Antonio Pizza Posted April 3, 2003 Posted April 3, 2003 remember the last time i sent you a PM?errr ITS THAT TIME AGAIN!! and yes, you are my favorite judge to bitch at ANYWAYS like.. i submitted some muzaks and stuff, and thennnnnn stationmp3 DISAPPEARED.. and it's been over 2 months. FORTUNATELY this time i have a mirror so i don't have to spam people on AIM and get them to take my damn song anywaysssssss it can be found at "OMG CHRONO TRIGGER O GNO!!!" yeah yeah blah blah whine whine HAVE A NICE DAY -suzumebachi aka Ty Hunter Guenley ( So ummm.. yeah.
Malcos Posted April 4, 2003 Posted April 4, 2003 Oooh, I like the filtered stereo drums thing at the beginning. And this mix doesn't get boring it all, keeps changing. The programming is good, as is the sounds and arrangement. YES
Protricity Posted April 4, 2003 Posted April 4, 2003 Well, at least his blatant drumloops are somewhat modified this time. Well! That was a MUCH more impressive suzumebatchi song than last time. I'll say that he grately improved. This song is still very repetitive but has several changes and cool techniques. I'm wondering who did the piano, does suzu play? YES
Antonio Pizza Posted April 5, 2003 Author Posted April 5, 2003 This is how a techno mix should sound. I love the fact that the mix doesn't start out as techno. The piano playing over the record scratch, the instrumentation, the REFUSAL to stick with run of the mill drum loops for this mix. The effects, the delivery... I love it. I haven't used this rating in over a year, but offhand I'd give this song 8 slices. Post it NOW! Yes.
analoq Posted April 5, 2003 Posted April 5, 2003 well the link isn't working for me right now... but i know suzu so i'll get it direct from him later today and edit this post. EDIT: arrgghh he says he doesn't have it anymore. can someone please upload it to the judges webspace or something?
Digital Coma Posted April 7, 2003 Posted April 7, 2003 Just uploaded it to the webspace, but I'm about to seal the decision anyway: Smooth, sexy synths from Suzu. The highlight of this mix is the seamless transition from the classy piano plus vinyl intro to the exuberant techtronics, bridged by the soft overlaying chorals and ambient trance FX. The sequencing shines, the arrangement is sound, and although the beats get repetitious midway in, it's fun and frantic all the way through. As a self-pronounced whore for climaxes, I must say that the ending is unfortunately a let down and could have been much more appealing if drawn-out and developed. Regardless, this is nicely done. YES
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