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I apologize if this has been asked before or if I'm on the wrong forum... but does anyone here do ReMixing on a Linux machine? And if so, what do you use / what's good?

I'm mostly asking about sequencers since I don't have nearly enough experience to record my own stuff yet, but any recording software of note is also good for posting here.



I've tried, and somewhat succeeded, doing some music on Linux. But I'm going to ditch the OS and reluctantly go back to Windows. Doing music on Linux is a hassle and not worth it IMO. You have to set up a JACK server or you can't have two applications sharing audio at the same time. You have to patch your connections on a graph. The best software amounts in overall quality and processing power to the commercial ones out there, which is a feat, but their GUI and general usability is horrendous. I've tried Ardour for a while, it seemed promising, but I didn't have enough time to sink in it to really learn it in-depth. Nothing is intuitive in there. Audacity is fine for recording tracks, but mixing with it is really not user-friendly - and it's prone to crashing AND data corruption for apparently no reason. I'm sure there IS a reason, but I'm not ready to spend hours searching the internet, downloading packages, editing config files, and so forth.

My conclusion from my foray into Linux (using Ubuntu distribution, supposedly for ease of use) is that it's stuck in a catch-22. If you want to do advanced stuff (audio/graphic design/film editing), the softwares are behind commercial ones (of course, we can't really expect to have free what corporations put tons of professional man-years to produce, can we?) and the investment it takes to set up your system - and MAINTAIN it - is really prohibitive, at least for me. I didn't mind taking a long time installing and setting things up, but the fact you have to review your setup and debug everytime an update hits any of your applications or your system - and they come really often - was something I was not prepared for, and not interested in tinkering with my OS a few hours every other week or month. What works good is the mundane, day-to-day usage - type a letter in OpenOffice, browse the web, check your emails. Yet it requires substantial knowledge in computers to operate and maintain it, such that people who would have use of it to do everyday tasks cannot really install it.

Rosegarden is apparently nice, though I've never managed to make it work with MIDI. It probably has to do with the way I setup my MIDI server and the JACK connections. Or not. There's just too much stuff to keep track of. Managing a Linux computer to record and mix audio is like trying to gear up a 70 Prot pally in WoW. You need a friggin chart to keep track of everything.


Oops. I KNEW I'd put it in the wrong forum. Apologies to whoever moved the thread for the inconvenience.

I'll look into all of those-- Ubuntu Studio seems to come with Ardour, and as soon as I have finished with that one I will definitely look at Renoise.

Also, whoever mentioned Rosegarden, I happen to have Rosegarden and I've had some trouble getting it to work, as well.

Thanks for all of the suggestions so far!

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