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Im listening to your final version now, and I like it so far. Theres really no criticism for this. Try submitting, if you havent already...not that I would know if it would pass. What is this talking Im hearing? I gues I should read the rest of the thread before posting.

Ah, Ive found some criticism. STOP REMIXING CT GOD!!!

EDIT: Okay, the vocals have absolutely fuck all to do with anything that this mix represents. Can someone tell me what the hell...?

hmmm too lazy to read all the posts cuz its late, but I think that the starting pad is kinda harsh. I've been yelled at by the jdfgs for having bad pad samples, so if you want, try to find one that doesn't sound quite as grating. (it's only harsh at the start more-so, because its exposed, so yeah)

Otherwise, this is pretty damned good. Very nice shakers for the drums too btw...I want the sample for those lmao. Good luck with the judges man :D

Thanks. The little "shakers" you're referring to is probably just the "Hot Pants" drum loop (its from the James Brown song, but then pushed up 7 semitones IIRC).

Essentially all that the Vagrance is getting out of this review is that somebody doesn't like the remix for some reason, and that they think the effect he used in the beginning of the track may be an accident, and if not he doesn't like it, once again, for some reason. This doesn't actually tell the Vagrance anything that could not only help him get a submission on OCR, but also help him as a remixer in general. All this says is that somebody out in the world doesn't like his remix.

Please keep this shit off of the wip boards. If you're going to review a mix, please post feedback that will HELP the remixer improve. There's nothing wrong with not liking a remix, but please be prepared to indicate exactly WHY you don't like it, whether you feel your complaints with the remix are subjective (not your style) or objective (there's been a production/compositional error that needs to be fixed), and what the artist can do to improve. Otherwise it's a waste of time and space.

...damn. Nicely handled.

You know what? I have nothing bad to say about this mix. It really reminds me of something off of the Musashiden II Blademaster (PS2) soundtrack (If you haven't played this game, or heard its soundtrack I strongly suggest you do.)

So, I'll just sit back, and wait for this to be posted on the front page.

Sweet, thanks.

Ah, Ive found some criticism. STOP REMIXING CT GOD!!!

EDIT: Okay, the vocals have absolutely fuck all to do with anything that this mix represents. Can someone tell me what the hell...?

This is probably the last CT remix I'll ever do, I just had to do this one. Also, the vocal snippet is referring to lost civilizations, and Zeal turned out to be a lost civilization. Not completely relevant but I personally like it.

Well done man. This is some neat stuff. The vocal clip is odd though.


So the main reason I'm making this post is to say that I just sent it in for judging by the judges panel. Wish me luck as I now have 2 remixes in the queue


Ahh so you just went to dogpile and searched lost civilizations....well the end effect is baffling because its talking mostly about languages dying...you shoul replace it with voice acting from sesame street, that at least would be intriguing.


i am going to go against the grain here, i really like the voice, it comes out of nowhere, and IMO is completely relevant to the game. we are talking about zeal, a culture that died out. there's a connection, and i think it makes your mix all the better.

i know i am way late on the scene and assuming your going to submit this soon, but figured i would say some words. once the tambourine hits i dig the entire ending with the organ, changing rhythms, and slick bass line. maybe a bit more ear candy but my real beef is with the intro. the sound you got is cool but it is very abrupt, even something simple like a crash would help. once the beat hits its feel a bit anti-climatic...i would either try to get more contrast happening or hold back the melody and build it. its really the first section that feels weak to me. i can also hear some delays going on but they aren't really coming out. a neat trick is to use a compressor sidechained to a channel to have the delays softer (duck) when you don't want them clogging up your mix.

in all i think a stronger beginning and maybe a bit more ear candy could take this over the top.

good stuff vagrance

i am going to go against the grain here, i really like the voice, it comes out of nowhere, and IMO is completely relevant to the game. we are talking about zeal, a culture that died out. there's a connection, and i think it makes your mix all the better.

Zeal wasn't about a culture fading out, it was about greed and prejudice. Using your logic, the vocals would apply to every time in the game since they all have markedly different cultures. The major cultural movement in Zeal was in integration of the Enlightened Ones and the Earthbound Ones, who had grown up hating/looking down on each other. While I can see how a connection could be drawn, it's a stretch at best.

But to each his own I suppose.


no culture lost everything like zeal did. other cultures changed but had zeal kept going on, then 1000 AD would be a lot different. do you disagree? the point is different from the quote sure, but it strikes a chord with me and takes me back to zeal. also, i always got that zeal didn't really care about the earthbound ones, its not like they were waging war against them...they just shut them out. And weren't they the minority compared to the rest of the population across the planet also?

sorry vagrance...have to support my cause here.

maybe i'm biased too because i agree with the point of the voice clip because of my anthropology class.

but to me its like...we shouldn't lose things like zeal...we must try to understand our past better and the cultures that have shaped our world...or it will forever be forgotten.

...like floating continents and magic. come now

  • 3 weeks later...

I take back my statements about volume. Just bought a sound card, new headphones, and downloaded foobar2000 and loaded it with a ton of DSPs, so now loud songs are LOUD. Like Beatdrop's MMX thing hah.

Just thought I'd share.

  • 2 weeks later...

I like, like, like this. It's a theme that has been mixed over and over again, but you manage to interpret it freshly. I think you could throw out the melody from the original 02:12-02:17, it sticks out, doesn't sound like it fits with the rest of it. The whole would benefit if it wasn't there, and there's certainly enough source all over the tune.

The volume build up at 01:20 was kind of strange.. it to me sounds so much louder than the rest of the track, and I don't quite get what it's meant to "do." I actually like how it distorts - I'd keep that, but make the (subjective?) volume peak less loud.

Intro could sort of "come in" more subtly, right now it feels like it's starting a few seconds on. A bit of silence at the start and letting the attack of the instruments be heard. Or maybe a fade-in. I disagree with HoBoKa about the sample quality - I love that it sounds a bit grainy.

I really like the whole soundscape during the piece. Voices fit in ok. You could perhaps throw some more effects in them - making it sound like an old, just-discovered recording might be very fitting. You could even try recording it to tape and sampling it back. That would be fun. Ok, now I'm rambling a bit. Good stuff, thanks! I really enjoyed it already. In case you haven't yet submitted, I hope this was helpful. :)


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