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Windows automatic updates issues

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I've got updates turned on (until today anyway). The past two nights I've woken up and found that my computer has installed automatic updates and will no longer connect to the internet. If I boot it up in OSX (running Windows on an iMac via bootcamp, btw) the internet works fine, so it's not my connection.

I've checked system restore, and it seems there was something called Software Distribution Service 3.0 which is causing my net connection to poop out. Anyone have any idea what this is about?

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If you haven't already done so, turn Zone Alarm down to medium protection instead of max protection or uninstall Windows update KB951748. There was something in this Windows update that caused Zone Alarm to screw up and block all internet access when set to max security. Here are a couple Zone Alarm forum threads about it - 1, 2.

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Short story is that the update in question, changes the way Windows handles DNS enough that it confused zone alarm and led to the internet lock down. If I recall correctly, it was a problem with the DNS standard and not Windows handling of it and also required a massive roll out across everything that uses DNS (Windows, Linux, OSX, and all DNS Servers big or small).

I'd check some sources so I had something to back that last bit up with...but Im lazy and I spent all day driver.

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