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I think that the whole "no credits" issue is one of those things that's more of a "cause" than an actual problem with the game. I mean, if they took out an extra scene or feature along with the credits, then I can somewhat see the point.

But credits? C'mon. Yes, it's crappy that the original people who developed the game don't get the recognition and it's completely for a B.S. reason but realistically... was anyone going to sit there and read 3 minutes worth of Japanese names after completing a game, even in the unlikely scenario that you might even know some of those people? Does anyone really care who the lead battle programmer or the 5th texture artist is?

Yeah, I know, it's the principle. But jeez, making a big deal about it as if it were a missing feature is kinda ridiulous.

I'd quicker blast the game's blur problems or questionable control than bitch about missing credits...

Dude, you should watch the actual credits before posting about them, they're not your traditional crappy ass credits. They're ace, with a nice jpop song to boot (an awesome one in fact) and of course, the extra scene after it.


Really, they use a j-pop song? I'll have to track that down. I haven't heard it but it seems like it would clash with the game's aesthetic. Reminds me of those credit songs by Rika Muranaka. With the possible exception of "The Best Is Yet To Come" from Metal Gear Solid (and I'm a tad iffy on that one, too) they always sounded out of place to me.

Really, they use a j-pop song? I'll have to track that down. I haven't heard it but it seems like it would clash with the game's aesthetic. Reminds me of those credit songs by Rika Muranaka. With the possible exception of "The Best Is Yet To Come" from Metal Gear Solid (and I'm a tad iffy on that one, too) they always sounded out of place to me.

That or the ending of SOTN.



I think that the whole "no credits" issue is one of those things that's more of a "cause" than an actual problem with the game. I mean, if they took out an extra scene or feature along with the credits, then I can somewhat see the point.

But credits? C'mon. Yes, it's crappy that the original people who developed the game don't get the recognition and it's completely for a B.S. reason but realistically... was anyone going to sit there and read 3 minutes worth of Japanese names after completing a game, even in the unlikely scenario that you might even know some of those people? Does anyone really care who the lead battle programmer or the 5th texture artist is?

Yeah, I know, it's the principle. But jeez, making a big deal about it as if it were a missing feature is kinda ridiulous.

I'd quicker blast the game's blur problems or questionable control than bitch about missing credits...

Eeeeeeexactly. I agree.

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