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I think if you were doing a remix for a Japanese compilation disc, I would say this fits right at home. Not so much as an ocremix.

The re-arrangement itself is impressive (although by the third minute it starts to wander around too much), whats really wrong here is the instrumentation. Most particularly that lead square or whatever it is. Put some more mixing into it, and get some better instruments and buddy, you got a winner.


Hey, I really liked this! It's hard to go wrong with Castlevania. I really really like the first 30 or so seconds of the song, and everything in the background is fine to me...but your main..err..instrument, I guess (whatever it is that starts at 0:37) kinda gets on my nerves. It feels too harsh and digital compared to the rest of what is going on in this track. It has a good sound, but the background and the foreground sound like they clash to me.

DJ Metal


Not bad, actually I'd say it's pretty good!

Though I agree with Meteo about that it wouldn't probably meet OCR standards, doesn't make this song worse. It's a cool tune nevertheless, and I think if you made a Castlevania video and put this to the background, it would do it the most justice.

Also, I must say that the solosample that comes in at 1:00, is just screaming to be replaced with real electric guitar.


Ahh, much better. did you arrange this even more since your last post? I don't remember it being this long. Anyway, it's a fantastic arrangement. I agree with Snappleman about the dives in the solo, though. Also, I'm not a fan of how the organ takes over at :52, making the square lead simply drop out. I see what you're trying to do and I agree with the idea, I think it could be better executed. Try just playing the first few notes with that lead, or make it hold slightly over into the next measure? Or something like that. Not a big deal though, considering the quality of the rest of the mix. Also, the way you bring up the snare reverb at 1:57--once again I agree with the idea, but the pacing of this sounds a bit awkward to my ear. Perhaps go for a more gradual curve into 2:10, and have the last snare drum hit before 2:10 be the one that pops out? Just an idea.

Anyway, fantastic mix. I'd love to see this get posted.

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