept critiques. I checked out your site, and I enjoyed your Silver Mountain remix; it'd be cool to have that kind of sound on this project. You're a bit overly modest, though I can relate to that. XD

If you decide you want to be on the project, just let me know what track you're thinking of doing, through private message or otherwise. The track list is at the bottom of the first post. Not that I'm trying to force you into it or anything. :<

Okay here is another version of "Jazz is Undead". I went with a more electronic theme, taking what progressive said into account, so I just made everything synthy. I also just changed a couple other small bits and took the time to make the EQ relatively decent, plus I toned down the waves and wood creaks.

Let us know which version you think is better.

Version 2: http://hylianlemon.googlepages.com/JazzisUndeadV2.mp3

Version 1: http://hylianlemon.googlepages.com/JazzisUndead.mp3

Definitely hearing an improvement, imo. I think the organ at 2:48 (which I didn't quite catch the first time) sounds great with the synths. The syncopation at 3:22 is really great - could use more of this.

And the ocean parts blend perfectly now. Overall, very groovy.


This song has good stuff. All I personally can say is, "Let's hope we can get some real saxes to play this." (Somebody once said that it is a crime to use fake saxophones for any jazz song. I agree.)

But hey, it probably isn't possible. So (I'll probably listen again and go in depth some) for now, good stuff.

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